Michelle Whitedove

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2020 Global Predictions and Psychic Insights with Michelle Whitedove

Written January 14-18, 2020
by Spiritual Medium & Futurist Michelle Whitedove

Excerpted, as Published in THE WHITEDOVE REPORT SPECIAL EDITION 2020 - released on Jan 24th, 2020 (a subscription service) $99 for the 88 Page Report

The Theme for 2020 Will Be “Glimpses of Hope, But A Roller Coaster.” 
Right now I see 2021 Will Be “Glimpses Of Confidence and Belief”,

but now is not the time and I will refine that prediction later.

I feel fiery. I feel like I'm in the right spots of the zone. Let's go.  I want to share this, Spirit keeps repeating so I get it right for you:

GLOBAL PREDICTIONS for 2020 and Beyond
by Michelle Whitedove written January 14-16, 2020

Published for Sale on Jan 24, 2020
General Overview:  There are so many things this year to cover.  It’s a heck of a roller coaster ride. But remember, love and light always wins in the end.  I will be honest and forthright and fully disclose what I am shown, but never let it stir fear in you.  You are protected and you create your reality.  You are blessed with the divine right to co create your heaven on earth. 

There will be lots of amazing and beautiful things to see and focus on if you choose.  And there will be lots of things on the other side of the scale too.  It's almost because we're having so many natural catastrophic events and then also the government, the shadow government using us as little guinea pigs, we have a lot of things that are happening that are by no means good or coming from love and light.

Here’s an overview, but focus on the good around you and in you:

It's a cleansing and a purging time, and for really the light and the darkness to separate. Those that are coming from love and light and who are good people will be fine. Those that are dark will try to influence us or try to take us out. Hence why prayer is so important and meditation and a pure intent. Charity too. Like if I get something, and many know, I always say, "I just want to give to charity, one thing or another." It's a give and a take.  When I receive something, I give something.  Balance.

According to Chinese New Year, 2020, it's the year of the Rat. The year of the Rat outlook shares, “It's going to be a strong, prosperous, and lucky year for almost all that show determination regarding their goals, aspirations, and even their hobbies.” 

I agree, “This is a great year for founding and evolving. Those who plan to buy real estate, to start a business, or to invest money in a long-term project have great chances of being satisfied in the future. But beware, this type of initiative will only be successful if they are carefully planned.”  And, yes, this resonates with me, if they're coming from a pure intent.  It's spot on.

So that’s kind of the theme for Chinese 2020 New Year AND here is the theme FOR 2020 I get from Spirit: The Theme I Get From Spirit For 2020 Is:  “The need to wake up spiritually and walk your talk, live it.”  Darkness is rampant, and they look to either flip you, meaning to the dark side, or take you out. That's the truth. So we have to be vigilant, and that's why I'm a bit hesitant on some of these global predictions, because some people are going to read it and go, "Oh no, if this happens, there's no hope." But that is not true.  So please know that there is hope, this is just awareness and there is always the light at the end of the tunnel.  Often, we can be that light. 

I still see is a breakdown of all the man-made systems, they are breaking down. That doesn't mean it happens in one year, but it's already happening.

I see an increase in crime, and increase in suicide, people just dropping dead, not even those you would think, like "Oh no," young.

  • CORRECT Jan 23 2020 an unknown pneumonia outbreak in Wuhan China caused people to drop dead in the streets called the Wuhan Virus soon to be known as CoronaVirus Novel. For 76 days  the Chinese city of Wuhan, was shut down and much of the surrounding Hubei province, 

  • CORRECT March 27 2020 (Federalist.com NEWS) Suicide Knox County, Tennessee saw nine deaths by suicide within 48 hours this week as doomsday predictions over the novel Wuhan coronavirus panics an already anxious public and leaves millions unemployed and isolated.

Banks are going down or joining with one another. Airlines will go out. And more planes will crash than ever. Basically everything that is negative, unfortunately, and we could go down the list, is at an all-time high.  Yes more power outages too.  More on that later.  Really so much I want to break down and get specific on AND I will.

But don’t make that your focus.   Be aware and be grounded spiritually, be around the right people, stay positive.  You've been given the plan to make the steps for preparation and that, listen, and have your backup generator in case power goes out. Have some food stored. You have water stored.  You have your candles and flashlights and batteries and the basics.  Your protection plans.  Stay positive.

This year is the year to do this. If people don't do it this year, they're going to have their tushes handed to them and that is just me giving it to you straight and being “THTK,” Totally Honest and Totally Kind.

This is the year to jump on board and make things happen, make your dreams come true. Dream big, and if not, people are not going to be ready, bottom line.

But I feel this is positive because as there are things crumbling, they need to.  Out with the old and corrupt systems and in with the new (in time).  Room needs to be made for new and honest systems.  And as this is going on, you have free will, and you co-create your reality. These are the things you can do with your thoughts and words, and through prayer and meditation.  I wish they would look to the hope more than the fear.  You can do that.  Now, let’s move on to some more specific information and predictions. 

Today January 14, 2020 there was an earthquake in New York, a 4.1 and it was felt all the way to Baltimore Maryland. Plan on more earthquakes like this and in unconventional areas. Yes, there are going to be more and some major earthquakes this year.  The Ring of Fire, and Hawaii which is in the center of the ring of fire. Also, the West Coast, California. And we're not talking THE BIG ONE in L.A. yet. In 2020 It's not the big one that wipes them out, though it partially wipes them out. But over time, it's just going to get worse and worse.

There are man-made reasons for Earthquakes too – yes, some natural and also some caused by fracking, which is done out of greed. It destroys the Earth by rupturing the ground and lets the natural gases and oils run into much needed waterways which can ruin the land and make animals and people sick.

Again, there are natural reasons for the Earthquakes too – The Earth’s magnetic poles have shifted and are still moving, the tectonic plates which cause a shift in the land masses and volcanoes too. That is all going to happen. Actually, all of this stuff I'm addressing is already happening, Yellowstone is rumbling.

But the problem is, people watch the TV news, CNN, FOX, ABC, CBS and see only what the major Media Corps want you to see – their version of the Days’ Stories. But all our news is a distraction. They're like, "Here guys, look at this." Because, they don't want us to see what's really happening in the world. For example, right now, we're having rioting and protesting against the governments around the globe in – India on citizenship, Pensioner’s in France, Hong Kong wanting democracy, Pensioner’s in Chile, Anti government in Iran, Teachers in Tallahassee and farmers in Dublin. It’s already the people against the government and their decisions. That's happening on the grand scale in Europe, the old world right now, Asia and the Middle East.  Some in the old systems are dumb founded by Trump winning Or leaders in Italy winning or Brexit.  It isn’t always so much a vote for something but often a vote against the old broken ways which have clearly failed. 

We the People” are in a transitional period of upheaval. Pick any place around the globe.  Europe, Aisa, The MIddle East, Australia, New Zealand…  Of course, here in the United States too.  People are doing the same thing everywhere. Everyone's become very politically polarized, and you know how that goes. Unfortunately we're going to see more and more of this. It really is “game on” in 2020.  As you may know, the real news is on the Internet – not on the major media outlets, especially here in the USA.

GET PREPPED for what is to come! What they need to do besides their investments, is they need to prep and be ready right now. No fear.  No whining.  Just do it.  No matter where you live, for whatever natural catastrophic event or caused by our government. Meaning, "Okay, guys, do you have Propane for your gas grill. All right? Get a generator. All right. Start growing some of your fruits and vegetables. We do that. Have candles, have cans of food in your pantry, gallons of water, your medicine. Basically, be prepared in every which way, because we're going to see major blackouts this year and then weather and events.  And if you’re in one of those areas, especially the ones I cover in this report, you’ll have wished that you were prepped. So don’t do that to your family--get prepped for yourself and your family.

Downsizing or “Rightsizing”    
People around the globe are getting the memo from SPIRIT, it’s time to downsize. The trend will be to downsize and there’s going to be more people moving. Our things and possessions are not that important.   It’s more important the keep the people that we love safe. It’s easier to let go of the baggage of things, so that we can move swiftly when needed with all the Earth Changes coming.

Many Souls Will be Exiting in 2020-2029
We're going to start seeing a lot of people kick the bucket. Some natural causes, some that are not natural causes but by accidents, suicides or unprecedented violence. Deaths that will hit every household, every person. So, that tells you right there how many souls are leaving, because they're tired of this Earthly journey. There's this cleansing, purging, and a lot of souls don't want to be here through these dark times ahead – so they exit. But even with the dark times there is much light and love to find and focus on.  But you need to be aware of what is going on around you. 

  • CORRECT April 2020 there are 200,000 deaths around the Globe due to COVID19 although Whitedove says there will be over one Million. The true death toll will never be known

  • SUICIDE IS NOT THE ANSWER and you need to know why ARTICLE by Whitedove

VOTING - people are finally waking up and saying, "WHAT, I don't have a say? I know who I voted for. This voting is all rigged." And it even came out that it was rigged, which I called immediately. Nobody thought that it was true or they thought I was crazy, I guess, but that happened. It came up that the 2016 election was interfered with, the election, from outside sources to inside sources…now, everyone knows Bernie was cheated and “other” factors, all of this combined, is how Trump got into office. This is all part of the rigging.  Yes, many voted for him because they wanted change, a business man to run this country, or a patriot that’s not a Career Politician, someone that won’t “be business as usual” in the White House.   Or it would have been Hillary by the powers that be design. Let me say this, I am not political, I didn’t have a dog in the race. I always want the best person for the job, no matter what their party. I will say so many are relieved it wasn’t a status quo candidate. Trump may not be Mr. Right, but one must admit he is shaking things up and giving the career politicians a fight.  Okay?

The Gun Grab & the Constitution
So, we have people that love Trump and we have others that are up in arms about Trump.  But I see he will take the right side when it comes to the right to bear arms.  I wrote this a week before his recent “tweets” and the scheduled and ongoing “rallies” and spirit was right and you can expect more of this from him and the public.  We have people that are up at arms about the gun grab, taking our guns away from us. But that’s not a leading story on the nightly news! And many that don’t understand the importance of States not being able to write laws that are in direct opposition of the Federal Constitution, It’s a slippery slope to loosing other constitutional rights. Never the less,  I predict that our government through the individual States, is going to go move forward to try to take our guns from us.

That is happening right now, just as spirit had me share last year.  And this is very important and it has not been shut down. That's going to get people rioting and looting and saying, "Screw you. I'm not laying my guns down.”  Look at the constitution. How can you break the constitution?  So, there's going to be a divide, the people from the government and it's already happening in the United States and the old world. Everybody's ready to giving the government basically the middle finger, many will not just go-along.

April 30, 2019 Whitedove’s Social Media Prediction, far in advance of Virginia’s proposal

There is a new trend, people and groups of people are dividing from the government, you’ll see it in my predictions. People are going to separate and live off the grid, live in communities of like-minded as I’ve predicted before. It is happening – there are sanctuary cities being formed now. But mark my words, there will be more communities that separate themselves completely from the Government. They will barter their services, trade in coin, cash, cryptos and all the things that I’ve already talked about for them to invest now and to conserve for later.  Does it happen all at once in 2020, of course not, but watch it develop. 

Updated NEWS: Jan 20, 20 Ruptly News - Thousands rally against Virginias gun control bill in Richmond

Air Travel:  Crash and Burn Or Even Disappear
So many airplanes went down and nobody believed my prediction last year until it happened. Well, if you paid attention, that's just what we're seeing. More airplanes are going to go down. 2020 is going to be the highest rate of ever of airplanes crashing, or just going down, or maybe even just disappearing like that C-130 Chile Military aircraft.  Many airplanes going down will be a theme in 2020

  • CORRECT - FORBES Apr 11, 2020: Flights are Down. Many domestic and international airlines are temporarily cutting up to 90% of their flight capacity due to the coronavirus pandemic.

More Power Outages?:  Sadly, I have to share, YES.   In 2018, we published what Spirit shared for 2019 and that it would be a year of power outages, and there is no denying it was.   There will be more of this.  Yes.  Even more.  Sometimes natural, sometimes manmade, sometimes to control the population in an area, sometimes out of greed. 

2020 Elections:  Well as of right now, January 2020, the Democrats don't have  a good candidate.  Not one.  And it is all rigged, and the people know. It's very sad that the people will not trust the government, but why would they. They know there's a shadow government, they just can't see the heads. And so, the people, not all people, but a very large group of us will be separate from the government. We are not going to follow those rules. We're not going to abide by whatever they're saying. They're going to want to chip us basically like an animal gets chipped. It's like a low-jack on us. I know that sounds crazy, but it's already happening.  This takes time, but watch into the future.

Will the US survive into the future? Really it should be a global question.  When I look into the late 2025, '26, '28, ‘29 I see the planet Earth, some areas being desolate and not a lot of life.  Between man’s decimation and Mother Earth--that’s a lot.  Mother Earth, she is cleaning off the parasites, the cancer, which is “human beings.” Like a dog that has fleas, Mother Earth is shaking off the negativity.  So how it all shakes out in the end, that is still up in the air. 

Is the United States A Free Republic Or…?  No.  Nothing is as it seems to the average person.  The US is not a free republic that we think it is. Yes, there are contractual agreements between England and the Vatican who own -- it's true, that “own” our country, the US. Yes, that is true.  The Vatican is a big, big secret. The Vatican holds all the power objects.  They have more gold. You hear about the church going broke, not even close.  I mean, the stuff that goes on there is more secret than the government almost. And they go hand-in-hand. For some reason, the Vatican works with our government. Go figure.

So to those who say that the US is not really a free republic, that there are contractual agreements between England and the Vatican, and that basically we are not citizens but rather property or cargo, they are on to it.  Yes, via maritime law. That's true, and unfortunately people won’t believe it.  But there are good people working to fix this.  Where there is dark, there is always light.  Some people call them “White Hats” that is just a name people put on them to categorize or give them a name, but there are good people who are in the know.  It’s never as simplistic as people want to make it.  Over simplifying is not productive.  Simplify yes, but over simplifying is counterproductive.  So when asked if there are good guys that are supposedly trying to correct this, is that real?  The answer is, yes, that's real. You always have one side and the other side but it’s not how people want to think it is.  But it is important, this topic, and if we win it’s important, but it won’t be anytime soon. 

No, they won’t correct it anytime soon. I know. I mean, the Vatican's not really for the people, they're the state ... Listen, religion and the government go hand-in-hand.  You hear “Separation of Powers” but that is never how it has been.  Even though they're not supposed to. That's just it, there's a lot of crap going on that we don't realize basically.  Some won’t be able to accept this because it is so far out there.  But it is not conspiracy theory that back when the Constitution was signed and the Bill of Rights, that basically the Vatican and England kept control over us under maritime law and we really are not citizens, but we are considered their property and cargo to an extent.  But there are good guys called, some people call them White Hats, that are trying to correct this, and people want to know-and it is true.  So, yes, we are, to some elite, considered cargo and property and they do look at us like we are rats on their ship, so to speak, that we are they're little guinea pigs.  They test things on us, their weather manipulation, their technology, and their plans…infuriating.  Most people will think I’m crazy, but in time they will say, “remember that crazy spiritual medium, that psychic lady, she was right.”  And there are other people sharing things to. 

The USA was created as One Nation Under God,  but as you read above, there’s more to the story.  And, we lost our way. And I see war happening before we, unfortunately... This is how best I can put it. It's going to get worse before it gets better. There is a chance that if we wake up right now, spiritually speaking, and we live it by doing the right thing – in all of our endeavors, we can alter the natural path we are on. All of us that are doing that right now, we're going to be fine. God will take care of us. But those that are coming from a dark place with an evil agenda  they're just going to be a part of the hell that's being created here on earth.

About the Impeachment of Trump, I feel that there will be nothing other than smearing his name. I don’t see Pence being president. But, I do also get a hint on Donald Trump that he has to watch his heart, he could have a heart attack or stroke.  It’s a travesty how the entire government is wrapped up in this political theater of mockery, impeachment. Do people think this is what our forefathers had in mind. There is so very little there, nothing that other Presidents haven’t done. They are wasting time and money … all the while the US gun grab is happening. With the date of January 20th for  issues (the impeachment and the gun grab) what will be covered on the US News? More Impeachment nonsense and less about Virginia’s unconstitutional gun laws.

  • CORRECT Feb 5 2020 - the Senate acquitted President Trump on the charges that he abused his power and obstructed Congress thus end his Impeachment Trial

On the 2020 Presidential Election - its virtually impossible to have a real presidential election when everything is corrupt and rigged. nobody trusts it, it's corrupted. We don't even have any heavy hitters that are on the Democrat party or even the Republican party. I would be surprised if Trump tries to do it again just because his ego is so big but Spirit told me that he is going to run again. He's willing to do whatever it takes. He’ll probably be re-elected. There's nobody from the Democratic side, or even in the Republican side other than him. But there’s usually a Dark Horse, who has not shown up yet

Civil War In The United States?  Yes, sadly I see it in the future. The States are going to try to ban guns. Then the  next election is very polarizing.  These things and more are going to cause picketing and maybe riots. People don’t believe that their votes count… because they don’t. The electronic computerized voting machines are rigged. The question is which side is able to tip the scales in rigging? That’s why it’s nearly impossible to predict the outcomes of the US elections. If you asked me who the majority want, it is Trump, but remember how polarized things are.  And believe it or not, there are large numbers of people on the other side of the fence.  That, combined with rigging, and it is not as clear as it should be.  Then there are the mandatory vaccine laws that are being passed. Look when the masses don’t feel they are being heard, then they rise up against the government and sometimes civil war and breakouts of riots. I see that clearly.  And it gets ugly, real ugly, before it gets better. The movement is the people are rebelling because they've had enough.

