World Predictions July 2022 by Michelle Whitedove

Written July 19 2022 and first posted in Whitedove’s Patreon
this is an excerpt of the 44 page report


 by Spiritual Medium Michelle Whitedove


ECONOMY: As I said in the opening, there is a substantial event that shocks people in September.  It feels “bittersweet.”  Some will be celebrating and then a secondary event happens something big and others will be upset.  I need more clarity on this so we will see if this is still probable when I do an update next month. 


THE WEF Climate Change Rules are being enforced by Countries

FARMERS in Italy, Netherlands, Germany, Poland Spain are protesting the WEF rules to put them out of business. And taking their land.   Farmer Protests So why does the WEF want people to stop farming?           

 No Farmers equals No Food. Sadly this is about total control and to a degree it is also about population control. Control the food then you control the people. SO in a way this is a WEF test, we are their lab rats in so many ways. Think about it. We're tied into all these man-made systems that we know are flawed and not working, and people get that. They see that, but nobody can seem to come up with the solution. Now they're trying to control our food and leverage that. They're trying to. That's why I said it would come down to food and water, and when it comes down to that you're going to see people do crazy shit … most people are just three meals away from crazy. Take an otherwise nice person and don’t feed them for three days and see what you get. Seriously! 

It's the Powers That Be and the World Economic Forum. They have these rules that they're trying to get implemented all over the globe. So, you saw what happened with Sri Lanka, right?

Sri  Lanka just basically fell:  

 UPDATE Aug/2/2022 Panama Gas and Food Riots happening now but we are not seeing this on TV

 Sure, we humans impact the environment negatively and cause damage. We do have a negative impact on the environment, but it's not like the World Economic Forum is saying. They're pushing all this agenda for more control. Meanwhile flying their big personal jets across the globe  – you can bet that their personal Carbon footprint is much larger than ours. “Rules for thee, not me.” 

So it's that simple. How do they want to do this: they take away freedoms, and Freedom of speech. They divide the people. They take away the guns. They “program” us.  They create debt.  They control and reduce the food and water.  Literally they want to starve us out by the millions. Spirit says they plan to produce subpar food. Mark my words, when there is a global collapse and food shortages , they're going to say, "Well, if you take this pill for breakfast, here's one for lunch and here's one for dinner. You'll get all your nutrition that you need." I'm not joking.  Spirit showed me that.  So I’ll be sure to continue to stock up on my Garden Of Life Organic Fruit Gummy Vitamins and add those to my prepped pantry.  

RESIST: They take our away freedom. They want our lands.  They cut energy production and take away the energy. Making it difficult to travel for people and for Truckers to deliver food. Everything the World Economic Forum or “the powers that be” are doing is to gain more control. We are their prey. Those are the goals--control, domination and our submission.  RESIST Stand Up, Speak up!!  Peaceful protest.

The World Economic Forum. A lot of these questions are related to the WEF, the World Economic Forum because they're the ones that are driving this Green New Deal and this buying up the farm land along will Bill Gates and all this stuff. Well, the WEF has so many of their indoctrinated people in places of power for example: Trudeau Canada’s Prime Minister, he's part of it. Jacinda Ardern PM of New Zealand, Emmanuel Macron the French president, Italy’s PM Mario Draghi, Boris Johnson, former PM of the UK, even though they're going to replace him with another person.  And there are many more of WEF people in business and government positions from the top echelons to the bottom. WEF Young Global Leaders Program They are supporting each of other to come up through the ranks introducing rules, regulations that fall in line with the WEF plan of the Great Reset as Klaus Schwab outlined in his books: The Fourth Industrial Revolution and The Great Reset.  It is an ego driven group and these elite at the top want to rule the world and own everything. We The People – they want us gone or submit to their whims. 


