More World Predictions by Michelle Whitedove AUG 2022

written AUG 18 2022 by MICHELLE WHITEDOVE

First Published on Whitedove’s Patreon Aug 20 2022 as a 36 Page Report. Page 1-22 are Cryptocurrency Reviews and Insights. So this Post is just a small excerpt.

World Predictions with Psychic Insights


Cryptos should not be correlated with the stock market and they should not be dependent on “interest rate policy.” They were created to be independent of all of that…they were created to break free from the ridiculous centralized money (fiat) system.  With that said, right now, cryptos are correlated.  However, Spirit has already shared, in time, cryptos will decouple.  It just takes time.  Eventually, cryptos will do well even in a recessionary period.  You know nobody can time it, but I feel that inflection point coming.  Yes, more of a decoupling can happen in the years to come.  It could begin as early as 2023.  We all know the FED cannot do much more with interest rates before they break everything. 

No, I don’t think the U.S. is the center of the universe, but the U.S. is the largest economy in the world, by far, and that really matters when it comes to cryptos and many things--because the US Dollar is the world reserve currency, it is vital to markets.  Eventually, the US Dollar will lose its “world reserve” status--you can see that is already under way as I have predicted for years.  And of course there’s more to the crypto market than just the US Dollar.  Just think about how big the stock market is.  Team Whitedove tells me the stock market (in the US) is like $60T and dwarfs our tiny little crypto market which, right now, is only like $1T.  The stock market is about 60 X bigger than the crypto market right now. Think about that.  So, yes, of course, right now, the stock market correlates with the crypto markets…even though I would not touch stocks with a ten foot pole, the stock market matters.  But the crypto market will grow and become less impacted and correlated with the stock market.   

So in time, regardless of what stocks do, cryptos will eventually act more independently.  Watch!  Please don’t get wound up on the “when” though as it will trip you up.  Don’t get completely hung up on all of the data points either because things can change.  Yes, the data points are important to consider for now, but things will decouple.  In short, regardless of what is going on now, cryptos are one of the top places I want exposure.  Yes, I am trying to DCA in whenever I can. 


Precious Metals.  Let's just talk precious metals. Their time is coming.  By the time people catch on, it will be too late.  Like I’ve been saying, I’m always picking some up when I can.  Silver is going to get to the point where it is just so hard to get.  Do I care if it takes a little while longer to getting moving up in price.  No.  It’s like hovering and it goes up some, then down some and it can go lower, but DCA is how I do it.  Now, I’ve said this before, our friends with big money, you know six figures and more to put in, they may want to look at gold, even though it won’t do as well. 

Storing lots of silver is not as easy as people think.  $10,000 of silver weighs like 35 lbs.  $10,000 of gold weighs like 5 ounces.  Silver and Gold and other precious metals are not like cryptos where they are to buy and sell on the big run ups.  Silver and gold are to buy and hold on to for an emergency and to store the money you make because they are undervalued.  I know that seems counter intuitive to many, but they are just a completely different investment thing.  You want some and the people who are just all in on cryptos will eventually understand their value.  Nuff said.  And spirit said this again to me, silver is going to be so scarce and so hard to get. It is running out and it is not being mined at a rate right now that is going to meet demand in the future. 

If you want to get buy some now, use Miles Franklin and mention Michelle Whitedove and you’ll get the fastest service and the coins delivered within days. We love them!

Digital Currency Is Coming!  Yeah, it’s coming just like we have been sharing for years and years.  But I do not see a “one world digital currency.” It'll be a two or three world currencies, where you have China and their group, and then the U.S. and the Western countries will have their version, but it'll be digital, and this is important to note, before that happens, while the US Dollar is going to lose value, it's still, it's increasing in value compared to all the other countries' currencies.  The weakest countries dollars fail first and then eventually the US Dollar fails near the end or they come up with the digital or hybrid type of system, but that will not work either…it just buys more time until it fails.  They all fail until they are tied held accountable.  Around the globe, and this has already happened and will  happen again, people will start taking their money and throwing it in a fire, let's say, if they live out where they're cold, because they need it. It will come down to food and water. You should collect rain, buy those rain collection containers that they sell.  You know the rain water collection systems.  Rain barrels.  Sorry, I just was supposed to say this and share this.

