Whitedove Predicted the Japan Tsunami

Published in OM Times Magazine Feb 13, 2011

Water: The Most Powerful Element

Tsunami GraphicStock

This article is originally from OM Times Feb 2011issue


      Water is the most important element on earth. We are born of water from our mother’s womb. Our bodies are made up of seventy percent water. The Earth’s surface is covered by seventy percent water. Most plant life is ninety percent water. Humans need to consume water in order to survive. It is a crucial resource here on Earth.

Scientifically and spiritually speaking, water is an important superconductor. Shamans use water to heal, Seers use water as a window, and Priests use water to bless. It can also be used as tool at your bedside to help you tap into the dream time or spirit plane.

There is a secret world related to many bodies of water such as the oceans, lakes, ponds, creeks, and rivers. These waterways are also portals to other realms. The Earth Angels use bodies of water as doorways to our world. The dolphins and whales are spiritual creatures that access these portals. If these mammals go extinct, and leave us, this is a sign to all of mankind that humanity will also perish.

Water is also the most powerful force of Mother Nature, which is the feminine part of God. If you look back through time there are records of cleansings the world with floods, ice, storms, and many catastrophic events that have been conducted to clear an area or population that has fallen from grace. The great land of “Lemuria” was taken back by the sea after one swift blow. “Atlantis” was taken with three hard hits, an entire civilization gone, and the land sunk back into the ocean. The biblical story of Noah is well known, and science is still trying to prove or disprove this world wide flood.

Again today we as a collective group are experiencing Mother Nature’s power on a global scale. The ocean floors are opening, and heat is escaping which is raising the temperature and warming the water. This is causing cataclysmic events to unfold all over the world. Naturally this will affect the marine life. But also it is greatly influencing the land masses above sea level. In the coming years, you will witness ancient civilizations that were lost, and they will rise from the ocean floors. Atlantis will be seen again.

The ocean is still a big mystery to modern men of science, as well as the general population. We have yet to discover what lies in the deep. Truly it is a world of its own, with secrets yet to be discovered. Our oceans can be kind and supply mankind with gifts of exotic foods and the safe passage of ships that travel great distances. But at the same time, if we don’t care for her (the Ocean), she can be quite destructive. It is up to us, based on our actions and choices that will determine her response.

Whether you realize it or not, currently we are experiencing a natural cleansing by way of floods, tsunamis, and hurricanes. The oceans are warming up and its occupants are evolving and some are dying. As I view the globe, I see the Earth has tilted off its axis, the magnetic poles are shifting, and the tectonic plates are moving. This is causing fissures deep in the ocean floor, (many unknown to man) to open and allow heat to escape from the Earth’s crust into the seas. All this movement will cause earthquakes, volcanic eruptions, and tidal waves.

New Orleans is a prime example of a water cleansing; Mother Earth is cleaning and purging herself from the certain areas that are polluted and toxic. Unfortunately I have been shown that New Orleans will take another hit. The levees will not be strong enough and water will pour though and meet the land. It will simply be washed away with anything else in its path.

Other places will also experience Mother Nature’s wrath. South Florida from the Palm beaches to the Florida Key’s will continue to experience devastating hurricanes, flooding, and tornadoes. California’s coastlines will be hit by the oceans moving inland, causing much of the coastline to recede dramatically. Our East coast shorelines will also move inland. Japan and many other islands will be hit by tsunamis, tidal waves, earthquakes, and flooding. 

  • CORRECT March 11, 2011 Japan suffered a 9.0 Earthquake and a Tsunami that devastated the coast and displaced a half million people. Japan was actually moved closer to the United States by about 13 feet, the earth’s axis shifted by 6.5 feet.   Whitedove first foretold of these coming events in her 5-4-2006 World Predictions Blog.

Why is this happening? Because the Earth is shifting quickly and moving to a higher frequency. As If that is not enough for humanity to cope with, there will also be man-made disasters created by our governments. It is a hard fact to look at, and many people will be in denial, but the government has the capability to seed storms, create hurricanes, and direct them to areas that they want hit. Then label them natural disasters. Man should not play God or interfere with Mother Nature. She is very unpredictable in the days that we are currently living. She is doing only what is necessary based on our actions and timing. This is a very special era in the history of the Earth as well as our evolution. I refer to this time as “the ascension” or “The Awakening.”

Think of this as humanity’s time to graduate. Individually, we are being given the opportunity to shift with the Mother Earth to a higher vibration. We have the choice to raise our awareness and consciousness. The solution is for each of us to wake up and take responsibility for ourselves. Each person will need to become spiritually aware and then take action. This will lead to the collective masses becoming awake and active — in turn, creating a powerful shift to construct a better world. The paradise that once was Earth can be again. We are co-creators with Mother, Father, God, and the Holy Spirit. “Free Will” is our birthright. So we have the power to take action and choose to recreate Utopia. The time is now.

I choose hope, love, and light over fear and darkness. It will take twenty five percent of the world population to change our outcome for a better future. That is a small percentage of people, and it proves just how powerful the light and the unconditional love of God is. The part of God that resides within all of us.

Celebrity Psychic Michelle Whitedove was named America’s #1 Psychic by Lifetime TV. She works as a Health Intuitive, Spiritual Life Coach, Business Consultant, Psychic Investigator, and Futurist.

Whitedove is a keynote speaker at the Universal Lightworkers 2011 Spiritual Awakening Conference in Fort Lauderdale, Florida, June 10th – June 12th. For more information on the conference, go to www.UniversalLightworkers.com.

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