THE WEF & TRANSPORTATION  The climate change agenda and reducing fossil fuels is at the top of the list for the World Economic Forum, and it's being supported by many countries, as we know. It seems like they have an agenda to take our cars away from us?  Yes. It is true. Good luck.  There are over 100 million cars in the US and you cannot replace all of them with electric cars.  And our energy grid couldn’t even handle it if you replace 10 percent with electric cars.  They haven’t thought any of this through.  It’s insane.  Spirit says the WEF, One World Government, The Shadow Government, they do not want us to own cars in the future. It’s insidious; they target us from every direction. Car Computer chips scarcity. Car Parts Scarcity. USA’s Oil Production and Exploration took a big hit the moment Joe Biden took office, from day one. Recently I’ve even noticed the large increase in the Green Bike paths being created, have you?  


  • They passed H.R.3684 - Infrastructure Investment and Jobs Act  and by 2026 all new cars will have a kill switch under the façade of safety although it is about monitoring and controlling the masses. “Section 24220 of the bill requires all passenger vehicles to have a passive monitoring system that will record various aspects of the driver's behavior and use an algorithm to decide if the driver can operate the vehicle, all under the guise of reducing drunk driving.Article

  • WEF & Uber unite 

  • BMW to offer Lux Brand Subscription Service You own the car, you own the Heated seats but you need to pay for them monthly to work. IF we don’t protest we will allow  “LIFE as a Subscription service” Klaus is right: You will Own Nothing.

  • BIKE Lane Expansions: Chicago $17 million for 100 miles of new and upgraded bike lanes. Do your research it’s happening everywhere.

Millions of miles of Bike Paths being added in the USA - Predictions by Michelle Whitedove

Italy, mass protests calling for the resignation of their World Economic Forum Prime Minister, Mario Draghi. He offered to resign, but the Italian President said no. Will the Italian people kick out the World Economic Forum puppet?  Sadly Italy is in for more of the same.


How can we stop these people, this World Economic Forum and their agenda?

We can only stop it in the way, believe it or not, just like the visual that I saw with Sri Lanka, where all the people outnumbered the government. They had no food, no water, no gas for cooking, no gas for vehicles. We really have to stand up, band together and really kick them out. Why? Voting is not working. They just replace one WEF politician with the next one – they are not being Elected, they are being Selected!!! Yes, yes. That's the only way; a Revolt, a revolution. We outnumber them greatly!! Look, a revolt does not have to be violent, but these Globalists must be pushed out!  

Voting isn't working. Look at France--Macron had such low approval levels yet he magically won the election. It’s all Rigged!!!  This is why this is happening. We had plenty of warnings. We had plenty of chances to make the voting system right. But the rig the voting in different ways and influence the outcomes.  And they even have programmable machines. I’ve been talking about this for years.

England’s Boris Johnson, Prime Minister. is also a WEF member.  He just resigned because the People demanded it for his Long Covid Lockdowns and more. What is next for the people of England?  Do you see the next Prime Minister lifting them up, or being more of the same?  Sadly the UK is in for more of the same with another World Economic Forum person just like Boris. One that will want lockdowns, just like Canada and Australia – all of the Queens men seem to be WEF puppets! See the Pattern; Selected Not Elected with rigged voting.

Just say NO


CHINA ON THE MOVE -  We’ve already shared and predicted that the CCP will invade Taiwan at some point. Yes, China is going to invade. First of all, China conquered their own people, okay? Which means they cleaned house with their own people. And now China is already moving in on all areas. Let's say, they want to get that area first, they're still gunning for and coming to the USA. And they already own us, the US government sold us out, to the CCP of China but I’ve revealed that before. It’s disgusting!!

China - they're making their own cryptos, they're even talking about another currency, separate from what they have now. 

I’m talking about the CCP.  There are many good souls and people in China but they are led by pure bad.

