Michelle Whitedove

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Will 2022 Turn Out To Be One Of The Best Buying Years...

The Next Patreon Report is scheduled for release in mid June.

We have so many wonderful people in our Patreon group and I even love hearing from the crazy ones who can't even finish reading a short post like this before commenting, smile.  

And remember this, “The real fortunes that have been made in this world have been made by people who have been right about the business they invested in, and not right about the timing of the market.”  ~Warren Buffett

Will we be right about the businesses we invested in?  We're betting on it.

What's one of the most productive things to do in a down market?  Buy Low and just Hodl - But if I were you, I would consider the the guidelines below that spirit keeps sharing. Before we get to those "guidelines, " let's talk about potential long run Metaverse winners.  In the popular article which follows, you'll see we were over a year ahead of these guys - look at the Top 3!


So how many from this nasdaq.com article are Purples? How many are Greens?

And, not to mention, the "nasdaq.com" team were recently talking about Theta as one of the biggest potential future winners as well, see this article:


I wonder if they are in our Patreon Group?  Regardless, it is good to see them getting the word out to the mainstream.  

Yes, markets are down, but here’s the good news, boom time will be back.  Anyone can start positioning themselves for big success down the road, BUT...

Please don’t skip over this, that is how many have ended up on shaky ground, so to speak.  Those who are struggling now either came to us late or ignored the continual reminders and messages.  The following messages have been published so many times, every year for the past four years, that we have lost count.  Remember, anyone who has followed me since I began writing about cryptos over 4 years ago has all of their original money out and is still way up.  HERE ARE THE PERPETUAL MESSAGES AGAIN:

1.  Cryptos, the good ones, are a once in a lifetime opportunity for the average Joe to make money in a way that has never been possible before BUT look at 2 through 6!

2.  Give yourself a few years from when you start before expecting big returns.  Do not approach this as a “get rich quick” proposition.  Few can predict which projects will be winners, nobody can consistently predict the timing.  I will miss timing, but that does not negate a prediction from playing out in time.  Just give yourself a few years from when you start and the months won't matter much relative to the big picture.

3. This is gambling so only discretionary money goes into cryptos.  Never use your savings or “grocery money.”

4.  Take profits!  Never buy a crypto before deciding at what point you will take profits

5.  Liquid Asset Strategy is key!

a)  Only 50% to 55% into cryptos (diversified holdings)

b)  For now, keep at least 20% in cash reserves (U.S. Dollars.  The US Dollar is junk, but all other currencies are even worse). and keep most of it at home. Only enough in the bank for bill paying

c)  25% to 30% in precious metals (mostly silver one ounce rounds, eagles or philharmonics).

6.  Security is vital!  Do not trust anyone!  Only next sell orders on exchanges.  The bulk of cryptos need to be stored/secured with a hard wallet.  I do not completely trust any third party with my cryptos.  I use Ledger Nano X.

We hope our friends who are struggling right now can take a step back, consider those points, and pat themselves on the back for being so early to this game...those who hang in there with a diverse group of top projects can do so well in the years to come.

If you see someone being emotional in the comments it is because they did not listen to the above messages.    Of course they are upset if they don't understand the basics like keeping some dry powder and giving themselves a few years from when they start.  Maybe lovingly remind them "DON'T MISTAKE TEMPORARY DECLINES FOR A PERMANENT LOSS" and “THE REAL FORTUNES THAT HAVE BEEN MADE IN THIS WORLD HAVE BEEN MADE BY PEOPLE WHO HAVE BEEN RIGHT ABOUT THE BUSINESS THEY INVESTED IN, AND NOT RIGHT ABOUT THE TIMING OF THE MARKET.

WE KNOW SOME REAL FORTUNES HAVE BEEN AND WILL BE MADE BY OUR FRIENDS.  And we know Theta, Persistence, Cardano, XRP, Polkadot and other top picks are going so much higher in time.  It is just a matter of time.