  • CORRECT on May 25, 2020, George Floyd, a 46-year-old black man suspected of passing a counterfeit $20 bill. He was detained on the street and was KILLED by Police Officers. This led to Civil Unrest, Riots, Looting, Burning of Buildings, Violence and Murdering other police. President Trump has threatened Martial Law to reign in Domestic Terror by Antifa a group that is believed to be fueling the violence

Nancy Pelosi, On The Way Out Or Not?  And What’s Behind Those Eyes:  Yes. I know who Nancy Pelosi is.  She's against Trump, but really any who oppose her. And she is not for “the people.”  She hates Trump because he won’t play their games. And YES, she's dirty, too.  Covered in dirt.  She's dirty.  She's not going to want to step down, but they're going to make her step down. Her party and the people are going to say, you have to step down. There is so much dirt on her and that will be the leverage. Absolutely. Are you kidding me? She's trying to maneuver and will for a bit longer but Checkmate is coming and she will finally be out.  She needs to be out.  She is part of the old system that has done so much damage.  But it is not a Democratic or Republican specific cancer, it is a whole dysfunctional and criminal abuse of power systemic system.  And yes, I do think it will be soon. It may be in this year, but probably, what's the next, when's the next election for her?  They have the dirt on her.  And of course I can see Trump doesn't like her, so he's looking to see her out.  But so are many others.  She really has damaged many, many people and our country.  Someone asked if she is just a bad person or truly evil AND while often spirit shares some of these rotten eggs are just greedy or acting out of self-interest, in her case I get a clear “SHE IS EVIL.”  She needs to go.  She's evil. I can see right through her soul. It's black.  Look at her eyes, but I can see her whole story. 

General Flynn Free?  I am not familiar with this, I really don’t watch all of the political theater but Spirit knows about this of course and I was just going to say it would be ... if they want to make an example out of him, which the most I see him getting would be like six months of probation. It's not anything that's of any gravity.  And to take it one step further, I feel it eventually would be cleared too--Yes.  Yeah, it would be cleared, yeah.

Roger Stone Free?  This is kind of the same type of deal but with threats of a bigger sentence, they're getting him for lying or misrepresenting facts, basically again, another type of theater or grand-standing or political strategy thing where it's a bunch of nonsense, but they got him on multiple counts of kind of lying, and his sentencing is coming up in the next month.  Hmm.  So people want to know, “will anything happen with that? He potentially faces years.”  BUT No, I don't see him getting years in jail.  No, I think that he will also get a slap on the wrist, because it's just more ... they must have more on him to get what they are shooting for, for it to really stick and have legs.  It may appear this way at first, but no.  There are lots of moving parts to this, behind the scenes, all kinds of deals on the table, pardoning is in the cards for him, just like Flynn.

  • CORRECT 10 July 2020 Trump commutes Roger Stone's sentence !!

  • CORRECT FOX NEWS April 24 2020 Roger Stone 'praying' for Trump pardon, says prison 'de facto death sentence' because of coronavirus

What About Donald Trump’s Family - What does the future hold?

Trump And Family?  Ivanka, Donald Junior, Eric, Barron? Will his wife divorce him after his presidency? His wife will not divorce him, I can see that they already live separate lives, you know?  And she's sitting so pretty that she's good, because she doesn't have to deal with him.  She knew the deal when she married him, he was-it's basically a business deal between them, their marriage. 

Ivanka, I think that Ivanka, I think over time she's going to really impress people, and solely act more for humanity. She gets some title in the government, believe it or not.   A couple of years ago I could see the plan was for her to run for president, spirit shared that in one of our Whitedove Reports first.  You may start hearing others hinting at this now.   And believe it or not, that is possible. That's very possible. I will say this, it's her goal.  But at a minimum she will get a Title in government is what I see.  It's her father’s goal, and it's her goal.  That's what he wanted, yeah.

Donald Junior wouldn't be the one, but Ivanka would be the one.  Yep.  How do I say this, okay, Donald, the one with the dark hair, he seems harmless or not as bright as the others to some degree but I will share that he is naughty.  Donald Junior is like, dark in ways, and into some really sick, warped things. And no, he's not going to--he'll just do what his father tells him to do--and claim some title, but he's not really going to be anybody or do anything.

Eric, I'm going to look at a picture right now, hold on.  Okay, Eric Trump, he's going to try to rise up in his title in business and his father's connections whatever that is--Yeah. He'll have some success. But not the other son, Donald, not like Eric.  Eric will do more than the other boys.

Barron, the youngest, he's Melania’s only child. That, I guess, he is on the spectrum and she's, the mother, Donald’s wife, is always looking out for him.  No, he's to lay low.  Keep off the radar.  He won't be any part of any government or anything like that. Or any significant humanitarian work.  so as he grows up with of course some celebrity because of who his father and mother and family are, but he's not going to be a big public figure like the other Trump kids are.  No, not at all. Not at all. 

The parents try to hide a disability, sometimes they are really “a gifted ability” but people always want to label things which are different as disabilities.  But Donald Trump and his wife, they try to hide it. So the mother, she stays home and  has her areas of interest and things she likes to do and so forth, and shopping and just whatever. But she is dedicated to her only child and that's also why she stays with Donald Trump. 

Space Force, Which Country Is Really The Global Leader, Shocking!  Space Force is basically the US's attempt to weaponize space. That's what it is all about. Well it's just that, the military started a new Major Command. They have several Major Commands, and Space Force was the newest of the Major Commands, but it was already happening under other programs and names for many years. And it was, they inferred, to basically  explore space -- of course, strategically that is what they say, but Spirit was clear on this last year or the year before that, no, it's to weaponize space, period.  To gain a strategic advantage-  And they're still pursuing it full speed ahead and here’s what most people don’t know, other countries, China and Russia--Yes--are also working on their own Space Forces as well. 

I see that Russia is actually ahead of us right now in Space Forces, yeah.  Nobody or I should say “few” believe this or realize this.  China is, Spirit shared years ago and consistently since, they're the sleeping giant that we don't want to fool with.  They are working on Space Force as well-- Yes.  So if you want to rack and stack the US, Russia and China, I see Russia is in the lead but through proxy via China.  The US follows.  Russia's in the lead right now. Russia.  China's behind Russia though and they are strategically aligned. 

  • CORRECT March 2020 - According to the 2020 SPACE THREAT ASSESSMENT REPORT - Russia has become one of the world’s greatest perpetrators of electronic counterspace warfare, jamming and spoofing PNT and communications satellite signals in conflict zones, nearby territories, and within its own borders. Although difficult to verify, Russia is also almost certainly capable of targeting satellites and associated ground stations through vulnerable computer networks. With new weapons added to the Russian counterspace arsenal each year since 2018, it is clear that the country has renewed its focus on developing and maintaining its ability to disrupt, degrade, or destroy adversaries’ assets on orbit.

But if you wanted to stack the programs side by side it would be Russia, the US, then China.  But that doesn’t paint the real picture of what is going on.  Remember, China is pulling the strings on Russia.   China is, you have to understand, China is using Russia. They're sitting back like "ha ha ha," you know? And they're using Russia, they made a deal with them. I see, hold on, trying to see what was it? China, Russia, and what's the other one? Korea.  North Korea. But, NK is just kept in line buy China and are of no global strategic importance for a super power perspective.  But they are dangerous because their leader is literally insane, not rational.  But strategically they are important as they boarder China.  China rules North Korea, they'll take care of that.  And when things need to be done around the world, China sends Russia out to be the bad guy first, but they actually are supporting Russia. It's a deal that they made. Nobody knows about it, and that won't be for some time that it comes out and then they will come forward. They, China, practically own us now.  If you look at their real estate holdings, tech, commodity holdings which they never share exactly what they have because they are smart and keep their cards close.  They have so much more in terms of resources, precious metals etc.  But their economy is challenged too and they know this.  China is really,  if you said, Michelle, who do we really have to worry about in the LONG RUN? You know, more long-term, it is clear, China.  But that just won’t be apparent to many for some time.  China, I refer to them as a sleeping giant.

The “Shadow Government”, Losing Control Or…:   The shadow government is losing control because Trump won't go along with their plans.  Yes. Losing some control, but definitely not all of it.  Trump knows all of their deals and corruption, and he's willing to throw anyone under the bus, you know? He's not messing around.  He's not, I won’t use the word that is coming to mind, and I will just say he is not jacking around.  While I am not a fan of his personality or some things about him and he is just a man so flawed like all, I have to be honest, he's kind of the right guy at the right time in some ways. Maybe he's not the person we would pick--Right, because of all of his flaws and inconsistencies or demeanor, but maybe he's the right guy at the right time. You know what I mean?  Heck, I will say this plainly so forgive me, he has the balls to do what needs to be done, and he's not going to listen to all the little mouths of everybody else around him. Matter of fact, he doesn't listen to any of them. He just does what he wants to he is very difficult for the little puppet masters to manipulate and isn’t that really needed to some extent?  A new direction outside of the massive corrupt complex.

Secret Tribunals Happening In Guantánamo Bay Cuba To Punish Politicians and US Traitors?  I'm not--no, I am not seeing that.  Who says that?  I don't know, I don't get anything on that, I don’t know why Spirit won’t share that information.  Like, I got silenced. I don't get a vibe, a read on that.  Well I’m not allowed to embellish or give my opinion, so let's leave it at that.

How do we the people stop the government and police corruption?  Not to give you a Mark Twain quote, but it fits so perfectly.  “In matters of principle, stand like a rock.  In matters of style, swim with the current.”  Stand your ground on what is ethical and right.  Prayer and by coming together as a large group, a large group of humans, a large group of humanity. There's more people than the government has ... if you follow me.  So it comes down to the people saying, "No.  Enough" basically. You know? They'll stand up peacefully first and fight, they'll even die for what they believe is right. And that causes change.  When it comes to police.  You can’t paint them all with the same brush.  There are good ones and bad ones.  Like any large group.  But unfortunately there are too many of the police who are so fearful themselves and thus trigger-happy, that they're doing a lot of naughty things, a lot of bad things, that is disgusting. So some, they're fearful, their authority's gone to their head. They just like, they could kill anybody, and they cover it up. And there are so many innocent people that are going to be shot or shot up, especially if they're in the line-of-fire. 

The history of evil shows that many people who were otherwise good, will do something bad when directed to by someone in a position of authority as it wrongly makes them think following orders is okay.  No.  People know right from wrong.  But this is how you had Nazi Germany, and concentration camps and the history of man doing horrible things to man and creature and nature.  So unfortunately, caution is required and I just stay clear of police. I mean, there are good police officers, and there are bad ones.  The bottom line is, a lot of them are just, they're young kids and they don't have the maturity for all that authority and so, with some, not all, it gets bad quick, and there's not a lot of places to check them.

The “Reset” Is Not What People Think:  There is general misconception about this.  It is not an all at once event.  And when that is tried it doesn’t go as planned.  It takes time, that's further down the road. I mean it's happening right now, but the goal is literally for the government to reset, but even when they do that, again, the people that are playing off the grid, self-sufficient, independent, they don't want any part of the reset.  Because it's just another bad system that they're going to say, oh we fixed up that, let's start over. But that's all BS, it's not going to happen.  Yes, their plan is to have a reset at some point, but things are crumbling at such a pace that the general population has lost trust, so when they do try to do a reset, a lot of people aren't going to opt into it, so it's going to fail to some degree.

Jeffrey Epstein & Systems Crumbling:  He's a pedophile. He's a pedophile.  Well he killed himself in jail, and he wanted that,  he did take his life, whether he was aided or not because he was a coward and didn't want to face the sentence. He knew he wasn't getting out of it this time. But a lot of people at high levels, a lot of known and unknown people interacted with him or knew of him or him personally and some flew to his island.  You know, the Clinton’s, other politicians, some celebrities, lots of people did.  Yes it will all come out.  Yeah, it's going to take time though.  I mean, it will ... more and more will come out this year and everyone's going to be shocked. But, it's just going to get worse as we go into 2021, 2022. It's just- all intermingled and you're going to see the structure erode, as people wake up and see how all of these awful things could go on for so long…and the banks are going to go down too, there will be just a few banks, there will just be a couple airlines. You don't see people going to church anymore. I mean, everything is changing. Every man-made system is falling, but it takes time.   So, is it happening in 2020? Yes, but it's going to keep going.

Joe Biden & Son:  Yes, guilty of taking money from the Ukraine for favors and influence.  Is Joe Biden a pedophile?  I can share this, if you know about it or are part of a group involved, then you are guilty.  AND he's a part of that group, so if he's a part of that group and knows, then…  It's the truth. They need to have the truth come out.  He's dark, he's creepy.

Pedophilia rings in the upper echelons of government and society?  Oh my gosh, it angers me, it saddens me, it hurts me to the core, but I have to share, YES, absolutely, yes. That is true.  It's fear and darkness that's of the collective consciousness. People in power that have sworn into these private circles, or, what is it, Fraternity, Special Secret Clubs--I call them Gangs, like they are rings and fraternities or orders or you understand.  Some of the the government or people that we see are a part of that.  They're evil, and they do awful things but it's like--Children and animals are the innocents and nothing should ever happen to them.  Sickens and infuriates me what I see.  Children and animals are off limits. So we have a large group of our government, and those that we see and some heads that we don't, that are a part of that which makes them also pedophiles and also if they're not doing it, they're still witnessing it or know of it, so they're just as bad as the pedophile.

Will child traffic and abuse criminals be held accountable?  They're starting to, but it's so pathetic that this has not already been squashed. This is going on and it's worse now than ever.  Eventually it's going to come out slowly, but unfortunately that's not for a long time.  How far up in, in government and big business does this go?  Sadly it goes to the top or close to the top.  Not every single higher up, but most certainly heads of organizations and groups that we don't see.  How far into the general population does this go?  The pedophiles and rapists are not just at the top.  Be vigilant, not fearful, but vigilant.  It's prevalent in some churches, in schools, in ... all around us. We have so many pedophiles and rapists. Look on the internet and sex offenders who are registered (there are many who are not) and you see them everywhere.  Be vigilant.    So just that example, look on line, it shows you a glimpse of how many pedophiles and rapists are there. And then there are some that don't check that box, haven't been caught. And unfortunately, where are they? They're in schools, they're in churches, and they’re in places that you would never think at all that you're sending your children. That's where they are, where all the kiddies are.  Parents, just be mindful, be vigilant, be mindful. Yeah.  Also, some of the coaches, they are pedophiles. "All right girls/boys, change your clothes, let's play."  Gross!

Do They Eat The Young?  Children “Sacrificed?” Well sickeningly, yes, in black magic, and when they kill the innocent they like them as young as possible, they will, yes, they will eat them in ritual too.  It is Cannibalism.  It is black magic.  It is horrible.  I pray for this to stop, NOW.

More high-profile people go to jail over pedophilia and human trafficking or is it all being covered up by the government?   A lot of this is being covered up by the government.  But more will go to jail.  So it's a slow process.  NOT FAST ENOUGH.  THIS NEEDS TO END.  But it's a very slow process.  They all have dirt on each other, but that's how they blackmail each other, they threaten to give up the skinny, and that's how it's a “cluster bomb” far as our government and our people that we choose to elect for the right reasons but- we don't know really who or what we're even voting for.

So how do we heal our country and world?  By being peaceful where we can and standing up where we need to. By being loving and kind and good to others. By gathering along with other groups of people that are positive and good and spiritually attuned. And it's really going to take a very large number of the population to stand up and that becomes kind of a war in itself. Because, do you get it?  Bottom line, if we pray even in groups of larger numbers, our prayers are heard and answered. We can change things. Unrelated to some extent, but for example, let's say there's a hurricane that's coming towards Florida and I'll put out to all my friends, "All right guys, don't fear this. Let's all come together and pray and let's pray and send that hurricane off where it doesn't affect the land or the people. We'll send that hurricane out to the ocean." And that's been put to the test and it happens, we can change that. But here's the problem. We have with our government we call it weather modification where they can manipulate to some degree, almost weaponize weather, well we have a whole write-up on that.

Hillary In 2020:  I feel like she wants to run, and she wants to make people think it's questionable, but I don't see her in office.

Will the Clinton’s ever be indicted for any wrongdoing?  It's so covered-up that it just takes time for that. The right person to have the balls to ... Like these people, what do you call them, Whistleblowers.  Yeah, whistleblowers. There will be--we'll have a few more whistleblowers that will reveal some bomb shells.

Whistleblowers:  Yes, more whistleblowers and they will reveal information that's totally like, "What?!" You know, we're in shock--condemning and bringing the dirtiness of the truth up, and putting it in people's face to make them become aware of what's really going on.  

  • CORRECT May 2020 this Shocking Whistle Blower VIDEO is a MUST WaTch https://bit.ly/SickByPR0XY   WE the People must fight this Evil

The War Between “Light” and “Dark” That Is Raging:  We have a war that's waging right now between light and dark right here on the planet--of the angel kingdom. So, when truth comes out many times that's the angels that are good that are here to assist us because they're trying to assist us by getting rid of the evil.  Not saying all whistle blowers are angels, but often guided for the purpose. 

Are Superpowers Real?  Will We See People With Superpowers? Yes, Spirit told me a long time ago that there would be children that are actually born and their DNA would be modified, it would be different. And then just here recently, Spirit told me that the government, shadow government is going to pick and choose and they're going to utilize some technology to wait a minute, hold on, technology to combine it with the soldier, the human. Whether it's an eye that is not a real eyeball.  Or, you name it.  So they're taking computer/technology or that type of modification.  I want to say, almost bionic. Like, remember the “6 Million Dollar Man” when we were younger…Bionic Man.  Yes!  A version of “The Six Million Dollar Man” when we were kids? But that will of course be Billions of dollars now.   That's exactly it.  Yeah you will kind of see people with super powers. Some with DNA modifications, and some augmented by tech or biotech. Wow, I’m just shown this, so it is equally fascinating to me. 

JFK Junior, It Has Been Implied Vincent Fusca is JFK Junior in Disguise. Did JFK Junior Die?  Let me pull up a picture, hold on.  I don't know everything. I just listen to Spirit.  No, he died and went to heaven.  That is it on that.  Nuff said.  There are lots of theories on so many things, some are true and some are false.  This is false.  The internet is a double edged sword.  Can propagate truth and shed light and also can dupe and spread false info, even disinformation.  In short, Vincent Fusca's not JFK Junior. I'll just say that.  He's not.