China's like, you know where they keep the Himalayan Mountains, The monks, what area is that, Tibet, Nepal and Bhutan; China will infiltrate them too. China’s plan is to take over EVERY ASIAN COUNTRY!!! Spirits says Japan, Korea, Taiwan, really all other Asians, because they want to be the only dominate race - Chinese. I hear the plan: Screw the Koreans, screw the Philippines, screw Japan, screw Taiwan, screw them all!!  The Government of China is racist and wants to lay claim to all Asian countries and territories  – then erase all other Asian cultures and all Asian religions– their goal is for the Chinese Culture to be The Only Asian Culture.  So be on alert and know that is the CCP’s master plan.

Then Russia is being played by China and... played and paid. And then the same with us in the USA.  Our greedy government made a deal with Russia on the down low that wasn't straight, and it finally came out, everybody was like, "Bullshit. Bullshit."

But what I'm saying that really is concerning me a great deal, is that Spirit said all of these things are happening at the same time and on many different fronts.

And then you have so many people that are so fearful because they're watching this bullcrap on TV, this  fake news, and, "Oh, in New York, we got to get ready for... the big one"  New York is a Target, has always been a Target.  It’s one of our financial capitals, Elis Island  and the Stature of liberty is the symbol of American freedom; something is cooking there – I do see a hit, but as of right now, it’s not a nuke from Russia.

What I'm saying is they're putting the fear propaganda out there to work... our government is pushing  fear, fear, fear. Really the government, period. They want fear, fear, fear. Fear, fear, fear. So we stay inside, shut our mouths, and do what they want us to do. The government, on all levels, is fear based so that you will buy into it, the nightly news is programing you to be fearful... they're trying to reprogram you to buy into their new program of a one-world order. Well, they can take a hike!!!  Because every soul is different, and I'm not anybody's slave, and God didn't send us down here to watch the CCP kill everything and treat people like they do – Lockdowns that starve people to death, bulldoze homes, steal their life savings in local banks, and organ harvesting - It's against all the rules. An abomination to God

As Spirit said China, meaning the CCP, they will invade Taiwan at some point, no timeline on it, but they will.  They're going to invade all areas. Yeah. But who they really want is the USA!!! They have been and are buying up our land and our businesses now. Why is that allowed?

Spirit says the CCP is worse than Hitler, President Xi Jinping  he's worse than all of them, he wants to dominate of the whole flipping world. He wants to have not only China, he wants to have all of that area. The Old World, you know? Even as far as... I've actually, people that are in our Patreon, there was one guy that said, "Yeah, I had a very vivid lucid dream of China, the tanks in China and seeing Asian men coming over, rolling up on our land in America."   No, I don't see that at this point, not at all.  But they're doing it in the way that was so underhanded and sly that nobody really caught it at first. But they have been buying up some ports, they're buying up farmland near US military bases, they steal our intellectual property, they’re buying up our businesses and sending many Chinese people here to work. I just heard that there’s a resort hotel on Fort Lauderdale beach that employs an All-Chinese staff !! When did that become a reality?  Again, I like Chinese people as much as I like all people, but the CCP is bad, I’m talking about the people that belong to the CCP.


The CCP is buying up all the land that they can buy up in the USA,  Ireland, England, of course with the belt and road progress they pretty much run Africa now. That's how they get you first with their promises of wealth, money and infrastructure! CHINA IS THE PROBLEM – the CCP has no regard for Human Life or God!  They are trying to work those deals in Australia too!  China is trying to buy government officials and the CCP is a big part of the WEF. But they will brush the WEF aside when needed.  For God’s sake President Xi Jinping was their keynote speaker in 2022!! The CCP will allow the WEF to put these CONTROL LAWS into place because it only makes it easier for them to move forward. But let me say this: these Godless Evil People want to take over, but then they will clash – their greed for world power will eventually turn them against each other.  Dark Chaos battling Dark Chaos for power – none of them truly want to work together because their own end goals are selfishly different!! That’s the irony!

How Long Has Spirit Been Warning me about CHINA? Since 2007!