 Real Estate.  

It depends where you are.  Many times over the past couple of years I have shared it would go up until sometime this year and then stall and generally speaking, in the US that has unfolded.  BUT IT DEPENDS ON WHERE YOU ARE and while interest rates play a huge role in the real estate market, there are many other BIG FACTORS at work.  Migration out of the poorly run cities and states.  Big MONEY (institutions) and wealthy people paying all cash for homes in certain states and areas.  Even overseas buyers wanting to protect their money from their counties currencies which are preforming poorly relative to the US Dollar.  There are so many factors that it is hard to just say, buy, sell or hold.  It all depends on the individual, where they want to live and what they can comfortably afford.  I have friends in South Carolina who want to buy on the coast and they can get a premium for their current house in South Carolina, but the time is not right for them because they are currently “right sized” and positioned well to weather the crazy times ahead, so why stretch themselves financially is what I shared.  And they have some money in cryptos which is undervalued relative to real estate right now.  Just sit tight until you have a very large cushion before making any changes right now.  However, if they had cashed out of cryptos and had loads of cash and wanted to put a little more in real estate, then maybe it would be okay to start looking for a place that speaks to them.   There are price reductions hitting the market and that will continue for a period of time…again, a lot depends on where you are looking.  

 Global Recession/Depression.  Will it be as bad as many people are thinking and predicting? Sadly, for the majority, yes, but it's not just the same for every single soul here. Some people are meant to be here and will be relatively untouched and they will be able to help others. We may have to go through ... We're going to, in our lifetime, still have to see some of this bad stuff, and it's going to get worse before it gets better.           

The Great Migration.  So many people in the US and elsewhere are moving.  In the US, so many are moving out of the poorly run areas and moving to Texas, and Florida, and the Carolinas.  So many people are migrating, and then the younger generation is also looking to live more simple and off the grid in “tiny houses”, or a tree house, or a camper, or whatever they come up with. If you are NEW, check out last month’s report and the section on the 50 STATES LOCATION REPORT

IRS Expansion in the US.   They're adding about 87,000 new employees as we are in the deepest recession in more than 40 years.  Oh, more audits, don’t believe them when they say they are only coming after the rich.  They are coming after everyone.  Some of them will even be armed, not all of them.  They are advertising this so people see it and to instill fear, but also, some of this is a way of, against our will, putting pressure on us to give them what money we have.  They don’t want you to have money because then you have options.  They really do want everyone to be poor and dependent on them.  Those in power are saying, "Okay, well we're going to come to your doors with guns and knock them down. We want money."  Yeah. They want to have the guns, but they want to take the guns away from us, so it's just another step in that direction.  

Our political leaders are taking us back to the frigging dinosaur period, honestly.  People ask me, “Are they just stupid, or are they doing it on purpose?”  The answer is it's both.  People ask if the goal is to have complete chaos, or are they just stupid and self-interested, and they don't understand the unintended consequences?  The answer is, all of it.


China.  Our government is continuing to let China buy up land. They're buying up land everywhere. They (China) are ready to rock and roll. They've already said what they're going to do, and they give you, if you're lucky, two warnings. We're going to have basically three main countries holding nukes that want to fire away. That's us, China, and Russia.  And Russia's with China.  China wants to basically take over the world. They've done it by buying everybody off, buying industries and corporations, and they're just filling them up with their people. They already have places camps built for any who oppose them, almost like that happened in the Holocaust, where they have places already set up that look like they're apartments or townhouses, and they're not what they appear to be.  They are for who the Chinese are going to collect. They want only one people, one rule, and that's Chinese.  The CCP is very dangerous and the good Chinese people need to resist them.  There are many good souls in China, but the CCP programs their people and rules by fear.