Best Career Fields In The Future:  It’s not just what people are anticipating.  Much more to this.  But of course Tech, Programming and such--that is obvious to most.  But this is also what I get, I get “Healers.”  I get “Humanitarians.”  People are not anticipating this, well some are, but you're going to see a heightening in what people call supernatural or magic. That's going to be, people will become aware of that.   On the other hand, I'm afraid that the ... Wait. I'm afraid that the computers and all this fake electrical energy is not conducive to our natural energy. God-given energy.  And in many ways it works against us really.   But careers in technology will continue to be big because technology is big. But because of this and were we are during this time, we will need healers, humanitarians, and people that are helping people. So any job that is giving to others, that's what's going to take over.  And remember, spirit has been sharing this with us for years, the barter system is a part of all of this.  A barter system that has nothing to do with the dollar or the government--where people just go, "Hey Michelle, can you read for me? Here, I can give you this, and if I need that, it's a trade." That's happening right now, but even more of that type of thing in the future.  Look for it and you will see it.  Have something to barter, either skill or other.  So trades play a role of course too, like the plumber or electrician or handy person or builder or technician or mechanic or you name it. 

Space:  Jobs, science, geopolitical? It's kind of a space-based economy type of question. And I see that becoming important, but further out before people catch on.  It is happening now, but under the radar--when I was talking about star beings and this is on this topic, do you know that they already have people living in space colonies or like stations!!!.  And this goes high, high up, as high as it goes up in the government  and they are of course aware of different star beings and they interact and only those that are at the highest, whatever you want to call it, clearance levels or positions, know about it and intermingle with them. But they have an agreement. There's more ... listen, it would be presumptuous of us to think that God only created us. What about all those planets and stars that haven't even been explored? Look at the ocean--but let me get back on topic, spirit is just downloading everything and moving so quick.  Short answer, Space is going to become more and more central in the future, but it isn’t like you’ll see that overnight.  And as far as geopolitical and space, or should we say spacepolitical, that is at the fore right now with world powers.  That is what Space Command etc. are about.  They are trying to “stake” space right now, like strategically, like drawing lines, that is going on now. 

Project Soul Catcher:  If you haven’t heard of it, it seems out there, and it's about secrets of cyber and cybernetic warfare. But believe it or not, truth is stranger than fiction and there is truth to this.  Yes, Project Soul Catcher has truth in it and it is a writing about secrets of cyber and cybernetic warfare revealed. But I don't see it going main stream,  I mean that's real, but there's a book about it, and people are wondering if the book is real. It was kind of leaked out if you know what I mean.  But that's true. Yeah, there are true things in it.  

The most important invention in medicine in the next few years?  Well they're going to start understanding some of the autoimmune systems much better and this impacts so many people.  Really, so many people, so this will be wide reaching and profound.   Diagnosis first and they'll come up with means to do that. Also, while it doesn’t sound sexy, but it does impact so so many people as well.

They'll come up where we can correct our vision in ways that we haven't.  And of course, we have to talk about bionics.  Spirit just told me that this week, and I was like, "what?" Yeah.

Technology Corner, The New Inventions and What’s To Come:    There's so much we could have, but the cool stuff is locked up. However, you will see the progression of bionics, robotics, self-navigating transportation, and I wish they would release the free energy technology, which already exists. Imagine that. I've shared this before on occasion, these devices have been invented and each time the inventors are threatened and silenced, and the shadow government, or bad guys, have technology that immediately identifies when and where these breakthroughs occur. Then they send the goons to threaten them and even their families if they continue.  Even “Time Travel” already exists, but we won't see it for a long, long time. Transport technology, not exactly like beam me up Scotty, but that already exists. Teleportation exists, but not for us anytime soon. And yes, the antigravity tech is already out, but you will not see it anytime soon. Sorry, no floating vehicles for a long time.  You seriously wouldn't believe some of the tech the military has. Mind-boggling. And what our star being brothers and sisters have. Oh, my gosh, everything that we don't. We really are primitive in comparison, but don't despair, tech friends, things are moving so quick that you will be thrilled with all of the gadgets and goodies and developments released, even some this year, like holographic devices, more and better smart devices, some advances in the Internet of Things, but this is a longer term initiative.  And while this might not fit perfectly here, it is technology and advancement so people need to know “they” have the cure for cancer, eventually that will be released, but that's not until further into the future as well.

The Future Of Schooling For Our Children:  Yes, there there will be a reduction in children attending physical or traditional schools.  It is already happening.  This trend is firmly established.  Really, a big reduction in the current traditional system.  Some ask, “will future children get their education using online or virtual reality systems, and if so, which year will we see that start to happen?”  But, it's already started, and we're already seeing that in the schools where they're already working off computers.

I see little five year olds that know more than I do on the iPhone. So, the kids are already working off that, and they just really want us all to be tracked by our tech devices--phones, watches, computers, tablets, TVs, cars, by any source of that they're tracking us, meaning the shadow government.  So while people may think oh, I’ll home school and provide a better/more robust education, they are right and the governments aren’t really fighting them because they are all still easily tracked.  I for one would and did opt for different schooling for my children.  Speaking about tracking, let me share this.  They're also called the black suits OR men in black, that's other names for them. They are with the shadow government.  In short, It's already happening. The trend away from public schools is already set in motion and evidence is all around. From charter schools, to the increase in homeschooling and online tools, the trend is clear.

  • CORRECT March 2020 the World Turns to Home Schooling with the Global Pandemic

Ancient Treasure And Mysteries in The Grand Canyon?                
Of course.  That is just one place, there are so many more.  Yes there is a secret history hidden in the Grand Canyon, one of ancient civilizations with secret gold. I see that there are a lot of things there from ancient civilizations, drawings, carvings, art work on the inside of the walls as proof of an ancient civilization, they are not related to Native Americans. There are secret stores of gold that they had accumulated and collected.   Yes, that is true, these areas are peppered all over the globe, in many places.  This is not unusual.

Oak Island Treasure In 2020?  Where I marked the X’s to help them?  But they won’t look there because they like to think science is the answer and it is sometimes.  Hey, if you’re putting a man into outer space, do the math and run the numbers.  If you’re trying to solve an age old mystery, ask Spirit for help.  Actually, Spirit helps with everything.  Math is the language of the universe.    Bottom line, they will find it if they look where I put the X's on the map, but those guys won't.  They've had people in, but they've never contacted me.  There's definitely loot there, and they know it.  Well, they've already started to find some things, clues, artifacts, so over time and with a lot of money, like millions… tens of millions really, before they actually find the loot.  By the time they're done--it's crazy, they might just spend more than it's worth.  The money they put in, they're not getting that back. I wish they'd just go to the X's on the map and then be done with it, but hey, people like to watch the show, so keep digging.

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The StarBeings, Elementals, and Pleiades Report
written by Michelle Whitedove January 14-16, 2020

YES There Are many races of StarBeings and we also have the Elementals and of course Pleiades.   I have not shared this before…Spirit says it is time, buckle up... 

I call them Starbeings and Celestial Beings, not Aliens:  in 2020 and beyond we're going to have a lot more UFO sightings, real UFO sightings, that everybody's going to see-- people will have their phones, their cameras, iPads and more and more videos will go viral. So many, that the government can’t deny it,  we all are going to start seeing them.  The Starbeings, some of them are going to intervene and try to stop us from going into a major war, but I still see a war off into the future. The Starbeings and celestial beings are so advanced that they know that a Nuclear holocaust would devastate this planet and it would take eons for the Earth to heal.

We the people of the Earth are so diverse.   Believe it or not, some Starbeings come in craft to observe the beautiful diversity of the planet. Funny it’s like spectators going to a zoo! Imagine them seeing the Serengeti Plains in Africa and the wildlife, then going to the Arctic to see polar bears, whales of all types, seals and penguins. Then visiting “Angel Falls”, the great waterfall in Venezuela – Earth is a wondrous planet!!  They want us to preserve Earth and stop the harm that we are doing to it.  They know that all beings are connected, we are brothers and sisters. They know that the Earth is a living breathing planet and what we do has ripple consequences and impacts all of us. Whatever happens here, it affects other planes of existence. That's when Spirit intervenes.

Mark my words, UFO’s will be seen more and more by the citizens of the world although the governments won’t give full disclosure about UFO’s they'll just go silent; they can't make up any more lies, yet they are fearful that disclosure would create mass hysteria.  The public is too smart for their flimsy cover-ups. This year 2020 and moving forward the Star Beings will show themselves more. They can allow us to see them or cloak themselves and their crafts. So if you see one… well then you were meant to see them!

I like to call them Starbeings or Celestial Beings, not Aliens. The little green men running around, that's nonsense. They're very advanced in technology. They're far more advanced than us on many levels, really completely. If they wanted to harm us, they could destroy the whole planet. In fact they're coming in to be a safeguard, to interfere with our Shadow Government’s warmongering, so we don't annihilate the entire planet and the population.  That’s another reason that the Government doesn’t want us to know about or meet these advanced beings – because humans would stop listening to our greedy Military Industrial Complex and Corporate run Governments. The advanced starbeings could tell us the truth and tell us how to create a sustainable peaceful pollution free world; one without war

UFO’s or the governments new termunidentified aerial phenomena", They use advanced holographic shields so that we don’t see most of them. You’d be shocked if you knew how many were in our skies on a daily basis – there’s lots! People may get a glimpse when they seem to be hiding behind mountains. They also come up from the oceans, and they'll shoot up, go into the skies and then you'll see them separate. There are gigantic Mother Ships and there are much smaller scout ships too.

Most of you know about The Grays. Remember Roswell? The Grays crash landed in 1947 in Roswell, NM. Our government took the bodies, some of them that were still alive. Under near total secrecy, they took them and threatened all the civilians that saw the craft so they would not give statements. The government experimented on the dead bodies of the Grays. The two that were alive, they used them for their technology. Our government made an agreement with the Grays, (there's two different Grays) that they would trade humans for their technology, some of it. The government willingly allowed the grays to abduct humans. Grays that aren't good, that come from the stars, that have mother-ships and smaller ships, but mostly they wait until people are sleeping and basically beam me up Scotty! You don't even know it, they experiment on humans to study emotions and our reproductive organs because they wanted to procreate with us. They needed to because their race is dying.

The Grays are playing God there. A long time ago our government made a contract with them – they agreed that the Grays could take some people for their purposes and in exchange the Grays would give us some advanced technology.  There are two different types of Grays, one is helpful the other is not. It's hard to tell them apart, because they look very similar to one another. They are small, about 4 feet tall, with a large hairless head, very large black eyes which are more spread apart than humans. They have long limbs and fingers, much like the Aliens that Hollywood creates for TV.

The Whites:  They're smaller in size and they get in and out fast, they’re quick.  I know this seems crazy, but I have seen it all and now is the time to start sharing it.  Some are ready to hear this, so let’s go. The Whites are very playful in this way and genius. I call them the Whites, because they are a strange shade of white, they're three feet tall or smaller. They love to play with us for the same reason, to experience emotions.  They want to understand why we have emotions and they don't.  They want to procreate and they're not harmful. After being kidnapped people actually will wake up and say, "Wait a minute, where was I?" People are actually starting to remember their experiences with the starbeings and some people are chipped. Yes, it's been proven.  Abductees know this and they have actually had these tiny chips removed surgically.  This is fact, they chip some in the upper torso like your head, your neck, around the chest area, usually, in the upper torso. It’s chip technology of an unknown metal that can’t be read. It’s so advanced our science can’t wrap their heads around.  Our gov’t has seen this evidence.  And once you're chipped, they can always track you. Tag you’re it!

The Reptilians:  Yes, Really weird and scary! There are two types of reptilian starbeings. One is here on earth. One group of reptilians live among us, believe it or not. They look very much like a reptile or more like alligator or snake, but they walk with two legs. One group of the reptilians has one horn and the other group of reptilians has two horns. I know, I am losing some of you, hang in there.  The group that has two horns is good. The group that has one horn is not nice and they're not wishing us goodwill and wanting to help.  They war with each other since they don't agree. They are basically two separate clans and they will go at it from time to time, but among themselves. It’s rare for a human to see a reptilian because they don't want to be seen.  They have advanced technology and they're advanced.   One group comes from the stars. The other group lives here on earth. They go into the swamps and forest lands that haven't been touched and they’re not so visible.

There are other “Star Being” races walking among us too – the Martians. 
Eons ago, the planet Mars and the people did the same thing that we Earthlings are doing now - - - destroying their planet. Ultimately their war with one another caused almost total annihilation as the outcome. Most died, some stayed behind on Mars and still others came here to Earth. They're like our first cousins. They looked like us but a bit peculiar with wider eyes and smaller ears which sometimes are pointy, smaller in their height with yellowish tinted skin. Then they assimilated found mates and created a new Human-Martian hybrid. They've tried to mix in with the population, but they don't really, they tend to keep to themselves, yes it’s true. Many generations later, they don’t know their ancestry - I’ve met a couple of them.  It was crazy, Spirit just said, yes, this is one and that is one, confirmation.

Another group called The Blondes, Very Special. They're very powerful and I've had my own encounters with them. My good friend Joe keeps asking me to have contact with my Blonde and I'm like, "Well, this scares the bejesus out of me." They're so powerful. They don't even travel with UFOs or star craft, they don't need that. Poof, they're near you and you don't know it. They are in what you think is a dream, which they're actually in the spirit world, with your astral body. The Blondes are so pale, they look like albinos, but it's a very glistening white skin surface they have. They have either white hair or red hair. They have long limbs, their hands go long, their legs are longer than ours and they're about eight feet tall. Their eyes are dark, they have no pupils or white in their eyes and they are very wide apart more so than ours. There are very intimidating because of the energy that they carry, it’s overwhelming to be in their presence.  Yeah. They're very, very powerful and they select who they want to come to. You really have to be able to handle their energy, because they're that dominant. They're a force that you don't want to mess with. They don’t travel by craft - - they travel by the speed of thought and they simply pop-in to a location. They are that advanced. Of course they have lots of information on medical cures. I believe that some of this information will be shared over the next several years and yes, and that is what I am shown and to share with you.

Bigfoot, Yeti, Sasquatch, Swamp Ape or Abominable Snowman, Really?  
Yes, really.  Depending on the climate they live in. I'm sure there are other names in other languages across the globe. I know that monks in Tibet keep the secrets of the Yeti ... this race that I'm talking about. They actually keep two of the bodies to prove that these creatures exist and they are still among us. They keep the secret to themselves. 

The bigfoot live underground primarily and rarely come up, but they're not here to harm us. They walk on two feet just like us and are covered in hair that keeps their body temperature regulated. There's feminine, masculine and they procreate. They are not ape-like they are very intelligent beings with a positive holistic outlook.  They know that humans are fearful of them, so they don't want us to have contact, because they don't want their race being annihilated by us or our government. Luckily they have innate camouflage ability’s, like sea creatures that change color and completely blend into their surroundings.  

Oh, they're much more intelligent than humans. They look at us like we're Neanderthals, because the truth is, we are primitive among the more enlightened beings. They're advanced, they keep to themselves. People have actually seen them.  I actually, out of body,  I was able to witness their council and see how they work as a community  It freaked me out, because their eyes can look right through you. They can make sounds, but they use telepathic clairvoyance to communicate, they are a peaceful group.  Mostly they live in uncharted areas. And as I said, they're a little bit underground, just a little bit. They can come up to the top when they want to, but they really are not interested in being visible to man. 

The Star Beings Are Being Called Upon Right Now To Help.  Why?  Because our government is bumbling and on a trajectory that will kill us and the planet. God doesn't ordain that, God will not have that.

The Pleiades,  The Most Beautiful Race. They come from the Pleiades star system, called the seven sisters which is made of seven stars in the Taurus constellation. This is a highly evolved celestial kingdom. These beings are of a higher evolved dimension – Pleiades is where the Angels reside. They go back and forth from the levels or dimensions of Heaven to the Pleiades and commune with us on Earth. They also come into our existence or our reality to intervene in a good way, always to help us. They're good, they love us unconditionally and they're coming from love, light. They're directed by the God head and they are greatly assisting us during this time of transformation on Earth.  Remember, angels can appear just by thought and appear anywhere. They go where God gives them direction to go, although this is where they mainly reside yet they are in harmony with the Godhead at a higher dimension.

It's been documented, some people on Earth had an angel pop in and simply come from nowhere just to save their life, and then they just disappear. Then they tell their story, but nobody believes them. Angels can do that, they assist us in many ways.

The Elementals:  Wait, I’m going to interrupt you for minute because there's something spirit told me last night that I have to address for people.  We have to talk about the elements and the elementals. Remember when spirit was sharing about the star beings, or different creations? Well we have right here on earth, and a lot of people don't know this, our animals have souls. They live and breathe and when they pass, they actually return to heaven; the first level of heaven.

Here on our planet we have fire, air, water and earth,we need all of those elements because these elements are ALIVE. For fire – there are fire salamanders, Jinns and Genies and those are the living spirits that live within fire and smoke. For earth it would be the little people, the brownies and the greens and the fairies, or the Fae as we say in Ireland. The water element has nymphs, mermaids, the lady of the lake and Neptune himself. These are spirits that oversee bodies of water. The Elements of the air would be the Angels of the four directions and the angels of the winds.

So, those have to be included in this report Spirit said. Because all of the elements are alive, but people don't consider as to what keeps flowers alive. There are little spirits, energy that's there patiently attending to the flora and fauna. Look at the tree that have been there for hundreds of years. That tree has an aura, a life force. That tree has a spirit that has attended to it and helps to nurture and keep it alive … at least until man decides to chop it down. Man loves to chop the forests down, and bulldoze everything down until we have nothing left but concrete and we're actually also eliminating so many plants and animals; killing the very things that helps mankind to survive.

So sad and it makes me so upset and angry.  So many animals and species are going extinct out of our greed and need for men to build more buildings. Let's knock them down and build more buildings when it wasn’t always like this.  In the old world they're like, "We're not going to knock all these things down. We're just going to add to it or leave it alone, it's a shame. Because so many of the animals have no place to go and we're losing more and more. A lot of animals are going to go extinct. IT IS sad.  Sorry to just jump in like that, but that’s the way spirit works sometimes.  Spirit brought it up to me, they said "You better include the elements and the elementals, because people need to understand that it's the Spirit hard at work”. You don't get a rose unless the Spirit wants to bloom a rose. Do you get it? I know it seems a little out there-but I actually wrote about it in my first book She Talks With Angels.