 The United States & BIDEN

USA – it just went public back in April 2022 the Biden administration in the United States has reportedly sold over a million barrels of oil from our Strategic Petroleum Reserve to a Chinese state-owned company that had received a $1.7 billion investment from BHR Partners, one of the equity firms owned by Hunter Biden. The US Energy Department claims that the action will help American consumers and offset “Putin’s price hike.” There is so much corruption Michelle, How can we get Joe Biden out of office? Do you see him finishing his term?
Can we get Joe and Kamala out?  

Well, like I said before in these reports. I don't know if Joe Biden is even going to make it through the four years, but we can't have Kamala! So either, I mean, he has a stroke or he is incapacitated or something. My guess is they'll just keep him as a puppet for the four years and then they'll be an election.

There's always impeachment or what they did to Nixon. They leveraged everything they had against him and he packed up and resigned!!  But Spirit is telling me he is so close to dropping dead at any time, but I can't give the exact date and time, but I think Spirit is going to allow him to finish the four years because Spirit doesn't want the Vice President to get in that position of President,  Kamala Harris, Spirit said she's straight up bad, rotten to the core, evil really. They don't want it. I'm saying from what Spirit told me is they're almost keeping him there as a puppet that can't even speak really and all that. Then they gave him all the vaccinations, so he's not fully cognitive …as we know!!  His aura is gray, his  life force is low like he could die at any time, but I think the government is going to let this play out with him and then he's not going to be re-elected, obviously. Everybody hates what he is doing.  

Could he be Impeached by the Republicans before he's done? Well there is a chance. Spirit is telling me that they'll threaten him like, "Hey, you're going in too much, too strong," but because he does have dementia that's progressively getting worse, he does stupid things because he’s not really all there. Do you know what I mean? The people want him out. That's for sure.  Look he is defiantly influenced by China and Russia, and he has his hand in the cookie jar with Ukraine. All the funds with him and Hunter Biden have been intermingled, so that's likely impeachable. There are probably a number of things they could try and impeach him on.     Yes. Can they do it? Could it happen? Yes, but I don't know. I don't see that as the end game for Sleepy Joe.  

Spirit said there's a chance he may not finish his four years, so it's interesting. Yeah. It's just like he's an inch away from death. You know what I mean? Joe Biden’s physical health it's a lot worse than  people think. We know he has cognitive issues – everybody saw the Easter bunny lead him around and that is nothing compared to what is going on behind the scenes. Biden, he'll just be propped up for a couple more years. They'll keep him breathing for a couple more years if they can; but life and death, well that’s in God’s hands.

 Will the Midterm Elections happen in the U.S. (Nov 2022)?  Yeah, they will happen.

Remember Years Ago when I predicted we would eventually see The Draft again in the U.S.?   Meaning that we would at some point no longer have an all-volunteer military in the U.S.  Everyone thought I was crazy when I shared that, but you might start seeing signs how that can come about.  Our military is having a hard time getting recruits.  It’s worse than it has been in about 50 years.  At some point, The Draft is coming.

Do you see any major events happening in the northeast of the US, particularly NJ?  Yeah, New Jersey's going to  get hit with some really bad storms, also blackouts, power outages and failing power grids and flooding. One day the Jersey shore will be taken back by the sea, but that is off in the future.  


USA AT WAR – for many years Michelle you have seen Civil War on the horizon for the USA. Now Russia made a veiled threat that they may want Alaska to be returned to them: do you see in the distant future any US States that become Russian occupied like Alaska or California? 
That won't happen.  And I don’t see it in the distant future, none of the US states will become Russian military occupied, no, not Alaska or California – NONE.


RUSSIA IN UKRAINE  Well Putin pulled out all his cards except for the nuke, and look how far they got? So Putin is not looking that great; his troops and strategy was not what he thought!  But I feel bad for the good people in Ukraine and what's happening. But even now I don't see them totally, even at this point in time, I don't see Russia totally invading Ukraine and dominating it. Not yet at least.

