Fibromyalgia Mystery Solved

Updated although originally written July 11, 2008
Fibromyalgia Remedy - A Medical Mystery Solved

My greatest joy is to help people, and this is my spiritual mission and purpose. Over the years I have been able to hone my abilities as a Health intuitive; the Great Spirit gives me specific insights during my readings to relay to my clients. I then direct them to seek medical attention. Health issues both great and small can make a huge impact on a person’s quality of life. So this is the reason that I don’t candy coat the information. “Spirit” wants to give solutions, but it’s up to the client to follow through.

EXAMPLE: This year a spunky older lady came to hear me lecture. During the message portion of the event I was directed to give her an urgent medical warning. Afterwards I pulled her aside and told her that she must seek medical help because she had a large cancerous mass in her lower abdominal area. I told her that it could be surgically removed and there would be no need for radiation or chemo. I went on to say that the doctor would remove the mass and she would be well again. Soon after I received a call, a large tumor was located in her colon. With faith she scheduled the surgery. I visited her in the hospital and she is now living a healthy life because she took action. Bravo for her courage!

Resolutions like this give me fuel for my fire. Being a medical intuitive is emotionally difficult. It’s hard to give people “Bad News”, but spirit always gives me the correct words to motivate them to make the changes, see the doctor, and get well. The Great Spirit never reveals major health issues unless there is a solution that is given too.

Besides Cancer, there is a large increase in thyroid gland issues which are difficult for doctors to diagnose.

Last week, a kind lady emailed me to thank me and confirm my medical analysis. Through me “Spirit” had explained to her that the Thyroid gland is like a computer chip that runs many bodily functions with the hormones that it produces. When it’s not functioning properly, it leads to many wacky medical symptoms. She was advised to get her thyroid gland checked and regulated. She went to her regular doctor for a checkup including her thyroid. He didn’t find anything wrong. Upon seeing this lady a second time at an event, again my message to her was about a problem with her thyroid. This time she went to see a specialist, an endocrinologist. The day after the testing the nurse called immediately; there was a prescription for thyroid medication that she needed urgently because her numbers were really low. Her new medication still needs to be monitored but now she is happy and well.

Yesterday “spirit” gave me a healthy and holistic solution for fibromyalgia and chronic yeast infections. Please let me state that I am not a medical doctor, the information comes from “Spirit” and then I translate to the best of my abilities though my nonscientific mind.

Fibromyalgia syndrome is an insidious disorder; some doctors don’t even believe that it’s real… even though it affects a broad range of the population. The supposed experts don’t agree on treatments. Those who have it suffer from chronic pain, fatigue, and sleep disorders.

I have discovered Fibromyalgia starts with mononucleosis and/or Epstein-Barr, escalates to chronic fatigue, and if untreated and undiagnosed then turns into the painful Fibromyalgia.

Here is the three part solution for those that suffer from fibromyalgia and chronic yeast infections.

1. Cut out all whites from your diet. Your body has been overloaded with refined sugar, flour, and baked products. And now you have developed an allergic like reaction that has caused Candida yeast single cell yeast) to overgrow in your system. Candida Yeast / Fungus overgrowth is a common denominator in many disorders. Millions of people have this issue and cannot figure out what is wrong with them. This is not a diet, it is change is healthful living…to keep the Fibromyalgia from reoccurring.

2. Greatly reduce the yeast that has invaded your system. Each day, take several capsules of Acidophilus Bifidus-with 10 Billion Active Cells; these are LIVE species of bacteria classified as probiotics, or “friendly” intestinal bacteria. Acidophilus and other intestinal bacteria are essential to good health and survival. These bacteria will kill the Candida type yeast. This product is available at Whole foods or most other health food stores. NOTE: its ultra important to purchase high dosage (10 Billion active cells) that needs to be refrigerated. If you are lactose intolerant, then look for the non-dairy version such as ProSynbiotic which is listed below.

3. Rebuild your immune system. If you have Epstein-Barr, mononucleosis, chronic fatigue syndrome, and/or Fibromyalgia, you need to strengthen your immune system to fight off viruses, bacteria, and infections.

                         Important products to support your Immune system:
 - A superior Probiotic :  ProSynbiotic  by Standard Process is a synergistic blend of four research-supported probiotic strains and two prebiotic fibers to support gut flora and overall intestinal health.  LINK

- Dietary Supplement:  IMMUPLEX  by Standard Process contains phytochemicals, minerals, as well as Protomorphogen™ and Cytosol™ extracts to support the immune system.   LINK

- Immune booster: SAINT JOHNS WORT by Standard Process is a high quality immune-enhancing herb with antiviral components and is also nature's antidepressant for stress induced immune deficiencies. LINK

To order any of these Standard Process supplements you can order them on

You will also find this 3 Part Solution to be helpful in the treatment for mononucleosis, Epstein-Barr, chronic fatigue syndrome, and thrush. For every disease “the Great Spirit” gives us a solution!   Please know that all Vitamins, Dietary Supplements, and Probiotics are not created equal. High quality supplements are the simplest way to get healthy.   

Sending you Love, Light, and Peace
Michelle Whitedove

PS. For more information about readings, and remember you can always call into one of my many FREE radio interviews to ask a specific health question. Just go to the Appearance Page for radio shows listed by date. Also there are many more health testimonials in the last chapters of my books: Angels Are Talking and She Talks with Angels.