Do Angels have wings? Some are winged. The archangels are winged. Metatron is winged, the archangel Michael is winged. The archangel Raphael is winged, and his legions. Hold on. There's Metatron, Michael, Uriel, Raphael, Gabriel, and Ariel, and all their legions. That does not count the Seraphim’s and the cherubs that are at the God head. The ones that have eyes on their wings, they see all, they hear all, and they tell all to the God head. They flutter around and they give praises by singing glory to our father and mother, God, the Holy Spirit.

Discovery Prediction - The “Pharaoh” Star Being Race. 
Since ancient times Starbeings were here
. We have some of the history recorded. Their planet was dying out and their people. So, they came to earth, to Ancient Egypt. The Gods and Pharaohs of Egypt they came from a star and they ruled for a long period. The original Pharaohs were star beings, their bodies were more than eight feet tall. They had to wear a veil over their head or masks. Their energy was not conducive with our weather. So, they always stayed inside the pyramids and tried to procreate. The original pharaohs were not human beings, they were starbeings and we call them pharaohs and Egyptian Gods. This is how the Pyramids were built. The Starbeing pharaohs and Egyptian Gods,  did something that's against Our God, The Creator's will, the pharaohs interrupted and affected the human DNA. They changed it and that changed our evolution. And so, they were penalized by God, because only God's will and orders are to be done. They tried to create a different race by sleeping with humans and they had the same problem that any un-ordained life has … a short lifespan.  Because God didn't govern it.  The same reason cloning doesn’t work.  More on that later.  And forget cryogenics.  Freezing yourself for later does not work.  The soul has left the body. 

New Pyramids Will Be Discovered, Watch.  There will be new pyramids discovered that have not been discovered, but will be discovered in 2020 and beyond. These lost pyramids are very deep in the sands, ones of a lost civilization, because when the pharaohs ruled, it was very tropical. It was completely the opposite of what it is now. These ancient pyramids come up to the surface and we're going to find out about pharaohs and about their ways.  Egypt was highly evolved and bigger than anywhere else in the planet due to the Starbeings influence and advanced technology. They had energy like electricity but they didn’t use wires. Today we use wires to move electricity, but this is so primitive to ancient civilizations! Ancient texts say that the pharaohs reached the heavens via sunbeams.

-------------- End of “The StarBeing, Elementals, and Pleiades Report ------------------


The Weather and Natural Catastrophic Events Report:

In the USA on the East Coast, they are going to be hammered by snow in the winter, and also when it’s supposed to be cool weather it’s going to be hot and or vice versa - very erratic weather. I see storms, I see flooding’s and I see hurricanes but that’s more for South Florida but it’s still the East Coast. The East Coast gets hammered by weather in 2020, bad, bad weather: storms, flooding, tornadoes, things that you wouldn’t normally see in that area and another earthquake too.

There are certain places that have been hit and will continue to take hits. Oh, Louisiana, Mississippi and Texas all in that gulf coast area, I see more major flooding. I see problems where it's basically goes bye bye - not this year although the devastating flooding keeps coming. From now 2020 to 2025ish the Louisiana, Mississippi coastlines they're done, their coastlines will be devastated – so sad-- so make an exit plan now if that’s where you live.

Climate Change, Man-made Or Cyclical?   People ask, is there really a climate change and do you think mankind, or is it a natural cycle the earth goes through?  The answer is both.  Those that stand too firm on either side of the debate lose the truth.  Like at home if you are in a disagreement, don’t just talk and make your point.  You must have the maturity to really listen.  The truth is often in the middle and so it is with Climate Change.  Of course man impacts Mother Earth.  We are over fishing and polluting our waters.  We are putting pollutants into the atmosphere and oceans and earth.  From waste to nuclear waste to oil to you name it.  So of course man impacts the earth and in turn the universe…it’s all a system and so interconnected.  Then on the other hand there are always natural cycles and periods of warming or cooling.  Spirit does not jump on this new “there is a mini ice age coming” band wagon.  What is happening is a combo of man-made and natural and it will speed up unless we wake up. 

Short answer, Both and remember the flooding I have warned of East Coast and West Coast and Gulf Coast especially Louisiana, Mississippi and the Bayou.   It’s all interconnected, overall, how to sum it up, there's warming in some areas and cooling in others and irregular weather in others, that's the weather change and Pole shifts .  It is quickening. This is not something that's going to take centuries to happen, but overall look for warmer summers in some areas and cooler winters in some areas, really just weird weather.  I mean like get your attention and your gut will say to you, “that isn’t normal.”  I wouldn't call it a global warming and I wouldn't call it any type of future mini ice-age. I'd call it a transition in weather patterns because there's so much stuff going on, and it's happening quicker than people are projecting. I mean, that's what I’m shown.  Not centuries in the future but there's a quickening, and things are happening quicker because we're not waking up.  So yes, do I see this happening over the course of years and decades? Yes. Not centuries. And it will be noticeable.

NASA has said the Planets in our Universe are going through change. Is this true, or just the Earth?   Never just the Earth.  No, remember whatever happens here on Earth affects all other realities and planets.

Super Storm Predictions:   More Super Storms to come!  There's going to be weather modifications by our government that they are going to ... Like the HAARP Program or Project, The Philadelphia Experiment or Project that they are literally ... Experimenting on the planet, on the surface. Not giving two hoots or shits about the people on the surface--and they'll sometimes create super storms and crazy weather.   And YES, they will create super storms, hurricanes, whatever they can. They can do it.  And while some will think this is not true, sometimes they target certain areas like New Orleans. That wasn't a purely natural catastrophic event. That was steered from our government. 

California And The Earthquakes:  Sad, but yes.  And larger earthquakes in time and that will cause the water on the coastline to come in. I see issues with Hollywood and Los Angeles.  And NORTHERN California because there's major fault lines up in Oregon going into Northern California, those are major. I see that Oregon will have earthquakes too.  So, it's from really the Northern West Coast and the fault lines travel all the way down into the Southern West Coast. The earthquakes are going to get bigger and bigger. I don't see all of California wiped out now, just mainly the coastlines, but this is in the future, not like immediate.

America’s Coastlines, What Is In Store:  They will get hit. East Coast from New England on down to Florida.  All of those areas are at risk for severe weather and oddities of earthquakes and also hurricanes in 2020. Our coastlines will get hammered with flooding, hurricanes, tornadoes, and server cold and extreme heat – record breaking! Mother Nature is clearing house and the coastline cities are at risk and some are going to experience heavy damage. This is going to happen with the help of man-made modified weather too.

JAPAN, NO MORE:  As I have seen for years, it doesn’t look good for the Island of Japan. As you may know I predicted the Japan tsunami of 2011 when I wrote in OMTIMES Magazine about 30 days before it hit. My future visions of the beautiful Island have not changed. It’s already in motion, I see a barrage of catastrophic events until sometime in the future and the final blow of a an earthquake and a tsunami arrive that will wipe Japan off the map. These things can’t be dated, but this is a strong warning for people to make alternate plans.

Mega Fires!!!  Sadly, yes more.  You know how we had the fires in California, the fires in Australia? And spirit warned about those and still I see more.  Those fires will continue and we will have more fires and they don't have the manpower to put them out. We have everything that is natural catastrophic events and some that are not natural. Some of it is our government and the global shadow government that is experimenting and interfering with our weather ... We're like the lab rats for the government. "Hey, we don't give a care about you people. We just want your money." And you don't know really what's going on because that's their job. They take secret meetings, everything is done in the back and the people think they have a say and you know that is not the case.  “They” have an agenda which doesn’t include what the majority of the people want.

Will 2020 Be The Year Of A Major Effort To Clean Up Our Oceans?  NO.  So sad, but no.  They will not get this organized and it needs to be a globally coordinated effort.  Do your part.  Just start where you are and do what you can.  But don’t expect a coordinated effort by those who should lead this.  We need to clean it up, and more people are becoming aware and coming together to do that. But unfortunately, we've done so much damage to the ocean that we would literally have to stop taking as much as we take. But unfortunately other people survive on that. The ocean is another world--it's a world within a world. The ocean.  And must be cherished and cared for more.  No ocean, no us!  Period.  There needs to be an effort, to work to change and work to clean the oceans up. If you ask me if I ever see a globally coordinated massive impactful effort?  Sadly, not anytime soon.  There needs to be a global effort so maybe in the future, but not anytime in the near future. It does need to happen.  We need to take care of Mother Earth and our oceans and they're our life.

Safest place if I were going to move out of the USA? For me, Ireland.  There is no perfect place.  Let your gut guide you.  Parts of Portugal for some and Spain for some.  But not in most places in Europe because they're just going through--Terrible.  They're going through major turmoil and we're not even getting a real glimpse of it here on our news.  But back to your question, Not Australia right now, the wild fires will not stop for a little while.  New Zealand has challenges with coming coastal events. 

Most of Europe is in turmoil with cultural, political, civil and economic clashes lets just say.  Hawaii is so dangerous with the ring of fire and threat of tsunami.  Japan is going to have a tsunami in the next years and could be soon.  But wherever you are, there are good people and you will see the writing on the wall and if you need to move and have the means, that’s what people have always done.  In the US, I still like parts of NC (not the outer banks or any islands off the coast) and I love SC, caution on the coasts there as well.  I like New Mexico and other areas out that way.  But remember, there are challenges with every area.  Upsides and down sides.   It is really a case by case basis in some ways.  In short, a lot of people are being shifted and guided by Spirit to move to a safe area. To move to an area that they're surprised to be moving to, but it's literally getting them out--listen to Spirit. Listen to your intuition and you will be guided to places that are safe and good for you.  Places in the USA that feel safe:  South Carolina, North Carolina. Let's see. Colorado. New Mexico is okay. 

Again, there is no all protected perfect safe place. Every place has flaws, and every place has upsides, but be smart. Don't move by a dam or don't move into an earthquake or flood zone or war zone or…you get it.

  • CORRECT JULY 14, 2020 As China has its most punishing flood season in more than three decades, I predict Three Gorges Dam will not hold. I see massive flooding and deaths. News today

  • CORRECT May 20, 2020 The National Weather Service on Tuesday evening urged anyone near the river to seek higher ground following TWO "Castastrophic Dam Failures" at the Edenville Dam. Michigan dam failures force 10,000 to evacuate and could leave one city under 9 feet of water


Earth Changes That Have Never Been Seen Before:  Yes, I think that will wake people up to the need to be more self-sufficient and--Yes.  Wake them up to the need to be prepared like we've been writing about and predicting for years.  Yes, that's partly the purpose of it, but it's going to get people to realize, hey, I'm a part of something bigger that I don't understand, but I'd better get my sh!t together, or “feces amalgamated” as my friend says.   But don’t approach this from fear, you can easily get prepared as you can be and then don’t worry.   You have Guardian Angels.  Not to sound hokey, but get on the bus; the bus of love and light. Yep.  Now I’m getting Alaska in that… well look at this, I’m seeing, Alaska. The science guys thought they had it figured out. It is literally melting. Where's all that water going to go? Think about that.  From Alaska, water rolls downhill figuratively speaking.  I just get a lot of flooding and a lot of areas, just freak things too that come out of nowhere. I mean honestly, it's so bad that this is why we go over this, and I'm like, we got to give hope for the people. Because they're going to read this and some get so fearful.

Specific Storm Areas:  Again, spirit said we already covered it but again in Florida, yeah. In that area in North Carolina that always sticks out that is still a warning, maybe not this year, but it is coming for that area that sticks out.    But for Florida, we have to really ... I actually need to go viral with that and ask people to come together and pray to change the hurricanes heading our way.  To send them out to sea.   They can be sent out. They can, they really can. the East Coast here, flooding is going to be a problem--a lot of rain.  I talked about the Gulf area, not good!

Samvartika Fire:  Many ancient cultures and scriptures from around the world, it is prophesied that there will be a solar flash or a celestial event.   Spirit showed me something like this.  So if you ask if this is a real thing.  Yes.  But spirit showed me this and I need to go into some details.  But it ties into the next question.  So let’s move on to the “God of Chaos” Asteroid which I feel plays some role.  

“God of Chaos” Asteroid:  NASA has already begun preparations for the arrival of asteroid 99942 Apophis - dubbed the ‘God of Chaos’ asteroid - which will skim past the earth in 10 years – April 2029. The asteroid measures 340 meters across (about 4 football fields long) and will pass within just 19,000 miles of Earth’s surface. Apophis is one of the largest asteroids to pass so close to the Earth's surface it passes UNDERNEATH TV satellites and a collision with the planet has the potential to be devastating for all life on Earth. 

So the question is, Will this asteroid impact the earth? Will it fly by – and cause damage OR will it hit the Earth?  I see that this, especially the timing of it, likely coincides with my vision of an unprecedented “fire in the sky” which I published years ago and still see in my visions of the future.  This likely coincides.  And I will share what spirit showed me, they Nasa & other space agencies think they can blast it into bits but that would make things far worse.  This is a preordained event in that we cannot send it out to space in the way we send a hurricane out to see.  So yes, this will likely have some drastic impact on Earth.  But I need to go to what I was shown. 

Fire in the Sky.  So yes, many ancient cultures and scriptures from around the world have prophesied that there will be a solar flash or a celestial event and spirit has shown me something similar but my visions are not like that of ancient cultures in that I see it within our lifetime and more specifically, it feels within 10 years.  So I see a complex event…like a chain reaction.  Yes an asteroid, or a series of solar flashes in our future from the sun that will transform life as we know it on this planet.  Yes, this is true.   Spirit just confirmed this.  Yes. The “Fire in the Sky” that I have been shown is a massive solar storm or an asteroid or a combo event.  This coming Celestial Event has the capability to do damage to communication systems, power grids, and to plants, animals, & human life. If a portion of the Earth sustains a massive direct impact, everything outside will die. I feel that there is something in the air that would be fatal to inhale. The safest place will be underground in basements or if you’re in the upper echelons of the Government they will withdraw into their not-so-secret underground bunkers in DC and Colorado. And to make matters worse the US Government will not tell the people because they don’t want mass hysteria. They’d rather think of it as population control via another natural disaster. This Fire In The Sky Event will damage the USA and affect other nations too.  Now this isn’t this year so don’t panic.  I’m shown years out.  This is just to plant the seed. 

The Native American’s have foretold of 3 days of darkness during the Earth Changes. I believe that this is the aftermath of a coming Solar Super Storm or an asteroid. For three days, people & animals cannot be outdoors. It will be a time when a well-stocked pantry or cellar with canned goods and bottled water will be needed. By necessity, after The Event people will need to live off the land like The Amish.

Well, it is true. And, I mean here we are again with the “when” question.  Oh, time.  I mean, it's so hard to predict time, not the event…the event is clear, but timing. It's interesting because I saw the sky on fire... and we had to go down. And, well, we're going to have to face this some day.  I feel that it's definitely within five to ten years. Yes.  People don’t need to worry though.  Fear and worry are counterproductive.  Don't panic.

They may be a little smaller and then they may get big.  Sometimes our gov’t see the big ones, and they don't even alert the people. They just try to, you know our government, keep things to themselves as to not panic the people who panic easily. So listen, when it happens, you're not going to know about it anyways because they don't alert you, so let go and let god. 

Yellowstone and The Swarms:  In the last few years, I published and predicted that you would see some unusual and an upswing in activity in Yellowstone; nobody else predicted it but Spirit shared it publicly.  Now they're having, they're called kind of little earthquake swarms.  They are Little hiccups if you will.  I feel that that's activated and that's going to become more and more of a problem. But again as I shared last year, (it’s) not the end the world super volcano, but yes an eruption will happen in the future. Much activity until then.  I would say we definitely have to keep our eye on the ball there, because as it becomes more and more active, that becomes more and more of a problem, and we have to do whatever we can to change that.  Prayer does make a difference with Natural Catastrophic events.

  • CORRECT MAY 2020 NEWS - YELLOWSTONE national park has been rocked by more than 200 earthquakes in the last month - is it a sign the supervolcano will erupt?

  • CORRECT April 29 2020 NEWS 'More erratic than usual' Why Yellowstone's Old Faithful eruptions sparked USGS fears

New Zealand Quick Scan:  Unfortunately, is going to get hit by earthquakes, and then the earthquakes sometimes bring water. You know, brings water in--so I feel like they're going to be hit in a smaller fashion, and then hit a little bit bigger.  

Coastlines:  In time, and I know this goes against scientific arguments, I see our coastlines are moving in, not overnight, but over time.  And the weather is going to affect those coastlines. And that's going to create change. Yep.

Grand Solar Minimum:   Are we in the beginning of a true grand solar minimum which will see climate extremes including a mini ice-age?  See, Spirit's not going to do the “ice-age” label thing. They've already shared the weather and how everything is playing out and why. 

Please, With All Due Respect, Forget About The Flat Earth Theory.  Nuff Said,  It is not true.  The Earth is not flat, that's not the case, it’s a sphere!  If I told what IS TRUE about the Earth… you wouldn’t believe it!!

Will Mother Nature Impact Food Production In The Future:  Our planet will produce less food in the next several years.  It's a problem to the point where Spirit's saying stock up. The farmers are going out of business. If the farmers go bye-bye, we go bye-bye. Weather and certain regulatory challenges and the expense of running a farm that gets hit with unexpected weather is very difficult to overcome.  And also the bees are dying off and if we lose the bees, they won't pollinate. They take the pollen, then we won't have the flowers open, or fruits and vegetables. Our food source will be cut off there. So that's a major concern.  For years now, spirit assured there will be a reduction, and basically, it doesn't matter what percent because any percent is significant.  So how can we help the average and very poor if this occurs? Well, stock up. And to save where you can and to grow your own vegetables. And to contribute--be more self-sufficient and independent. In any and every way. Don't be as big of a draw on the system as you were before. Shrink your footprint. Take care of some of your food production. 