China played them,  "Yeah, go head in and attack Ukraine”, Russia and China assumed that Russia would do better than they did. But either way, China wins, because the USA is sending all these arms and money into Ukraine, depleting our stockpiles, and that just makes us weaker to defend, whether it be Taiwan or any other place, against them.  So it's a great play from China, they don't care how bad Russia looks, their strategy is the USA is being weakened by this thing through expense and through weaponry. Meanwhile we are turning into a third world country.


Are there any White Hats / Positive Alliance working for the common good of mankind?  I know, we have to BE the Change, we want to see in the world.  Still nice to know if "White Hats" are real?

Yes just like we have bad guys, there are the good guys working hard to make a difference. The people on the fringe use the terms Spooks and White Hats for recruiting but the really good ones are scientists, inventors, coders, ethical hackers, whistleblowers and those that do espionage must stay quiet and remain secret in their work for the betterment of humanity. That’s all I’m going to say!

Record high Temperatures this summer and record low temps in this coming winter. Be ready! And crazy hail storms will be reported.

As I predicted before it was happening there will be more Blackouts across the globe. Even here in the USA there's going to be blackouts, waves of blackouts all over and even on the East Coast, even going up to the Northeast Coast too. Sadly some governments will do it on purpose. Then there will be power outages because of catastrophic storms and natural disasters.

GOT FOOD?  Spirit has been sharing for years, “food shortages globally.” I blogged this in 2007: You must learn to be self-sufficient be able to grow your own food, have your own water supply. You don't need to horde food, but everyone should have a well-stocked pantry. INSIGHT: The self-sufficient gardener LINK  


Diet and exercise can play a significant role in your immune health. Learn how to take care of your health, how to boost your immune system, what diet might be right for you, and much more from Dr Lynn Lafferty  Let food be thy medicine and see what you can grow with Dr Lynn Teaches online Wellness courses - Learn How to build your Immune System from your Kitchen - WATCH these FREE VIDEOS and sign up for these educational courses to improve your wellness! Learn how your immune system works and what food you can use to fight off infections. You will be surprised to learn how many antiviral and antimicrobial products are already in your kitchen.  We will show you how to unlock the healing properties, and teach you how to make soups, infusions and other foods which will help build your immune system.  and you can take her course

And remember Spirit said “it's already happened, the virus has mutated.”  Remember when I predicted way back in early 2020 that the virus will mutate.  Remember way back when spirit had me share, “now it's a different virus. And it's airborne. And they did this as a test using us as lab rats to see how the people would react, and see would they listen?”  And, “THEY” are going to do this again.  Spirit said Something worse is coming.  In my Patreon Report Nov 9, 2020 Spirit gave me this information and we published:

“Spirit has shown me, we are in biblical times.  Remember in Jan 2020 on a live show, I said to you that Spirit said, "Listen, this is a plague."  But the next one will be worse, and the next one has a higher mortality rate. Oh, it's coming. It's already here, meaning that they have already developed it. The symptoms are more severe, and a higher mortality. The other day Spirit showed me the symptoms, it’s going to feel like burning on the inside, internal organs affected, reddening of the skin rashes and even boils.  There is no cure. The first ones to get it are the weakest people, ones that already layers of health issues, underlying conditions, mostly, and sadly the weak and elderly. Those that have a weak immune system; it’s awful, believe me, people will want to be prepped and stay inside for this one! No matter if you are vaxxed or unVaxxed take time to  Build your immune system now. <get high quality supplements – it’s that simple

 Don’t forget to be the “gray man” as I have been writing about for 4 years now!  That means, blend in.

Just a reminder to “Live your Life like a Prayer.”  We all need to spread light where ever we go.  God needs to have hope in his children. We need to bring Great Spirit that hope and light…and that's what keeps us right.

Sending you Love and Illumination,

Michelle Whitedove
Celebrity Psychic Spiritual Medium and Author

Join me on Instagram for lighthearted Inspiration

May God Protect you