North Korea.  The little Hitler in North Korea really wants to move on South Korea, and he's going to start saber rattling again for attention, but China's going to stop him.


Taiwan:  The President of China Xi wants reunification with Taiwan. While most Taiwanese prefer the status quo, Xi has argued that “One Country, Two Systems” can be customized to accommodate Taiwan. Xi further explained that Taiwan’s socio-economic system will be fully respected, along with private property, freedom of religion, and other lawful rights. From this viewpoint, different approaches should not be an excuse to suspend progress toward reunification. However, the reliability of “One Country, Two Systems” has come under scrutiny given the conspicuous recent events in Hong Kong and Singapore.

What does Spirit Say: Would the people of Taiwan be better joined with China? No.  I understand the question, but No.   If they just go with China, any independence they had is gone.  They're going to put up a fight. Some will live, some will die, and some will try to flee.  It saddens me but China will eventually take over Taiwan. 

Why did Nancy Pelosi go to Taiwan?  She is completely self-absorbed and doesn’t understand the consequences of her actions.  She is a sociopath.  She's crazy. She's lost her mind. She's an alcoholic. She's flat out evil.  She went for family business interests and to get the spot light.  Bottom line, it was business, and it was personal business, if you know what I mean: she took her son with her. So, it was both political, it was business and personal business.  Well, let me tell you. She has done a lot of dirty, naughty things that are not legal. Can’t believe that she said on national TV “China is one of the Freest Countries”…she and Beijing Joe sold their souls.  Nancy may not even make it full term because her health is declining rapidly.

Will the Biden administration use our military to come to Taiwan's aid if China invades?  They're going to try to, but China will say, "Uh-uh. If you do, we're coming at you."

There's a delegation of five that went to Taiwan, why?  They are like high school kids in a clique, little followers and they want the spotlight but also to get their own little sweetheart business deals.   For the clout and or personal business.  Well if Joe and Hunter can do it ….


NASA- The ARTEMIS rocket Wow it’s huge! They're sending the ARTEMIS rocket out to do a loop around the moon and come back, unmanned. Why are we headed to the moon again? That's the question. Why are we headed to the moon again?  First, there is life on the moon and mars, I have already shared that many times. There are colonies; USA and Russia and Starbeings too. NASA is doing a loop, to see something on the dark side of the moon and to test this new rocket ship. Hmm NASA is wondering if the rocket will be shot down – well that’s interesting insights. Thank you Spirit.  

 But also, remember when they said that we went to the moon way back, way back, right? The initial photos were not real.  I know a lot of people worked hard on our space program and they did eventually get us there, but so many thought we did it when we said we did-- it wasn’t until later. 

But back to why now?  It’s because we need a back-up plan and because of the stress our population puts on mother earth.  We have finite resources and we are hurting nature/our environment.  The bees are dying. So many animals are dying … And forget about what you think about seasons.  Our seasons are changing.  In places that it would normally be cold, it can be hot, or vice versa. We are breaking all kinds of weather records, all over the world.  Water, floods, more floods in more places than ever, that normally you wouldn't have floods. Same for wind, tornadoes and the like.   Just like Spirit has shared for years, more natural catastrophic events called Earth Changes. Yes. By the way, the volcanoes are all becoming active like predicted.

  • Background: Nasa readies the giant ARTEMIS rocket for its maiden un-manned flight in late Aug.  The scope of the mission is to send Orion looping around the back of the Moon, further than we’ve gone before with a 3 week mission to bringing it home for a splashdown in the Pacific Ocean off California. A major objective of the test fight is to check the heatshield on the capsule can survive the heat of re-entry into Earth's atmosphere.

James Webb Telescope – a deep space telescope that has sent back new photos. Michelle take a look at these photos: What do you think? .
What!? Those are fake photos; its artwork and its basic computer generated artwork. (This reminds me of Obama’s PDF birth Certificate the Whitehouse put online as a multilayered PDF file – it was faked.)  I see that the James Webb Telescope is real, yes it is out in deep space, Spirit says that is true. But the reason they are not showing us what's really out there is because it's nothing like they've ever told us.