Gotta Talk “Fire In The Sky” again, “The Samvartaka Fire” and “God of Chaos” Asteroid
Need to share more.  It seem all related.  Yes, there's an asteroid that's projected, NASA says, to come close to the earth in about 10 years. It's a pretty big asteroid, it's about three or four football fields across, and it's supposed to pass close enough to the earth's surface to be of concern.  So people are going, "Hey, will that cause any damage to the earth either because of the winds, or is there a chance it would hit the earth?" Again, this is 10 years from now. It's an asteroid called God Of Chaos, well asteroids are always going by, but not many get close to earth.  And you won’t hear about anything that is really concerning as “they don’t want to cause hysteria.”  But spirit shows me this and I need to try and explain this the best way that I can.   I've seen down the road, the only thing that I can closely figure out what caused the   fire in the sky was either from an asteroid(s) falling down from the universe, hitting the planet, but it has also something to do with mankind as well. So, what I am seeing in the future, not this year or next, is caused, best I can decipher, by a combination of mother nature lighting that fire, or working in that way with the asteroid. Did I say that in a way that is understandable?  And then also our government plays a role. So, that was ... I'm finally starting to piece together what's creating this fire in the sky that makes it so we can't breathe safely, we can't go outside, and we have to lay low, and we have to be prepared.  So I know I am talking about this, the very first thing today as spirit wanted me to and there is a reason.  I wrote about this some years back.  And the pieces are starting to come together more and more.  So back to this asteroid which they dramatically name “God of Chaos”, I do not see it hitting the earth, but it may play a role by coming close enough to cause a fire in the sky, like a catalyst which in some way ignites the sky.  We won't be able to breathe without protection... think if your house is on fire, right? It's not even the fire, it's the smoke that gets you. So, we won't be able to go outside, we have to go underground for some period of time until it clears up and passes, and even then it destroys so much life and a lot of humanity that that's when I see the earth kind of desolate. But that's going out there in like 2025 to 2030 or maybe even later. Time is so hard to predict. Well, it's concerning because this asteroid is projected to come close within 10 years, so it may line up.  Yeah, I may line up. Bottom line, this is the first I have heard of this asteroid and I find very interesting it is not brought up because that may line up with my other predictions. We will see. There will be talks of a significant effort to try and shoot at it - to break it up—But Spirit says that would make it worse, some operation shooting at it. We're not going to have control over this one, this one is ordained by God.


The Markets:  Banks, Bonds, Markets, Real Estate, Interest Rates, Economic….

Overall Cryptos 2020: Still so much emotion.  Too much.  It is the unknown that creates fear in people and that’s what Spirit can help with --- Spirit shares some of what's to come to help ease our minds and also help us hang in there when we are on the right path. Spirit won’t give us all the details, but more than enough to really help.  Some people need instant gratification and they will find it most difficult.  If someone told you, “if you could stand on your head for a week or so and reap amazing results”, could you?  Some could easily, others it is hard.  And let’s not judge anyone.  We are all in different situations and it is just harder on some to wait.  Send good vibes and love their way.

So let’s jump right into this and share with our friends a glimpse into what 2020 will look like in the rear view mirror. What I think we're going to see in 2020 is more of a fluctuation with the cryptocurrencies. It's like they're up and then they go down and then they're up, and then maybe they go even higher. And then they go down, and so it's like, we're on the roller coaster this year, but with real glimpses of hope…just not long lasting and full bore yet…that will come in time…it takes time.
(Specific Cryptocurrency Predictions are available on Michelle Whitedove’s Patreon Page )

A Profound Market Collapse, Currency Collapse, And Government Restructuring Across The Globe Within Eight Years? "Yes, yes and yes." This is what Spirit has shared before, consistently for years now. This is all coming, and it's coming to a head over just the next years or so. This is a pivotal time. Prepare today, don't wait. Those who do not take this seriously and take the small steps they can now will regrettably have their tushes handed to them. Playing ostrich will not work. Being fearful will not help. Just be prudent and start where you are and do what you can and don't run around warning every person you meet that the sky is falling. If people ask your opinion, calmly and lovingly share what you feel is one possible outcome.  And then share some steps one could take to be prepared just in case. Present it like insurance. For example, “Do you own a home, if so, do you have fire insurance?  I mean, we don’t think our house will burn down, but there is a chance.  So we do a quick, risk reward calculation and decide, hey, get a little insurance and then sleep better at night.  Same thing with some basic preparations for recessions or depressions or banking kerfuffles. You can present it that way like it's prudent to be prepared as if there might be a natural disaster or storm to hit your area. Maybe a week or two of water and food in case there is a supply chain disruption, maybe some basic protection and other plans, maybe the basics. Maybe some cash on hand, maybe some cryptos, maybe some precious metals.  Really, in today's world aren't financial storms, economic issues  and government challenges all around us? Of course, they are. So why not do a little preparation that way and then compartmentalize it and go on with your loving life. 

  • CORRECT Apr 6, 2020 - The COVID-19 crisis has shuttered businesses and led to massive numbers of layoffs nearly overnight. 

  • CORRECT- The stock market crash of 2020 began on Monday, March 9, with history’s largest point plunge for the Dow Jones Industrial Average (DJIA) up to that date. It was followed by two more record-setting point drops on March 12 and March 16. The stock market crash included the three worst point drops in U.S. history.

    The drop was caused by unbridled global fears about the spread of the coronavirus, oil price drops, and looming recession. Only two other dates in U.S. history had more unsettling one-day percentage falls. They were Black Monday on Oct. 19, 1987, with a 22.61% drop, and Dec. 12, 1914, with a 23.52% fall.

Mortgage Rates:  Up, Down or Sideways? Depends where you are in the world.  In the U.S., they will be neutral to maybe even slightly down in the very short term, but then up slowly at first and gradual, and over time, you will see them high in comparison to recent history, and maybe hard to get even long term loans. This is weird ...getting longer terms loans may be hard in the future, I know, it's crazy, this is weird but the way it is now is not how it will be in the future, if that makes sense. Hard to explain what I'm seeing, other than saying to be safe and if you have a mortgage in the US, I would lock in a long-term rate sooner than later. Everyone knows long, long loans and lower rates are, in part, what fuel the crazy real estate market. 

Some people think that real estate is a great investment and always goes up over time. Real Estate is not ONE market, there are what some call micro markets - really just many markets.  So some okay and some down, but globally, the trend is real estate down.  But, yes, there are areas which will hold their own and are desirable and people will want to go so they do okay.  So back to what makes real estate go up or a factor that fueled the long boom... well, only with the junk currency inflationary markets when money is cheap and easy to get with long, long payback periods, because all that makes the payment seem low. It's not really just the real estate going up, but the other factors and the dollars going down in purchasing power (you know, be printed out of thin air and becoming more and more worthless) that are central to the nonsense, but for those who have only been on the planet for a handful of decades, they might just think, 'Oh, real estate always goes up.' No, not so, look at history. We have been living in make believe and rigged markets for so long it's crazy, and it will slowly become apparent, but not overnight.  In the US, they might go down a little bit in the short term, but in the long-term they're going to have to go up.

The Bond Market:   When you hear “the bond market” it is really just the lending market, and basically  I wouldn't mess with the bond market. I wouldn't mess with the stock market. If I'm going to mess with something, I'd messed with U.S. dollars cash, precious metals, gold, silver, and then some cryptos, but only the good cryptos." Yep. That still stands.

The stock Market:  Yes it is up but will go back down again. It's just giving a false illusion that our economy is booming, but it's rigged. Can it go up? Sure it could go up, but it's rigged.  Does it have crashes which are caught in mid air and stopped artificially? Yes. Do I trust it and put my money in it? No. Is it held together with shoestring and bubblegum? Yes. It's a mirage. It actually crashed multiple times in 2018 like I predicted it would, and was stopped, and caught, and rescued. It is rigged and in the long run it is not where I would want some shotgun approach or blanket investments. Meaning spread across all sectors and companies. Sure, a few will do well, but the accounting and who really holds the stocks is sketchy at best.

More Real Estate, Should I Buy?  So many good people are asking, "I'm looking to buy property in the near future. We are waiting for the prices of property to drop. When would be a good time to buy?" And even though the global trend is down, if you have the area and house you feel is the right size and the right fit and feels right, there are so many factors like interest rates and loan availability in the future that really, I would tell them to buy now.  So back to what we shared, real estate for 2020. It's a series of different markets, it's not just one real estate market. Some regions are doing okay and others are doing not okay. The trend of real estate over the years is to come down, but there are exceptions to this. You will see certain areas holding their own, and even going up. If I needed a house now, I would not wait to get it necessarily.  It's a decision to make on a case by case basis, but I will say this, interest rates are pretty low, and so it's a wash if you pay a little more for your house now, because if interest rates go up, that house price will go down. It's a wash because the payments are similar and you need a place to live.  Real estate can be an investment but for most it is an expense.  A car is an expense and a place to live is an expense often times.  But back to interest rates and the real cost of a home, with maintenance and payments and taxes…when interest rates get higher, home prices will have to come down because, in general people's salaries are not going way up, so people can pay only what they can pay. The bottom line with a house is that it is only worth what someone else will pay for it. Everyone knows this though.

Will student loans be forgiven in the US?  No. Sad, but not a chance.   Sorry and it's sad, because these crazy student loan debts are the unintended consequence of guaranteed government student loans. You see, if everyone gets a loan, then colleges pop up everywhere and become bloated and start competing for personnel, or paying administrators substantially more, and/or just charging crazy prices to students, and parents don't care because we were programmed to think college guarantees a good life. Everyone just pays, and before you know it, you have everyone attending college and many not graduating or getting degrees which are marketable. It's so crazy. Student loans aren't going away.

Russia, China and others “dependent” on the U.S. dollar and SWIFT system:  They, China and others, are still developing their new currencies to be partially backed. What they back it with is still under debate, be it gold, commodities, or other. No matter what you hear, I see it is still up in the air.  Sure, gold would be one option, but it is not for sure right now.  Yes, other countries know the U.S.'s biggest weapon is the U.S. dollar printed out of thin air to fund everything and anything wanted. It's a huge strategic advantage, and being able to sanction countries and/or shut off their money is powerful. China, Russia and other countries have realized this for years and have been working to shield themselves from this economic weapon. 

Will China legalize cryptocurrency in 2020? Well, they have always known where it was going, but have tried to slow it and gain strategic advantage. The whole time they were banning it they were really working behind the scenes. I shared that and predicted that in 2018 in The Whitedove Report One and Two. They are methodical, and as spirit shared in 2018 they will reverse their stance and they have. That will become more and more evident, but don't look to the news, watch what they are doing. It's clear they are in the game. They are just trying to stop money from leaving their country so their markets and dollars don't melt down before every other country's.  This is a crazy game of chicken and timing and trying to hold it together for just one more year.  And then one more quarter and then one more month and then one more week until it gets down to one more day.  Do you know what I mean.   Make no mistake, while they are the sleeping giant, they have economic challenges too. Every country does because of this absurd global fake monetary system and shenanigans, and that really is what it is. Pure shenanigans.  And this is why people are going to discover the cryptos as one option. 

Will there be an economic crash in 2020, or is this out in the future?  How do I share this in a way that hits home.  Spirit has been sharing for years now, that it's happening now.  It is unfolding now.  Just not the Minsky Moment, or that what my friend calls it.  But when people think of crash, they are thinking of the moment the majority realize it.  Or the “news” says it.  It is happening already, but the majority won't realize it until it's so in their face. There are bailouts of banks going on right now, but I don't think the masses realize it.  So the MOMENT people say “oh okay it’s NOW is not right away.  It has to be really in their face, and while it is happening and people are slowly waking up, probably next year or so for that Minsky Moment.

  • CORRECT The stock market crash of 2020 began on Monday, March 9, with history’s largest point plunge for the Dow Jones Industrial Average (DJIA) up to that date It was followed by two more record-setting point drops on March 12 and March 16. The stock market crash included the three worst point drops in U.S. history.

That moment when everybody realizes ... like in 2008, people went, "Oh my God, the economy crashed. The stock market went down. It's all going to shit.", even though in 2006 it was all falling apart, nobody knew about it until 2008. It's called a Minsky moment.  You know that one moment when everybody turns the TV on and everyone says, "Oh, it's crashing." Even though it was already happening, they finally realized the obvious--they don't catch on all at once, it's going on, and then it's like all of the sudden they realize it. This is kind of all occurring between now and 2025 and even beyond, these systems are all crumbling.  Actually a little further out than that, sure 2020 significant events occur and going to the ... I don't know, we can go as far as five or even eight years.  So in short, to answer the question about a crash in 2020, it's happening now, but the moment the majority realize it will be further in the future when everybody says, "Oh, it happened."

For The Greater Good?  When the financial system and other systems collapse from now on up to 2028 or so as spirit has shared,  will it be for the greater good?  It won't seem like it is for the greater good, but it is for the greater good. They have to crash in order us to make some change, and create a better way.  But remember, at first gov’t will come in and “fake some change” before we really “make some change.”   And it is difficult for those who are unprepared. But we can help, and things will settle and turn around as they always do. It's always darkest before the dawn.  So basically, it won't seem like it, but it is for the greater good.

How will we be able to retire? Will social security end?  Yes, Social Security will be cut and it will end as it is today.  Spirit consistently shares this.  It definitely will be cut.  So, it'll still be there kind of…like say you're getting 2,000 a month, but it'll just be like you're getting 200 a month because 2,000 doesn't buy diddly.  You won't get what you're supposed to get, and that's so unfortunate.

Will the U.S. dollar collapse in 2020? No.  How do I say this so it hits the mark for people.  The US Dollar is junk, but there is not better alternative for now so it does not collapse.  Other currencies first. There is time still for the US Dollar…while that doesn’t make sense to some, it is just what it is. 

Can we expect the Fed to be shut down this year or soon?  Well “soon” is subjective.  But, No, not this year, but eventually it will be.  All this doesn't happen overnight, or in one year. It takes time.

Inflation, Deflation Or Stagflation:   So put whatever “term” you want to on it, but there will be inflation in food and milk and necessities.  There, with those things, I see inflation. Of course, you see it already when you go to the supermarket. So, some things are going to go up but not our pay.  Our pay is not really going up at the same rate, but everything else is going up.  So I guess they call that “stagflation.”  So kind of stagflation--pay, salaries not going up, prices of things you need going up, prices of things you don't need going down.

Will we see a big bank close this year?  A big bank?  Define a “big” bank.  There are some banks that are going to go down, some banks will merge with other banks and as I've said before, we're not going to have as many banks as we've had, and also they're going to try to basically put a limit on cash withdrawals.  For example, "Well, I want to take out $5,000." and the bank's already telling people, "Well no, you can only take out this much.", but it's your money, but they're controlling it. So, that's already happening. That even happened in London, the British, where they went to get certain pounds and they wouldn't give it to them. So, that's already happening.  This type of thing continues.  Especially when you really want it.  ATMs limits, bank limits, you know.  People with their eyes open have seen this every time there is “concern” or “crisis.” But as far as the question, do you see a big bank going under this year? Like will there be one of the biggest banks, not this year.  I do see Wells Fargo, and everybody's so shocked about that, but I see Wells Fargo going down. But that's going to take a little bit longer.  Deutsche Bank has got to go down eventually. Deutsche bank is that mess, it's like one of the larger foreign bankss, I think, in Germany. It's a mess. A hot mess. That's got to go down soon, I don't know when, but good Gosh.  All of our man-made system are breaking down right now. It's just that people are in their little boxes and circles, and they want to live in their own little made up reality where they're not using their common sense, they're not using their intelligence, they're not using their intuitive self. So, it's like, wake up everybody. It's like, wake up now, or the gig is up. The ride's over.

So Is 2021 The Year of the Major Crash:   The rationale is that, well, the election's in 2020, there won't be a major crash this year, but 2021 there will be a major crash. I don’t use my intellect or rationale, spirit gives what I share.  I feel like 2021, maybe as long as 2022 there will be a major crash. Again, we're talking about time, that's difficult, but it really is in our near future, for sure.   Put an exact month or year on it and you will be wrong 99 out of 100 times…get it spot on and it was more luck than anything.  Time is in flux, period.  But getting it pretty close, yes, that is possible.  If you hear a source shooting out date after date or exact number after exact number, it is not spirit information, it is guessing.  From time to time, Spirit shares numbers and dates, but that’s not the Norm, it doesn’t work that way.   So it's certainly on the table, that time frame would make sense. If it lasts past 2021 it won't be that much further out in the distance.

 The Precious Metals Report for 2020 & Beyond

Last year spirit shared multiple times that it wasn’t the time for multi X moves.  No, no $5000 gold.  No, no $100 or more silver.  Not last year anyway, but those prices are on the table for the future for sure.  So much higher prices are coming.  No, I don’t want to give exact numbers because spirit isn’t showing those, but I get “much higher.”  And spirit was really clear last year despite the hype train that by the end of 2019 it would sky rocket.  Spirit shared, moves up, yes, but only smaller moves would come in 2019 AND that is how it played out.  Yay, spirit.  But everyone who was predicting or saying Gold and Silver will go up are right.  It will, it is.  So they are right!  But the bottom line, if people want silver and gold in the current price range, they need to buy it now, because it's going up this year.  The question I got before was, "How long do we still have to buy silver and gold?  And Spirit shared, buy it up now, because it's going to go now in the short term.  Not long, buy now if you haven't. If you haven't listened or heard what spirit has been sharing for years, which was to have them now, hold them in your hands and don't let others know, don't mix them with crypto products, don't sell them even when they go up as you may need them for trade, barter, or other later…that is unless you have tons. 


Will the manipulation of the silver and gold prices stop in 2020? Or ever?  It will stop, eventually. But, no, not 2020, no time soon.  Don’t be fooled into thinking the prices won’t go up though, they will.  They will.  It's kind of well-known that, like the stock market, it's really rigged. Those gold and silver markets are rigged. Yeah, it's rigged. It will only stop when it collapses--you know, when the current way that we do things changes and it will not be this year.  But prices will still go up.  So it will take a little bit longer. It's not going to be in the next year, it's going to take a little bit longer than that.  That's a big thing when that finally stops and it will.  They'll only be able to keep that lid on for so long.

