Michelle Whitedove

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We all must face it, but Death is not an event to be feared.
And do not believe we should be unduly saddened by the death of another, even a loved one who we hold dear to our hearts.  Let me put your mind at rest and tell you what happens during and after those final moments…

As a medium, I’ve have my own experiences and I’ve spoken with many, many spirits that have left their earthly life behind them and now inhabit the Other Side. Each soul has their own story to tell. Those stories alone would fill a library of books, but they all have the same emotional feelings  about the moment of death.

There is a sense of drifting away. Pain subsides and then stops, soon to be forgotten. Worries and earthly concerns become more distant and seem to be at arm’s length, consciousness changes, then we see and move on a different plane of existence, one with an overwhelming all-encompassing feeling of warmth and love.

Some of the departed feel the loving presence of their guardian angels, they see or feel these celestial beings before the actual moment of death, they see them in the room, feel their presence or a sense of warmth and love washes over them. Sometimes, people who lie on the brink of death, at home or in a hospital bed comment that they can see and talk with deceased partners or relatives.

“Here’s Grandma, can you see her?” is an often asked question, by someone about to die. Of course we cannot see Grandma, but the person about to pass over can. Spirit guides are present for the one about to die and they are doing a great and loving duty, they have manifested themselves to ease the fear of dying. The spirits reveal themselves so that the person about to die knows there are better things awaiting them; they comfort and assist them with the transition from this earthly life, through the transition and into the spirit world.

His relative reported that when Steve Jobs was on his death bed, his last words were “Oh Wow!”

When the body stops breathing and shuts down for the last time; the soul is no longer tied to the body and can float away - free of its earthbound constraints.

Once the soul floats away from the body, it may hover just above the body for a while as their spirit guides and Guardian Angels gather around and guide the soul to the start of its next journey. Spirits sometimes linger for days, even to the point of watching their own funeral. The reason they do this should be fully understood. The lingering of the soul after death helps those left behind, giving the family and friends time to come to terms with their grief and loss and allows the spirit a time to say goodbye to those who were loved during the time on earth. Sometimes spirits visit loved ones when the person is asleep; they visit in dreamtime and say their goodbyes either just before their physical death or just after the event

When this period is over, and all earthly tasks are completed the spirit is content to move into the light and continue its own journey of evolution. So the death that we see is really just the starting point of another journey for the soul. A timeless journey that each of us has to make at some pre-ordained time.

Our Guardian Angels assist our soul’s passage, but don’t force us, for we still have our own will and the ability to make choices. Nothing is more important than that our soul makes the right choice and chooses to turn and go into the light, for only then do we complete our journey and move into the next stage of our spiritual life.

The soul has a memory, the record of our thoughts, our deeds, our beliefs, personality, and our mind are imprinted on our soul. So when we die we’re simply a ‘lighter’ version of who we were just before death came to us. We are happy to be going home again to paradise in the heavens, where all is perfect.

I’ve made that journey several times, yet I still find it difficult to describe the awesome sense of radiating warmth, understanding, forgiveness, wisdom and overwhelming unconditional love that washes over the soul as we enter the light.  Once the soul enters the light, the last vestiges of the earthly life are truly over and the soul has once again come back home into Heaven, united as a member of the celestial universe, above and beyond the cares and worries of the human race. So please do not worry – you will see your beloved again – you will meet them on the other side.

As you may know, I write about my Heavenly Near Death Experience (NDE) when I was involved in a fatal car crash. I have seen and felt the grandeur of Heaven and I’d like you to have a peace about the transition that we call death - - because it’s merely our birth back home where all is perfect!

Now more than ever you’ll find books and videos on the topic of Near Death Experiences – souls are going to heaven but then returning to tell humanity – it’s beautiful on the Other Side and there is nothing to fear!

Sending you much love and light,

Michelle Whitedove
Author | Teacher | Seer

Worth seeing - here is a wonderful uplifting NDE [Near Death Experience]  how our energy and thoughts affects others https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=XLJ4V7O6KhI  

>>PS Lets Create a Movie Play List to share!
In the comments below Please Post your favorite movie that gives a loving perception of Heaven, the Other Side and the transition that we call death. 

Here are two of mine:
-What Dreams May Come   w/Robin Williams
-Ghost   w/Demi Moore