A Wormhole?  This is coming out, this is getting leaked out.  They're in the midst of, they're not giving up the names of the scientists though, they are opening up a ... they are opening up a wormhole, a portal, because they want to get people in and out. Well, that's interesting. What's on the other side of the portal?   Well they're letting things in that shouldn't be here, and certain things come through that shouldn't come through. So, this is a big part of the experiment, part of the reason why they need a back-up plan, other planets to inhabit AND it is also part of the reason why they want us inside.

Another reason why they want us inside…   Another reason they want us inside too is, there are more UFO sightings.   UFOs are being sited worldwide the way I shared, broad daylight. People are using their phone, videotapes, all this stuff.  Now, the government can't keep up. Now, the government has acknowledged, "Yes, there are UFOs.  They're not giving us the hot air balloon BS story anymore. But the thing is, yeah, they're acknowledging it, but they're not going to talk about it. They're not going to educate you on it. They're not going to give you up the pros and cons, because that’s for them to exploit.  That's why the good star beings are here to help us.

People need to know this. God has sent legions and legions of not just warrior angels, but others as well.  He has got all the archangels and their legions at work right now for this world, for the other worlds that are connected, to the heavens. It even affects the heavens. So, this is a time where people, need to move toward Great Spirit.  For light workers to step up their game.   For people to be more spiritual, more good natured, more positive, and this will help us. 

 “They Want You To Stay Inside.”  Another tactic “they” are employing, and I'm sure you've kind of noticed this trend.  Have  you notice how many of the commercials you see, that all the programming has been changed?  Like, "We'll bring this to your door. We'll bring that to your door. We'll bring this right to you.  You don’t need to leave your home."  They want to keep everybody inside, and they're going continue to push this by bringing out more viruses, plagues, modern day plagues. China's not done playing with their biological and chemical warfare. They're going to hit us again.  It's going to be something different and more deadly.

The US is becoming like a police state.  We have to make changes now.  All our freedoms are being taken away. They only way the can accomplish this is by dividing us.  How do they do this.  First, take God out of things.  Then take the parents out of things.  Then create racial tension and political tension.  Then silence people and cancel people who speak up.  We no longer have ... in school, they're taking away the arts. They're taking away the sports. They've taken away the Pledge of Allegiance. They've taken away prayer. They're taking away all the fun and social things that kids need to learn. They took away cursive writing already. Then, they're not learning what they need to think critically or for themselves.  You learn more from the experience than reading about something, right or wrong.  Today public schools are programming centers. Learning  incorrect historical facts. They no longer study the constitution because they don’t want children to know about America’s Freedoms and the 1776 battle. Now they are pushing the WOKE Agendas which is scary for small children. Little Children Pre-K to third grade are being introduced to subject matter that is inappropriate and unnecessary; the transgender conversation is not meant for young innocent minds.  

So, kids starting in 2nd grade are just on a computer. Do you know what they have access to? Everything. It's dangerous. Then, all these kids and other people are going to become addicts with all these games and metaverse worlds that they're making up.  It’s not good, but there are so many wonderful souls who are aware and who are shining their light.  Together we stand, divided we fall. 

Your phone is really a tracking device that you can talk on.  Think about that.  Nothing is private, just know that.  If you don't think you're being watched or listened to, or if you think that you have privacy, you're in la-la land, because that phone you have, you are being tracked. Many apps download your address book, emails and photos too. Your TV, your radio, there's cameras everywhere in places that people don't even know. 

More Lock Downs, Really? They will lock down a lot of places again. Look at this monkeypox BS. They're trying to make that a big thing.