Do We Have The Gold!  Our banking system or the government, do we have what they say?  NO, we do not have the gold they say and obviously it is not backing our dollars as it once did.  No, Fort Knox Gold is a mirage.  Bottom line. It's not there.   Yeah, the US Secretary of Treasury Steven Mnuchin did a report, he went to Fort Knox and he said, "Yep, the gold's here at Fort Knox."  No, no that's pure BS, misdirection.  They just have a fake thing that makes people think it’s all there, but it's mostly gone.  Yep. it's not there, it's BS.

Will there be inventions that need a lot of silver within the next few years?       Not the way you are asking as in thinking this is the catalyst to shoot up the silver price.  It's interesting that you say that because they need sometimes silver or other precious metals for technology and industry and there will be new things that require silver but not like consume it all.  Also, think copper, silver, palladium and others.  They are all very important.  Platinum. Yeah, platinum. There's another thing, too, is it titanium? Palladium?  Yeah, all of rare earth and precious metals. Yes, they need that, and sometimes also the star beings need that, and they take it from the earth as well.  Some will think, why don’t star being just “mine an asteroid” or something, well it is just easier and available here sometimes.  In short, these precious metals or rare earth minerals are essential.   There are earth minerals that the star beings need, they get it from here.  So, basically all those precious metals are used, and they will be needed for different inventions, and technology, and just regular industry.  So really to the root of the question, what makes silver go up, up, up at some point, when the manipulation stops…that is what I am shown as THE primary cause. 

I can see the manipulation.  They go, "Okay, that's going to go. Now we're going to go down a little bit. Okay, we're going to go up." It's what they want it to be, and the people think that they're doing the best they can, and they trust that, but you can't trust the government.  So, even though there are substantial industries that require silver for the production of their goods, it doesn't affect the price like it should as long as the markets are rigged.   When the rigging finally stops, people will discover that there is a shortage of silver and the prices will go up even more.  And people don’t think this, but I am shown there is a shortage of gold too because it is not accounted for correctly.  Yeah, and there's a shortage of gold because it cannot back all of the fake things, financial shenanigans.   Yes, a shortage of gold, even though gold isn't used, gold is just stored. Silver is used.  So most of the gold, if it hasn't been lost, is saved and stored in vaults, and people don't lose gold really because it's so precious. For the most part, most of the gold that's been mined is stored and held. Of course there is lots of it hidden and forgotten about or not yet mined, but most of the silver that's been mined, most of it has been used, because it's used in small bits in technology, and then discarded, it's used in small bits in medical creams, and medical devices, and then it's discarded. Most of the silver is used and then thrown away, never to be found again. There's way more gold above ground than there is silver.  And so, it might make sense when this rigging stops that silver would go up at a faster rate than gold.  But how it plays out is likely different than exactly how one thinks.  The bottom line is, yes, I buy silver over gold for the most part because it seems the multiples will be higher.  But really, all the precious metals will go back up.

One More Time, Don’t Wait To Get Gold And Silver.  As I have been sharing for years  on my blog and writings, you cannot underestimate the importance of precious metals.  AND this is yet another year that people should really buy up the silver that they want, buy up the gold that they want, because those prices are going to change. Now is the time to do that. I feel like they're going to go up. Spirit keeps going on and on about buying silver, buying gold, because that's another way that we're going to exchange one thing for another. Hey, if people didn’t read my predictions for the last years and get their gold and silver when it was even a little cheaper, then people need to get those now. They are going to continue to go up.  I see them going up this year and definitely into the next year. It's like it kind of goes back to where it was and then in time, past that. But oddly and counter intuitively the US economy is better than what it was. Which would make people think no need for gold and silver, but that is not the case.  Bottom line, I feel there's going to be a rise in numbers with gold, with silver and copper. All of the precious metals.  Really they are all important.


Get your Metals from Whitedove’s Trusted Source www.milesfranklin.com Ask for ANDY him Whitedove sent you for the best prices and fees.

More Global Predictions for 2020 and Beyond: 

What countries will be peaceful in 2020? I mean, that's on the positive side, what countries will be peaceful in 2020, but Oh, my Gosh, I have to be honest, not many--you see most are scratching and scraping to keep power, the leaders, the institutions.  There number one goal is survival so as things come to a head, it is not peaceful.  Peace doesn’t often go hand in hand with desperation. 

Canada's neutral. Yeah, Canada I don't see anything except their economy will be affected by our economy, but other than that I'm not seeing a big people standing up, or rioting, or looting. So, Canada is pretty good.  I mean, they don't like Trudeau, but they'll vote him out, and I’ll cover that more when we go through all the of the country “leaders” later.  Hate using that word because they are just there but not true leaders, if you know what I mean.   Hold on, I'm looking. See, Europe is all up in a tizzy right now, too.  All of Europe, and the old rules--  So you really can go one by one and just…well, take Europe off the table. Take the U.S. off the table. Take Mexico off the table, Take South America off the table. This is scary as we go one by one and watch, let’s keep going.  Take Japan off the table. Take China off the table. Take North Korea off the table. Take South Korea off the table. Take the Middle East off the table.  Take Egypt off the ... Take Africa off the table.  I mean, there's always stuff going on in Africa, so sad.  Form Jabudi to South Africa to everything in between.  So, it's bad. Yeah, I mean--so when you scan all the continents, what we're doing right now, there is turmoil in a lot of places. The good news is even in all these places that there is all this turmoil, there are peaceful pockets. Search them, find them--but in general terms, be out of the cities, be away from the crowds, find your peaceful pockets, and you create your peace.

America Attacked in 2020?  I mean, we have upheaval, and we have people trying to do us harm ... Oh, my gosh, we have a lot of stuff going on but I don't see it being totally chaos this year. It starts, but it's a continuation.  Now, attacked meaning ... by another nation? No, not directly, but indirectly through cyber attacks, yes. Indirectly through propaganda, yes. Indirectly through economic warfare, yes. Indirectly through strategic positioning, yes. 

  • CORRECT June 15, 2020 Anonymous announced “massive DDoS attack” targeting the US! Hundreds of thousands were affected vital Cellular Service & Texts … Facebook, Twitch ect.

Now, on the other hand, do I feel like we'll see a major terrorist event either sponsored by Saudi Arabia or a known or unknown terrorist group?  Well, I think we're still going to have a lot of problems with Saudi, and the Middle East, and you can never win with these people because they believe suicide is a gift to the family. How can you win when these people are willing to blow up their children, and their wives, and just themselves, and so I do see that continuing to happen--suicide bombers, yes. In the U.S.? Yeah.  Unrelated to nation states or organized group or sanctioned attacks, I sadly see more school shootings this year. 

Yes. Oh, my God, yes. More, and more violence in the schools. Florida pops up.  It's like we're on a East Coast ... I don't know what that is.  I get the East Coast.  Let me try to narrow it even more.  Hold on. Well, Florida, going up the East Coast ... Hold on, I'm just trying to get this.  Really, we're going to see it strong in these areas first, then other areas we're going to see this, let's say the West Coast, California, they don't see a lot of that now, but in the future the same thing will happen. But it seems to be more in Florida and in the East Coast prominently that we're already having this, and it will continue.

Antarctica:  . My close friend just came by the other day, she went recently returned, just days ago, from Antarctica.  And so of course, lots came through.  And it's just so rapidly the water and everything's melting there. It's the same thing that's happening in Alaska. Where is all this water going to go? Here we go again.  You know, another theme for 2020 is going to be Water, Water Everywhere in some places and then drought in others.   I think most know this, that a lot of world leaders go there, and spirit has shared this before, that there are kind of bases there with alien technology and stuff, but that will not be disclosed in the next few years.  Not so much Antarctica, but other areas, yes.  I mean, eventually it will come out Antarctica and where the government is, but these people are so down low, I mean, we literally have a whole other world, underneath our feet. You understand what I'm saying? Like tunnels built--in many areas, living spaces and even cities!   The government is sitting pretty, has all of the scientists picked out, has all of the genes, the species, the children picked out. They have everybody and everything that they need to go on regardless of what happens on the top. Again, we are the experiment, we're the lab rats.  Sorry, went off on a bit of a tangent there.   But they are very smart about who knows what.  Let me tell you something, they're very smart, everything is compartmentalized ... and people in uniform rarely know, it's the civilians, the GS workers that are long standing gov’t employees, they are holding ... because military, they move us every three to four years so they can never gain too much influence and power in an area, or a city, or a base or a foreign land.  And so they move the uniform personnel so frequently that they don't give nearly any of them ... When you have clearance for a program you have clearance for a program, you learn it, you do it, but then on to the next thing. But the civilians keep the really deep stuff that ... you know what I mean?

Australia:   With the government and the public outrage over the devastating fires and inaction on climate change, oh so much.  And I just love Australia, full of natural beauty and wonderful people and history and charm and wonder and ugh.  So sad.  I hated predicting that the drought would last and then wild fires would come.  I get negative feedback on that and I understand but I have to share what I get.  And then when it happened and it is still playing out, people ask for more information.  I understand.  Well, right now if the weather's going to give Australia a hard time in the years to come.  Some temp relief with rain to help with the drought but no, not over just yet.  All the fires impact all there elements and elementals, and then there's also ... It's going to affect the people, we've already lost a large portion of the animal kingdom, which breaks my heart. It just breaks my heart right now, and then it's almost like if you look at it, it's like all the way around Australia practically where the fires are burning, all around.  Just devastating.  But when this is purged and cleansed I see Australia kind of keeping to themselves and their own like ... almost like they're not on the map, but they are, but they keep to themselves, and they sustain themselves. I've always seen that as just a place where it's not a large population, believe it or not, but they will maintain themselves separate from what occurs between the United States and China and Russia.  But this is a time where they are going to have to get it together, and come together, and yes, they have a lot to overcome but they will overcome it, but it's going to take time. This isn't ending in anytime soon. 

Back to the fires, well, the rains have just now within the day have been helping a bit.  So, while the water's coming in now. I don't see this continuing for a long period. Eventually the fires will calm... eventually water will cover it. Eventually they'll get a handle on the fires, but the loss of life and loss of the animal kingdom, we'll never get back. And then that's going to kind of wake up Australia like, "Wow, we can't let that happen again. What do we do?", and then the people start to become more independent, and self-sufficient, and wake up to what's really important.  People wake up to it is not our stuff, our materialistic stuff, that’s really important.   It's the people, people you love, love, unconditional love, wisdom, that's what's important, and doing the right thing. Not all the materialism and nonsense that we see now.

California?  I see more fires in California. It's too dry. I see more earthquakes that hit on a larger magnitude, you know, not just small ones. And I do see California, this is out there now, I'm going out there in the future where they get hit by an earthquake and a tsunami that breaks it up, not only it comes in on the coastlines, but also now I'm going out a little bit further where California at one time was supposed to be completely dumped, but people started to wake up there, and as they started to wake up has altered the outcome, really actually changed the outcome. So, spirit says now some of California will break off, and like, you know, islands? But a portion of it, a large portion, will be left, but there's also a portion of it that will be taken by the earthquakes and the water, tsunamis, the floods.

 And do I feel like that portion will be more southern or northern?  Well, both. I mean some portion on the coastline.  But again, that is off in the future, not 2020, but I am to share this.  Now, they have a lot of homeless there, but, and this is so sad, it isn't just there, look in Denver, go to New Orleans, we have so much right here in Florida.  In so many places.  We have more homeless people now than ever. You just go around the block and you see people on the corner, and a sign--Oh, it does break my heart.  I can't pass or walk by without giving something, and sometimes people are like, "You know they're just ...", sometimes people are like, "Well, you know, some of them are just going to take that and buy ...", I'm like, "I don't care. I can't walk past somebody.  It is your intent when you give that impacts things.  Yeah, it's pure intent. It's all pure intent that matters, we're giving--give…and what you put out there comes back to you. 

Canada 2020:  People want to know if there are any government and or any weather events that are going to be out of the normal for Canada.  Well, I really don't, nothing that would be deemed way out of the ordinary.  But what I want to share is they have, I will say this though about Canada, I find that there's a lot of inventors, people that are very scientific who are working in science, inventions that the government doesn't want to come out.  Like they go there to work on these things and nobody suspects it.  A lot of this is being done, and doctors too who are looking to get out of the boxes and bubbles of Western medicine, and that's all in Canada. So, these are good things that we can say--people even in Canada are unaware of this.  Yeah, they don't know it but it's happening right now, and that's-Well enough about that, as far as political, Justin Trudeau, who's their president, hmm. Let me just say Canada gets a new leader that is on board with the change for the better, but I see that taking some time.  And Canada will stay together.  I do not see them breaking into different independent republics, no, I see Canada staying Canada.  But other places will break up. Europe for example.  Relatively speaking, Canada's good, fair enough, yeah.

China, in 2020, what will happen between China and the U.S.?  China will continue to warn us, and if we do cross any major boundaries or lines that they've laid down they will retaliate without any question, silently. A silence can be deafening, because they will retaliate. So, if the U.S. says, "I'm going to do this, and whatever outside of the United States.", China says, "No.", if it's related to China, for example North Korea, South Korea, any of the areas in the Asia's, if we break any of the rules, and they say, "Stand down.", this is already happened by the way, and we haven't stood down, they said, "Again, we're going to warn you a second time, if you don't stand down we're going to retaliate." So, they're willing and ready to retaliate if we don't follow what they've said, their counsel.

China lose its grip on Hong Kong this year? No.  Not a chance. Predicted last year or the year before China will just move in forces.  They don’t mess around.  They don’t waiver.  Not good.  And the same with Tibet – China will not let up on their occupation.

China, Spirit brings me back to China because they will take out North Korea’s leader when needed, if needed. But can they do it in time is the question.  Read the “North Korea, Little Hitler” headline.  I mean, before he, “Little Hitler” launches, can they control or eliminate him?

China’s Ghost Cities, They Were Not Unintentional.  They were built, already are built ... it's crazy, these like empty places that look almost like condos, it's just all these empty buildings that are empty, and they're just saying, "Oh, look what we've built." Like, "Oh, it's for housing people, for urban development…", but it's not. It's for them to put people in as prisoners.  China’s Ghost cities. It's called ghost cities.  And those who are clueless always laugh, "Oh, they're idiots, they've built up all these cities, it's so stupid. What are they doing-"  Oh no, they're preparing to fill all of those areas as internment camps.

Europe:  In general, as we have shared, so much going on there.  So much.  So much to work through. We don't need to go there again, enough is enough.  They get it.  You know, despite it all, there is such history and potential beauty and good.  Much turmoil this year and beyond. 

Great Britain:  Brexit, The Final Outcome:   So in 2015 or 16, before it happened Spirit showed the break up of Europe and this “Brexit.”  Before it ever happened, spirit shared, and we published, "Hey, this is going to happen, you will see the break up of Europe and the European Union." People were shocked, and then all of a sudden Brexit was on the table. Then when it was on the table, spirit shared, not so fast, this is a process to be delayed and fought by the powers that be who do not want this at any cost.  I wrote,"Oh, oh no, it's not going to happen the way people think. There are going to be delays, delays, delays, delays, and it may even be called off.", and sure enough over the years, delays, delays, delays. So spirit was exact on that.  So now what?   Will they exit the European Union, or will they not? I feel that eventually it will correct itself. They really drag it out.  The powers that be still do not want this to happen. Oh no, they don't want it at all, that's what slowing it down is the system.  Even though the people voted for it they are going to pull every card they can the final outcome BUT eventually it will come to fore.  It will.  They have delayed it for years from the time it was voted on to Exit.  But eventually it will work out.  The bottom line, on 14 Jan 2020 when I write this is I predict it happens. 

North Korea.  The little Hitler in North Korea, he'll take it out on his own people first. Then anyplace he can reach.  He'll try to go further with that too, but he's not going to be able to really affect the United States in the way that he wants. When it appeared to settle down between the US and NoKo, spirit shared, and we published, no, don’t buy it.  It is not over.  It is never over when it comes to NoKo…until it is OVER.  It’s still on simmer and no one knows how simmer works, it just all of a sudden boils over and this is very dangerous for South Korea and I warned about that last year or the year before. North Korea is going to take ... The little Hitler in the North Korea is at serious risk of taking out both out North Korea and South Korea. Its shocking that Rocket Man has no regard for his own people.

Iran:  Hold on, something ... spirit wants me to go to the Holy Land right now.  Okay, back to Iran. Remember Iran just reportedly fired on some military bases that we have in Iraq.  Iran is going to get a bushel full from the US for that and…but they still don’t just go, Okay and stop.   I don't see it ... We have to shut them down, it's not going to stop if we don’t.  Yeah, they actually sent more troops out there.

Israel:  Wait, wait, wait, wait, wait, wait, wait, wait, wait, wait Israel, I want to talk about Israel. Spirit told me that Israel is the Holy Land, and the Holy Land will remain the Holy Land untouched.  I needed to get that out quick before I lost it.  So they were insistent I get that in writing now.   I'm sorry, I had to interrupt…

Mexico:  Wait, Spirit told me that Mexico is like Sodom and Gomorrah, and that Mexico will eventually be no more, because of all the corruption, and the trafficking of women and children, the drugs, the cartels, and all of that evil; Mexico will be purged and cleansed. So, that's not a place for me.  Sad because there are always good people too.  Their tourism board won’t like this, but I wouldn't want to go there.  But to be fair, there aren’t many places I would go right now.  You know, I have curtailed much of my global travel.   But back to Mexico, it is sad as they have so much in terms of natural resources, they have some of the biggest silver reserves and mines in the world. They could be such a rich country, but yet no.

Middle East:  Spirit shared years ago, "Sorry, it's just not a good place to be for years to come." and that is still what I am shown.  I went there and just being there as a Celebrity Medium and an American in Dubai and I cannot disclose who flew me over, but it is a different world and culture for sure.  And I also spent a couple a couple of hours outside of Dubai, and, well I just feel for the people.  And, Saudi is the most awful place.  Many of those people are just nasty, and they're very wealthy. But that's never going to stop. So, if they go to send some bombs or whatever they do, we're going to fire it back, and we'll just annihilate them.  It's a matter of time.   And it is really sad when you think about it.  I mean, this is the cradle of civilization we are talking about in the Middle East, Iraq and many areas in the Middle East and it has just become to perverse and .. BUT let me stop, I need to share this, there's still love there.

Puerto Rico & South America:  Remember they had that terrible hurricane that basically wiped them out a couple years ago. They're still rebuilding from that. It's like the islands, they're just going to get washed away over time by ... I hate to say that, it's so heartbreaking.  Now not to paint Puerto Rich with the same brush as South America in general, but a lot of South America ... First of all, you have poverty, you have such violence. You can go live there like a king, but you must have guns, and muscles, and security, and is it worth it?  I feel that the people already are kind of stewing and brewing for many reasons, and I feel that they're going to get hammered by the weather, air, water, or earth and some places in South America even fire--but, in short,  Puerto Rico will be affected as well. Some of those areas in South America, they're so overpopulated, and very dark and negative, so it's a cleansing that has to happen there, and it's very unsafe there.  You know in general, the people of the Puerto Rico, the population, it's not big, really, it's just an island, they're super nice and family oriented, and Puerto Rico is Spanish for rich port. So sad that its not.

Russia in 2020?  Not to be US centric in predictions, just sharing what I get when I get it.  As far as with the U.S., well, they're going to cross our waters as they already have, with vessels and or their submarines. Our government is going to know what they're doing, and we're going to threaten them, and they're going to threaten us, and then basically a button's pushed, and I've seen, as I've told you before, Russia's already moving towards war. They're prepared for war better now than they were for the Cold War.   People don’t realize this.  So, they're prepared more so now, and more prepared than us to go to war because our troops and equipment are fatigued.  I  mean, really if you step back and look at it.  The US has been at war longer now than any other time in history.  Kind of non stop since the first Gulf War…it really hasn’t stopped. So, Russia has the ability to not only play tit for tat, but to win strategic advantage, which is really scary.  And there can be no winners in nuclear or conventional warfare.    But I'm concerned about Russia, because Russia is already crossing the lines. They're already preparing for war. We’ve got to keep our eyes on Russia, because they're moving in and the   US government isn't picking it up on radar. And when they do, they're not taking it as serious as they should. Because, I do see war. I see war with, I see Russia being a problem.  Not war in 2020, off into the future, I see the potential into the future.  No, I’m not a Russia phob, but spirit shows me we cannot and shouldn’t fall asleep on them.  They have been poked at for some time and are focused and ready to go!

Turkey:  Oh, that's a mess right now, too. Turkey's not a safe place for many, especially tourists. There's a prediction that Turkey will attack Greece someday, then Russia will come and destroy Turkey. No.  That is not true, I get a clear No.  But they have their eye on a lot of places believe it or not.  Yes, more than just the United States, but they really have their eye on us.  But I do not see Turkey attacking Greece like what is being asked.  I don't agree with that.  Not feeling it. 

Spiritually Speaking and Religious too:  

What does spirit say about Jesus?  Oh, my goodness, are you kidding me? That's the son ... I mean, that's God's son, the Holy Spirit. When I say, “Jesus is working overtime” that is an understatement. It's funny, I went into prayer this morning and I asked for Jesus, I called Jesus in, in the Christ consciousness, and I just cried tears of not pain but joy because when you get that feeling of the Holy Spirit, you call in Jesus, there's nothing here on earth that can compare to his energy, and his unconditional love, and his wisdom, and if people could just connect to that a little bit, that's our hope, that's our faith, that's our conviction and certainty that Jesus is here to help us through the times, the dark times that we're in, and especially someone like myself or other people that are light workers or humanitarians.

 I had a visitation from Jesus when I was in Dubai, but I don't want to go into the details of that for the people, I'll just leave it at that. Well, I’ll share this much with you, that Jesus said, "Look what's been done. I came here, it was a miracle." He was a messenger, and everybody wants to make him out as the martyr and the victim, but really he was here as a healer, and to provide miracles, and to wake people up even back then, spiritually speaking, and he feels that that didn't happen in the lands that he walked, and it's true. You can't say Jesus over there. They don't talk about God or love. It's very cold in many of those areas of the Middle East.  Jesus told me that the Middle East is 3,000 years back. Not 2,000 but 3,000. So, Jesus told me that he felt his message was not given or acted upon as he wanted, and then he asked of me, and I don't want to get into that, but just to be of service, we'll say, to humanity.  You know, that is something that not many people are aware of.  I’ve kept that private for some time.  I guess I was supposed to share a little bit about that today with some of our friends.  Please know, that I do not think I am any more special than any other person.  We are all special.  I am in no way any type of savior.  I am really just a humble messenger.  Jesus’s message is to love one another unconditionally.

What does spirit say about Allah?  Allah is just another word for God  Some religions say God, others say, Allah.  It’s just that manmade religion has perverted many things.  But the last prophet for them is not Jesus, it's Muhammad.  And I’m sure most know they go by the book, the Quran. 

What does spirit say about Buddha?  Oh, Buddha was a great messenger that came to the East, he spent eight years under the tree of enlightenment until finally he got the memo that the people around him weren't enlightened, so he came out of his heightened state of meditation enlightenment, and then like Jesus walked around and then chose to wake people up spiritually at that time. The Earth has been given many Enlightened Masters to teach Love.

Throughout our evolution we've had many messengers, Jesus, Buddha, St. Joan of Arc, Blessed Mother Mary of Miracles, Mother Teresa, for example. We've had these types of people that are here that have done work on the global scale to make the world a better place, and they're in the heavens, and they still come from the heavens and send their love, their light, and their prayers to intervene and have more light here than darkness so people should find some peace in that.  You can call upon the light and love. I mean, I call upon God, but I call upon also the Archangel Michael, actually all seven archangels, and all the saints and masters on the council, and your loved ones by blood and spirit, your clan for their prayers, their love, their light, their visitations, and that's not even counting your support team of angels and spirit guides.

Will there be peace on earth? Is a Golden Dawn era ever coming?  Oh my, that's ... Yes and no. I mean, it's going to get worse, and there'll be this major cleansing where a lot of the population will be taken out, and then the earth starts, and again, a different system starts over, but it's really like the unenlightened stay here for that, because the earth is already shifting and create a lighter version of herself that we can shift to, ascend to Heaven without even having to experience the transition that we call death. Now that might be hard to follow so let me try to provide an example.  For example, many moons ago, a group of the indigenous Australians called Aborigines , they lived their life based on the instructions from Spirit. When this particular group completed their “Soul Contract” all that they set out to do, when they were finished with that, they just basically disappeared.  An entire group of advanced Aborigines just simply ascended ... they walked over to another dimension.  They didn't leave their dead bodies, they just walked over to a different realm.

The Mound Builders:  They came from another realm.  What they did, can be done again.  We can shift to, ascend to, without even having to have a system of death. Now that might be hard to follow so let me try to provide an example.  For example, the mound builders, they came from the stars, they entered and mingled with the Native Americans. They came here from the stars, built amazing mound effigies that were based on astronomy, they went down from the hills to trade with ancient Native Americans, they came here to observe, and they would trade,  and then when they were finished with their work they just basically disappeared, and to this day science can't explain it. The whole population of the mound builders just simply ascended. There are not many skeletons left behind, just those that died previous to their ascension (their trip back to heaven). At the time of ascension, this group didn't leave a a bunch of dead bodies, they just walked over to a different dimension realm.  In short, they came from another realm, you can say star or realm, and observed, and then when they were ready to move on, they just walked over. They didn't die a physical death. This is still possible.

Can we ever come together and shift into love and healing the planet?  Yes.  That's our hope.  Yes, but it takes about 20 or 25% of the world population to spiritually wake up to change the outcome that we have today in our future, and there's more than one future. That's how powerful we are though, we only need that percentage to change the complete future and outcome of this planet. I've been teaching this, and had my heels on the pavement around the globe with Shante for almost 23 years serving the people. But everyone needs to their part.  Hey, start where you are, do what you can to be of service, and then try to rest at night so you can wake up live your life and be a positive influence to all that you meet.  Touch who you can, help those in need and keep moving.  That's it.  It is your pure intent and actions that matter. 

Twin Flame:   Twin flame is like saying that you found your other half ... Hold on, I'm trying to figure out how to say this to you and make sense. Okay, let's say you find a mate and get together, you couple up and you marry, and you say, "Oh, she's my twin flame. I'm finally with my twin flame." We're not talking about that.  That is a soulmate, not really your twin flame.  This is something very different.  We're talking about finding the other part of you!  We are multidimensional beings and as science tells us, energy can divide. Normally when a soul comes to earth to be born, we leave a portion of our energy in Heaven, that’s how we remain connected… we each have a silver cord (it’s an unseen umbilical cord) that connects our soul to the physical body and to Heaven.  

With a Twin Flame, this is a soul that has much spiritual work to do. So while in the Heavens the soul divides in two, and will be born into two separate bodies to complete an important mission and having the support to do so. It’s been said that Mother Mary and Jesus were Twin Flames, although I have not been able to verify this with Great Spirit. But that’s the way it works. If you've separated your energy, you can be in another country, having separate lifetimes. Old souls will sometimes take on two incarnations in one by dividing their energy, and that's a twin souls or advanced souls with divide to become twin flames. When the Twin Souls meet in life, It's like running into your own energy. It makes for a Match Made in Heaven – literally! But that's so rare it almost never happens. Very rarely.  So it's not like Twin Flame Energy is going to hit mainstream consciousness, and it's not--no, not at all. It’s a rarity.

Who Can Bless People?  What about Baptism:   Oh there’s a lot to this and some will just cruise on by this when they see the word “Baptism.”  But there is a lot that needs to be covered. Does baptism have any effect on our journey here?  It's all about your belief system and the people involved.   I mean, I've been baptized, my older son was baptized. It's more of a dedication, when a soul promises God to give his or her life over and to live with purity, by Gods laws. Now,  I'm not man-made religion type of person, although dogmatic religion did serve me at one time. Baptism is a ritual that man came up with, yes, not God, but man. But Jesus insisted on being baptized and that was meaningful.

Often though, these days, when they baptize, some are just going through the motions like, "Okay, bless my child. All right, I'm good, the child's blessed, we're good" when there's much more to it.  The important thing is to have the blessing by someone with true spiritual gifts. Not just by a man that says a series of words and dunks a person in water, or sprinkles water on a baby’s head.  The gift of the Holy Spirit is important, and that’s not necessarily  from the clergy, because many have lost their way.

 There are other souls, someone like myself, which I will actually bless people if I see someone, let's say they have autism or Downs syndrome or some say Down Syndrome, or something of the like ... I could just simply look at somebody and send my energy over there, and pray for them and bless them, and that changes them right then and there, and they don't even know what  happened.  But there is a recognizable change within them.  I am not by any stretch saying I am special.  We can all send blessings and prayers.  A baptism is one way of sending/receiving blessings.  It could be done through various ways.  Baptism means something different depending on who it is and who is involved and the intent.  It is meaningful and  something profound to some, and it can mean absolutely nothing to someone else.  It depends on the person and how they're viewing it and participating in it and whether they're ... there's a lot of factors involved.  It is the spiritual connection to the act, and the understanding, and then the belief in it AND VERY IMPORTANT also is the person that's doing it. There are people that can literally do that. For example, I won't even tell my dear friends or husband or children sometimes, and they will go ... "I know what you just did." I'm like, "What are you talking about?" And they know, because after all of these years they can see when I am blessing someone, either them or someone random.   And they say, "You just blessed that person right over there."  But I keep that private,  I don’t share that. I just do things and do not want or expect credit for it, I’m being of service in the way that I can.  I do not share that I go around blessing people and if you do that you know not to either.  I just keep that to myself. You don't want to be, "Oh, look at me bragging about myself and my gifts." No, I'm not going to do that.  When you ask me I can’t lie but I do not like to share that I can literally do that, and blessings can change the dynamics of that soul and that person for better.

When exactly is the soul introduced into the body? Is it at birth, is it at conception?  Again, it is at birth. Many think that the soul is in the baby, right? The fetus is a biological growth at first  ... the evolution of the fetus, you know, the mother gets pregnant, but the soul of that baby that the mother's carrying was actually around the parents before the mother became pregnant, and that soul chose them to be their parents.  I often see souls around potential parents and I can share “hey, just so you know there is a soul looking at you as a potential parent.  It is up to you.  I can even tell what impairments, if any, the soul will carry into this world.  For example sometimes I can see mental or physical challenges before birth.  And sometimes I can see other things.  I know, it sounds crazy.  But back to this, the soul is around the parents.  And then when the baby is born, the soul enters the baby's body, and then we have when the baby breathes and cries then we have life. But we can't have one without the other.  This is why cloning doesn’t work.  They can grow a fetus but a soul doesn’t enter the body.  Now, how about this, when a father or mother is singing to the five month old baby in the womb and feels the baby moving or responding to their singing or whatever, there's no soul in that baby at that point like you are thinking, the soul is around the baby.  Because the soul is around the family. The soul can respond to that, but the soul's not necessarily is the womb. It's hard to explain.  Yeah. I mean, I know it's hard for you to wrap your mind around that, but most of the time the soul enters the baby's  body (for their life time or soul contract or days on earth) at birth.  But prior to that the soul is around the father and the mother, and getting to know them before they enter the body, because once they enter the baby's body, and the baby takes that cry and its first breath, that's when we have life. For example, a stillborn, right?  That's a baby that perfectly developed, but there's no soul that jumped in the baby's body. So we have a baby’s body without life.

The Pope, Catholicism:  He's actually brought the Vatican a little bit back. The Vatican lost more than half of their flock. I “see” that  Pope Francis, he's going to rule until he dies.  He's not as awful as some of the Popes that we've had in the past, but yes, he's a part of the Catholicism and the Vatican, so therefore he has a knowing, of the inside secrets, you know what I mean? So, they put out this persona, or this image of themselves as they bless the people, but it's really just a man based on man-made religion. Ome popes are truly Spiritual, others are political heads going through their duties, others have been pure evil. What about now? Some people think there are financial challenges in the Catholic Church.  Oh, No, the Vatican is ultra-wealthy, the Vatican has so much gold it's unbelievable. We went there, actually. The Pope didn't come out, but we were told that people just gather in large numbers although they were small..  But since then this Pope has kind of brought Catholicism a little bit back on the radar, because people really lost faith in Catholicism most recently because of the sexual assaults by priests on children. It’s been proven that the church higher ups had knowledge, but chose to do payoffs and cover-ups instead of letting the priests go to jail and excommunicating them. The church is still not anywhere near the numbers that it used to be, and the church will die as well over time where. It’s too corrupt from within..

WORLD LEADERS  - More Amazing Psychic Insights by Michelle Whitedove

Reading January 17, 2020

Chancellor of Germany, Angela Merkel
For Merkel, I see her …  it's almost like they push her out and bring somebody to replace her. Merkel is on the way out whether she knows it or not and yeah that's already in the works, it is  in motion. They're already working to push her out and bring somebody else to the surface to replace her. Now this isn't going to happen automatically, but it's kind of like when dirt's starting to be released or they pressure her then she'll have no choice. She's corrupt.

I see health issues for Merkle also, even this year of 2020 something or someone will come to the surface that's going to stop her. Also slow her down from doing the work that she wants to do or should do. Kind of like what happened to Hillary remember? She had a lot of health issues as she was running for president and she wasn’t able to campaign in as many cities as Trump did, she wasn’t physically able to get out there to the audience that she needed to. This is a very similar scenario.

President of China  Xi Jinping
Xi, he is brilliant.  I see that his IQ is almost off the charts. His health is good. He runs a tight ship, he's very powerful.  Yes I see him holding his position. He is very secretive. We don't ever get any insightful news from China.  Everything's a big secret because of their grand plan, as I said, China is The Sleeping Giant.  The world leaders are in for a surprise, China is going to hand everybody their ass. But that's not now that's down the road. As I have said in previous predictions – China is slow and meticulous and their long term plan is to rule the world.

Even though Trump's the only President  who's ever stood up and said, yeah, well you have to be more fair, if not  we'll have some trade wars. Trump's the only guy. Right now his opinion of Trump, Xi thinks Trump is an idiot. He has no respect for Trump.  He thinks he's a joke.  Even so, Trump's done something where they have to make some unexpected maneuvers .  Hey I'm not a huge Trump fan but he is seemingly cleaning house, getting rid of a lot of people that needed to be gone.

XI  he has no respect for Trump. He thinks that Trump has no manners and he's not diplomatic. He puts on the face and the smile and plays the game but XI does not have any high regard for Trump. I see him compare China to the United States and going, “Hahaha, the USA is the Big Joke of the world and CHINA is the winner”.

  • CORRECT June 3, 2020 Forbes News China will allow U.S. flights after Trump administration threatens ban on Chinese airlines which was an unexpected move by Trump

 The President of Egypt, Abdel Fattah el-Sisi
The eyes are the windows to the soul and I see that he is evil! He's awful. He has no love in his heart, there’s no light. He doesn't care about taking heads, lives, you know, he just does whatever he wants.  He will do anything to stay in power, even if that means he knocks off who's to the left or to the right, he does not care. He fights dirty. He plays dirty.  I see him staying in power for a while, but he'll eventually be replaced by someone more powerful.

He doesn't sleep much I can tell you that, his health will start to decline. I get the heart; he'll have issues with the heart. But you know, you can't tell him anything, like his Ego is so big, his is worse than Trump’s in a way.

Egypt isn't really that large of an area, they are officially the Arab Republic of Egypt. I see that they still rule and punish in a barbaric way just like their ancient Egyptian ancestors. When they rule the way they do, I mean, I've been to the Middle East, on the TV News they cut off hands and heads for punishment.  It's uncivilized the way they rule.

President of France, Macron
Emmanuel Macron, hmm there's something about him that reminds me of the Kennedy's. Isn't that weird? … well he's a player. Things in France are not going well under his leadership.  No, not at all and I don’t see him lasting long as the president of France. I feel that the people don't like him and he is just a puppet. He's just a face to put on like, Oh yeah, everything's fine, but it's not and the people know. So he'll be booted down.