Vaccines and babies!  Caution.  Do your research.  Babies are our the last hope, the next generation is so important but “they” are trying to say, "Vaccinate them, vaccinate them, vaccinate them." They will cause so much damage.   This group of babies are really Great Spirit’s  last hope.  It’s like, "All right, you guys go in." Great Spirit has legions and messengers here.  Great Spirit is doing so much for us, but because we have the give of free will, it's up to man to make the right choices.  It is up to mankind to understand their gift of free will, and their gift of co-creation, and whether that takes them 100 lifetimes or a 1,000 lifetimes, that's the way it works for human beings. We never die.  We are energy. 


Joe Biden is going to go down as the worst president in history.  Oh, and that's the other thing. Politically speaking, Joe Biden will not make the next term. Most people think Sleepy Joe is a harmless old guy but I’ve “seen” things about Joe that that are super creepy. Remember the movie “Eyes Wide Shut” that’s the kind of life he led.

Donald Trump is going to run again.  Right now, Ron DeSantis, is a no, even though he is exploring his options openly.  He's afraid he's going to lose a big chunk of his supporters if he faces off against Trump.   He'll wait until Trump says he’s done.  There's been talk about it. But when it comes down to it, I don't see him coming out on top if he faced off against Trump.

Why didn't Trump have Hillary arrested?  It’s not straight forward.  He was trying, foolishly, to be a bigger man and be a gracious winner.  But also it's because Trump lined Hillary and Bill Clinton’s pockets for years. Not to mention, he had bigger fish to fry, so to speak, at the time.  But now, he wishes he had done more.  It bit him in the ass big time. Believe me, he hates her, and she hates him. Oh, she loathes him.  She thought all she had to do was show up and she would be president.  She didn’t even think he stood a chance until the very end when it became more obvious.   

Republicans or Democrats?  First of all you should know it is all theater and you really don’t get a choice. You get a choice between two parties.  There really isn’t an independent party any longer.  I am not political, but I will share what everyone already knows.  People don't want Democrats holding all the power any longer.  Most people, if only privately, will acknowledge that the current Democrat policies have annihilated us.  I see Republicans taking the House at a minimum.  And they have a shot at the Senate.  Voting is rigged to some degree but the powers that be know, if they brazenly rig the next presidential election, the people will stand up everywhere, and I mean it will be the biggest kerfuffle you’ve ever seen. 

Mar-a-Lago Raid, Just More Political Theater.  Oh, when they went in, they bugged it!   Most have hear MAR was invaded by the FBI and people are asking if they are going to be able to make a case against Donald Trump and convict him?  No. No. No.  They're trying to bring him down because they don't want him to run.   Trump knew it was coming.  He got tipped off. He knew they were coming.  He was like, "Okay, I don't have anything." They said that they found some papers that he shouldn't have taken.  And that is debatable, but it's BS. It's not enough to do anything.  If they do try to block him that way, he already knows about it and he's prepared to fire back.   He is so pissed off and determined to get this next term, and he's winding all the people up to fight for him. So, it's going to be a very interesting ... It's not going to go down the way we've always done. That's the best way I can put it.  Yeah, I’ll all go down in a way we've never seen. Like we've never seen before.

Did they bug his home when they were there, the FBI? They did. They bugged his home.  They planted the bugs, but he was smart enough to have somebody come in and sweep it for bugs.

The FBI told them (Trumps people at MAR) to turn off the cameras, but apparently they didn't turn off the cameras. Guess the FBI didn’t want transparency!! And I feel Trump does have images of the FBI raid. Trump will say, "What tapes? Oh, I don't have them." He'll come up with something.

  • Background: The Judge who signed the warrant to search President Trump's home was Bruce Reinhart. In 2008, Reinhart quit his job as a US Attorney to defend Jeffrey Epstein on sex trafficking charges. You can't make this crap up.  

NEW VIRUS: Should we be concerned about the HenipaVirus that is being reported out of China today?

No, I have not heard of it, but Spirit told me yesterday that China was working on and has finally developed and mastered the next big bioweapon in the labs of China, a chemical warfare agent that they will spread.  Because in their eyes [China and the Shadow Government] they failed with the Coronavirus.  They failed on corona one and number two, blah, blah, blah well yes it mutated. But it was not the 100 Million people killer that they wanted.