President of India, Ram Nath Kovind
Well, he's horrible. He doesn't fulfill his promises. He doesn't really do anything for India, in the way that he should for the people. Yet I feel that he has the people's support interestingly enough. Honestly, he's not looking out for his own people. He's just playing that game.  He's dirty.  He's going to stay in power, but not for like a long, long time. Health wise, Spirit says, one of his ears, he has a hard time hearing. There's like impaired hearing, that's interesting. He likes to eat a lot too, but that's not relevant.

President of Mexico, Andrés Manuel López Obrador
I see him. This man never sleeps. For his age he never sleeps and doesn't stop working, but he's dirty too. He's greedy.  It's interesting the people seem to accept him in Mexico, but he’s tied into everything that's criminal as well. I see him staying in power for a couple of years, something like that. There's already somebody looking to take that place. But I feel that he still has like a few more years left. He's not going to be out of his position. He'll remain the president of Mexico for a while. Nothing else is coming to me.

President of Russia, Vladimir Putin
Putin has the best poker face ever. Wow, I just saw that he has a body double, actually more than one body double. His balls are like steel, oh my gosh, this man doesn't play around, he’s ex-KGB, he means business, he is focused and determined. Putin will remain President for a while yet.

President of the United States, Donald Trump
Obviously there are some ego things there and the country is very polarized. Maybe not your dream-pick nor mine, because there are lots of basic human character flaws, but he is getting some things done. Health issues, I see that he’s a walking heart attack waiting to happen and there is weakness with his respiratory too.  You know, he's pushing the limit with his health and he never sleeps. Especially since he's become president, his mind spins 24/7, he's always on, never off, he never stops.

He has a lot of dirt on a lot of the politicians or other people, the big players, he's got insider information.  He's put a lot of money in their pockets at one time or another. So he feels like this is his time to shine. I feel that he's going to try to run again and that we really don't have anyone else other than Trump, because we have nobody that's strong in the Democrat party or even the Republican Party other than Trump.

Being that so many people love him, which I don't fully understand that, but it is what it is, that his ego is big enough that even though they tried to impeach him, which nothing's going to really come of that, that's irrelevant and just a waste of time… he'll run again. He may very well take it home, because there's nobody else.

The good news – Trump will do things that nobody else would do in his position, he doesn't care if the CIA or FBI or whoever's telling him what to do, he will literally be defiant. He sees himself as a bulldozer cleaning out house and that's what he's doing.  His people love that he is not part of the club because people hate the good old boys club and all the career politicians and how things have been run.  The people voted for him because he was an outsider, those votes were against the old political system that’s not working.

  • CORRECT EXECUTIVE ORDER sIGNED JAN 31 2020 on Combating Human Trafficking and Online Child Exploitation in the United States

  • CORRECT Executive Order Signed: Jan. 30, 2017 Pres Trump wants a smaller Government by "Reducing Regulation and Controlling Regulatory Costs" The order states that executive departments and agencies must slash two regulations for every one new regulation proposed.

Prime minister of Canada, Justin Trudeau
He's very blasé you know, like he's not very serious, interesting, very young and I feel he's inexperienced.  Really, there needs to be someone else to take his place because he doesn't have the wisdom and he's not doing what needs to be done. Such a lack of experience, he's not really doing anything for Canada. So I feel that his position, somebody else will come in and take his position.

Prime minister of Israel, Benjamin Netanyahu
Yeah, I see him and I don't like him one bit, but he's very powerful.  In his position of power and people are afraid of him. I see that they are very scared, but I don’t know why. I see him staying in power for right now, yes. He doesn't want to give up that power. He's greedy. He likes the power, his ego. He's been in the game for a long time. There's no one really to take his place that would compete with him at this time. So I see him staying in power.  He trusts no one.

President of Iran, Hassan Rouhani
I just see him the status quo and just staying where his position is. I don't feel like he's under attack or somebody's looking to, you know, put him down to take over. I feel like it's like status quo.  I don't get much on him, he's staying in position for now.

Supreme Leader,  North Korea, Kim Jong-un aka Rocket Man
You know how I feel about North Korea and this crazy mad man, which is what he is - - unpredictable.  Yes, unpredictable, because he loves to shock people, he loves killing, he loves war. He thinks it's like playing a game. You know the video games that kids play. But he does it for real. He practices his fantasy wars and blows things up and people too. Yes, I see him doing this as entertainment and testing.  He takes out his demented aggression on his own people, like a dictator’s version of a real life video game. I’m shown that he’s used the country’s elderly for target practice, now that’s a glimpse into just how sick he is.

He's willing to push the button. Mark my words, Kim Jong-un will attack South Korea and North Korea, his own people. He will take out his aggression on both sides and create a war, mayhem and havoc. I feel really bad for the people. He has no empathy.

China has already warned our government that China will deal with him, that we are not to interfere with him, that China will and that is how it will stay. China will put him in place, when need be. Kim Jong-un will stay in power until he's assassinated, and that would be through China. They would just take him out ... If he goes as far as my visions of the future. Spirits told me that China would just take him out. Whether they make it look like a setup or an accident,  it could be a set up and they make us think it's something else. We're never going to really get the full truth on him, but the deal is China will take care of him. He's really a mad man. He's very sick and demented and very dark.  He has less than 10 years before China takes him out of power.

King of Saudi Arabia, Salman bin Abdulaziz Al Saud
Oh No, this is another mad-man king. He's awful. People fear him. It's a dictatorship and they are always afraid of losing their position, even if they have sons they love, they look at them as potential threats.  Like “Game Of Thrones” craziness.  It's amazing they don't want their sons to take their position and yes, sometimes they even kill their own sons or have them killed by somebody else. He's another one that's sick and demented.  And really, it's whatever mood or whatever he chooses the new law or rules are. I see him staying in power, but he's not fair or good to the people. Health wise, I don't get anything with his health other than just him over eating and not sleeping enough and over indulging in all the earthly pleasures and wanting to be entertained. He's a very sick demented man.

Syria’s Bashar al-Assad
He's still young and in some ways lacks experience. He's basically, I feel a puppet, just the face and used for killing, scaring, checking the masses. A lot of times they do that and it surprises me, but I don't know what their method to madness is, I think it's just madness. He's in way over his head--big time. He is so overwhelmed that he's actually shutting down and he's not even doing his job properly. He will be replaced or assassinated like I’ve predicted before.

Pope Francis
It's status quo where he is at the Vatican. He's going to stay in power.  In the big picture, going way out, eventually there won’t be a “Pope” as we know it.  Spirit showed me in the future people proclaim the way it is now no longer meets all of their needs. But I'm going way out in the future.


Here’s to Your Health

There’s been a movement to figure out the vast amounts of auto-immune issues with diagnosis and treatments with natural medicines. It’s time to lean towards Eastern medicines and more natural healing modalities.  There are so many herbs and natural healing methods that people should look into before taking pharmaceuticals with really bad side effects. As my Naturopathic Doctor friend has taught me – it all starts with building your immune system with gut health. Pre biotics and mega Pro biotics and at the same time cutting out all the boxed foods with preservatives. Eating God’s foods is what our digestive system was built to digest.

Each of us needs to look at our health and the way we eat. When we were kids, we ate real food, today they call it “Organic Food”. We once were able to get our vitamins, minerals and trace minerals from our foods.  But our soil is so void of what our bodies need – it’s best to use supplements. A friend of mine came over and I looked at his hands, his fingernails were all warped, some worse than others. He thought it was nail fungus. As a Health Intuitive I received information and explained that it was a lack of minerals in his diet. So he bought some men’s natural gummy vitamins with minerals and I suggested Biotin too. Months later his nails are growing out, and all the new growth is perfect.

Big Pharma/Shadow Gov’t  Already Have The Cure For Cancer.  Because of their greed they will not release it anytime soon because they're holding back secrets because it hurts their bottom line, or control or plans unfortunately.  Why do you think so many naturopathic doctors that found cures or found proof of wrongdoing are being suicided or being found dead… for the same reason, there are dark forces at work.  

Secret Projects of The Shadow Government, There Are Many, And Cloning?
Spirit told me for years and again just a couple of days ago that our government is cloning human beings.  They want me to bring this up.  But the problem is, they die off, because God ordains life. God gives it or takes it. So, they have the science, right? With the science, they create these... They look like human beings, but they die off, because there's no soul there. There's no lasting life-force energy.  They are trying to find this “god” spark.  They will not. 

Conception, Birth, Death and What About Cryogenics?
There is a big debate about when does the soul enter the body? At birth, or in the mother's womb or at conception? The debate is fueled by Religions regarding the topic of abortion. As Spirit has told me, when the mother is giving birth, then the soul jumps into the body and becomes one.

Science is looking for the mathematical equation of procreation, the God spark or particle or whatever they want to call it, but they are not spiritually advanced enough to receive this information.

Walt Disney and some other very wealthy people, have gone ahead and froze themselves, with cryogenics. With the hope that one day in the future when science has vast advancements – that they can be thawed out and be brought back to life. But that won’t work, it’s just wishful thinking and a big waste of money. It doesn't work that way. When they were frozen to death their souls went to heaven. Only God ordains life that is joined with a soul!

Medicine You Need To Have:  Are there medicines and herbs that we should stock up on?  Well of course.   Yes, have your generator, have your firearms, have your fill in the blank, but medicines and herbs and natural remedies are vital.  There's a lot to it. We're going to move away from Western medicine and go more into Eastern, spiritual, holistic and trust in God and mother earth. But to get on point here, if there is medicine you need, you should have a few weeks backup should there be supply chain disruptions.  So get prepped.

Some are losing their faith in some of the western medicine protocols.
The recommendation of Back surgery is a major red flag if you haven’t tried Eastern Medicine first. Specifically acupuncture from a Doctor of Chinese Medicine, they have cures thousands of years old. I have testimonies of clients that came to me for a health reading - - they were advised by their doctor to have a steel rod inserted next to their vertebrae. One lady was unable to get out of bed because her pain was so excruciating. I advised each one of them to seek treatment by a Chinese Dr. of Medicine for acupuncture. Each one of these patients – were eventually healed and out of constant pain. No, Big Pharma and Big Medical, does not want you to know about natural healing methods. Please, do your research.

Through the use of needles, these Doctors open the natural energy pathways of our bodies and get us back in alignment and restore good health. Mayo clinic says “Traditional Chinese medicine explains acupuncture as a technique for balancing the flow of energy or life force known as chi or qi (chee) - believed to flow through pathways (meridians) in your body. By inserting needles into specific points along these meridians, acupuncture practitioners believe that your energy flow will re-balance.” With that said, you should be aware that the Internet is being sanitized, Mayo Clinic is highly regarded yet Wikipedia is calling it quackery. I assure you it works! People can go to the good Chinese Doctors. They have the natural herbal medicines and other healing methods that will fix most health issues you have. They're the oldest medicine healers.  Our culture in the US is crazy.  Americans take something like 80% of all prescription medication in the world.  Crazy.  It is just big business and mostly not good or needed or the right answer. 

There is other types of energy work too it’s called Reiki. That is a very subtle form of energy healing. It’s legit although you need to find the right practitioner. I am a master Reiki, well, no one needs to know that, but it is very basic and not advanced but is good.

There are some other more advanced healing and diagnostic health methods too, although they are few and far between. There are freaks like me, people that can diagnose as a health intuitive,  those that are highly spiritually evolved that can take it on.  I can interfere in a good way. I work as a health intuitive, that's one of my specialties. I can look at the photo of someone and tell you what their health issues are and what they need to do. And if they don't do it, they're going to have challenges and or sometimes die and I get a knowing of how they're going to die. For example, the readings that I did today, when I looked at the Father  I had to let her know that her father was going to die from a heart attack or stroke anytime now. I saw that there were already problems with his heart, he had a stroke previous. And she was like, "Oh my Gosh, that's true." And then, she got freaked out because he doesn't have long to live. So I was like, "You've got a short time left with your father, make the most of it." In order to have this level of connection to heaven, to be a true healer, you have to have this natural ability, you have to carry the energy of Spirit. That’s where healing gifts come from.  There are many natural healers and many different levels of natural healers, meaning some are stronger than others.  I do not say better, just different. 

Just know that some people have an aptitude, and if worked on and developed, they will become very good at different healing modalities. But, some people don't have an aptitude in that area, that's not one of their gifts. So, they could work on it until the cows come home, but it's not going to elevate them that much. Your soul has to be aligned.  So, find your lane, go with your gifts, and then allow others to use their gifts.

5G vs 4G All of the energy that comes from your computers and cell phones is bad. People don’t understand 4G is already a problem.  It is bad.  5G is only in select cities but yes bad.  The human body has its own energy and the fake electrical energy is not conducive to our natural energy.  It’s similar to building your house under or near those big electrical lines. You never want to do that because they interfere with your energy, your God given natural energy and it creates illnesses in the body.

The same with 4G and 5G EMF, but with 5G they require more towers that need to be closer together and everywhere! I hate to see what this will do to the birds, bats and insects that use their unique energy to navigate.  This energy is not for us, it's against us.

I mean, what do you do? This is another thing that divides the people from the Government. We don’t agree about the unintended consequences and it is not being debated properly and yet it’s being shoved down our throats and into our neighborhoods.  Governments and big corporations just keep pushing their agendas and not grasping the backlash to come. 

Read what real scientists say, Over 180 scientists and doctors in almost 40 countries are warning the world about 5G health risks. These scientists’ response to “Resolution 1815 of the Council of Europe” spells it out quite succinctly:     “We, the undersigned scientists, recommend a moratorium on the roll-out of the fifth generation, 5G, until potential hazards for human health and the environment have been fully investigated by scientists independent from industry. 5G will substantially increase exposure to radio frequency electromagnetic fields (RF-EMF)… and has been proven to be harmful for humans and the environment.”   Source Gaia.com

So listen, if 5G is forced upon us you’ve got to be smart. There are some brilliant kids now that are saying, “I don’t want a cell phone, I’m not on social media, I want to be an independent thinker”. Many people will go back to land lines and just use the GPS in their car. Me? I hardly use my cell phone, I’ve never wanted to be that accessible or dependent. Besides can I feel the bad energy! So do what you can to lessen your phones being so close to your body. Don’t keep them in your pocket, don’t keep them in your bra, and don’t lay them by your head as you sleep. Use wired earbuds. Don't have these devices around you all the time. Hey, you can even create a simple Faraday Cage, out of tin foil, it’s used to block electronic fields. Just be smart.

There’s a lot of controversy about vaccinations today, due to the increase of autism diagnosis post vaccinations. The problem isn’t the vaccine itself, but all of the heavy metals used in them as preservatives today.  Once you start upping the number of shots per child, the more the body reacts. Do your homework which isn’t as easy as it once was due to the anti-vaxing sanitization on web searches and deleted Amazon books too. Sadly, I predict mandatory vaccinations will be enforced in the US and based on one's religion, they can get out of it varying from state to state.

New York Laws for mandatory vaccinations for children and adult healthcare givers is already being enforced. And no, I predict that New York WILL NOT regain its religious exemptions for children’s vaccines. Some states have religious exemptions where the state may say you have to vaccinate your child, but there are religious exemptions you can use to not have to vaccinate your child.

Vaccination is another thing that divides the people and the Government, people are taking their kids out of school to begin homeschooling or putting them in a private school that has less strict policies.  Recently, one friend of mine moved from upstate New York to her husbands birthplace in Europe because she refuses to have these mandatory shots for her small children.

I guess the real question is “Why Wont Big Pharma Create Safer Vaccines and limit the number required?” ( Check out the Chart on this page if interested ) Yes I see they're really cracking down and they (Big Pharma & the Shadow Government) want it mandatory, although those vaccinations are actually unhealthy and end up causing more health issues than we even know. Oh, why? So we're another experiment, only to die from something that, we thought was to save us.

People are trying to figure out, “Are there any states that are safe, that will protect your rights?”. If you have kids and you didn't want to get him vaccinated, I feel like, interestingly enough California will not be against it, sounds crazy. That’s what Spirit is saying, the west coast will be more open to finding loopholes or not passing the VAX laws as readily as the east coast of the US, which will go mandatory first.

Mental illness touches many families. Why do people who were perfectly fine as children or  young adults become mentally ill?  There are so many answers to this and many factors both, physically, mentally and spiritually. Sometimes it's hereditary, it's just something they're born with. Sometimes it’s a glitch in the wiring of the brain. And there can be spiritual reasons too. It can be the souls karma and that's how they are working out their karma or it may be a spiritual lesson. Sometimes it's written to be so, only God knows why. Then there’s the drug epidemic, when a person is messed up all the time due to drugs, lower energies  or dark entities will jump in a person's vehicle (body & mind) if they're wide open. Especially if they're doing drugs or a sever alcoholic and it’s more prevalent if they don't believe in God, or they're not a good person. They're just easy targets for darkness to seep in.

Sometimes the soul thinks it can come here and handle a tough “Spiritual Contract” on Earth. You see, in our pre-mortal life we volunteer to learn very difficult lessons, such as abandonment, loss, betrayal and abuse. But once the soul is here, there is a veil between this world and heaven and we don’t remember our plan. We volunteer because we are shown in our pre-mortal life that we can learn the hard spiritual lessons and turn those harsh stumbling blocks into building blocks to create a better future. How do you know Joy if you’ve never experienced pain? How do you know loyalty if you’ve never been betrayed? But some souls take on too much and they can't do it and they end up going crazy losing their mind because they can't handle reality or the reality that they're in. So some are hereditary, some are physical and psychological, Some are drug and alcohol related and other cases are for spiritual reasons. There’s a saying “God gives you no more than you can handle” well you can always handle life’s difficulties if you bring them to God and ask for help. Prayer changes everything!

I hope that you enjoyed this Special Whitedove Report for January 2020!

Please, I would love to hear your feedback! Just Post your comments below and don’t worry your email address is never public!

Wishing you all Love, Light, Abundance and Peace,

Michelle Whitedove,
Author, Seer, New Thought Teacher & Futurist

April 25, 2020 PLEASE Leave your Comments and validations below. Dont worry your email will never be shared or posted