Well, they weren't going to be happy until they came up with that killer, the great genocide bioweapon, the one that would wipe us out in big numbers. So it's been created in the lab in China too. This is how they're playing out their next biological war. Do you see what I mean? They don't even need nukes, soldiers and all the military weapons that they already have. They have that too, but that's how damn smart they are. “Oh, we'll just put people in an airplane and send them here and there.” What happens? They've already done it. And this one Spirit told me is a killer. You get it, you're dead. And leading scientists outside of China will not be able to find a cure for it. Secretly China will have the cure but I don’t see them sharing it though. Chinese won't be dying, but the rest of us will be. This is just more info to add to what I’ve already predicted about the NEXT big one.



World Religions -Michelle they seem to be changing parts of the Christian Bible?
Yes they are changing the bible, leaving parts out as they edit and print all these new editions. But there is something bigger happening too. The shadow government leaders have been working to erase all traces of ancient religions, revered religious statues, deities, our mystical origins and proofs of biblical events.  Moving forward they will work to remove all religions, erase all sacred texts and eventually even remove the Christian Bible, Jewish Bible, Muslim Quran  from the people. They want no trace of traditional GOD based religion, period. The plan is to have One Way, one world order without biblical religions. How will they do this for the Muslim world and Saudi Arabia? Through coming wars and just wiping them out; Sorry to say but This Is A Warning from Spirit!!

  • CORRECT NEWS Sept 3 2022 Nicaragua's Persecution of Catholics Affront to Religious Freedom for President Daniel Ortega and his wife, Vice President Rosario Murillo, religious freedom poses a significant threat to their grip on power. Nicaraguan authorities arrested Bishop Rolando Álvarez, claiming he participated in "destabilizing and provocative activities." NEWS MAX

Religion and Faith.  While I’m very spiritual; I’m not into the dogma of organized religion although there was a time when that helped me.  To each their own.  But Prayer and communing with Spirit is very important. It’s important to develop your personal relationship with God. Sadly, so many people have lost their faith. People have lost their trust in God. People are not turning to Spirit, and that's why they're getting more fearful, more desperate. They're going to get rid of our churches. They're going to get rid of the Bible. You can hold me to that. Spirit came through like boom ... I was practically levitating off the bed when I heard “Everything is a lie, it’s a program; taking people further from the truth of God”



MUSIC - Does music with negative lyrics such as some heavy metal and hip hop negatively impact you in a spiritual sense?  Can Positive music and the vibration and the Hz  create healing?  Yes, Music is a frequency a vibration and it affects your brain. There is so much to frequencies and health. Many benefits only now just being discovered and proven. The right frequencies are complimentary to Gods energy. And they can even kill viruses. Yes. There is so much to this and it is not really new. Music therapy is proven more effective than drugs for pre surgery relaxation. There are frequencies which reduce anxiety and help heal.  Different Hz are different frequencies, you can feel it.  

Even the words that we are singing. You're putting that out there. Right?  Be careful what you say and sing because words are powerful.  Especially now. First of all, you better have the pure intent. Whatever you think, whatever you say. It manifests - you are putting those song lyrics out into the Universe!  So monitor yourself every day because your words are so powerful. 

Death Metal and Gangster Rap I can't stand that music but some people love it although it's not healthy for you. It's angry music with a low vibration. There's a reason that our government uses it in torture. Yeah, and the same with some really angry, negative hip hop music. Today’s  music can be positive and uplifting, but some music can be really negative and dark which only helps to create more emotional depression. No, it's terrible. I don't like it. Remember the old adage; Music can soothe the savage beast; it’s true. Please make an effort to listen to uplifting music; it helps you on many levels.            

Background Info:             
528 Hz Frequency


I hope you found this report enlightening,
sending you all Love and Light,

 Michelle Whitedove
Author | Teacher | Seer