Michelle Whitedove

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There is so much chaos in the world right now

At times its difficult to know what is fake news and what is legitimate!

It is true, with today’s high tech abilities, much of the news is manufactured based on agendas. So “Now Is The Time” to work on your intuition. This is a time for people to say to Great Spirit “turn up the  volume, turn my intuition up”, because intuition is your spiritual GPS, your direction, let your intuition guide you.  Work on developing your personal relationship with God, get prayerful, be grateful and count your blessings on a daily basis. Then listen for guidance. Divine guidance will take you right where you need to be, gracefully and as painlessly as possible. It's that simple.

You can also pay more attention to what feels right. When people say, “I’m not getting good vibes” that is a spiritual red flag.  Or when you meet someone for the first time and after a brief conversation you feel a loving kinship as if you’ve known them for a lifetime. Now I’m not talking about weighing a situation or judgment. I’m talking about your gut reaction and your first intuition which is an unexplained knowing.

We are born empaths, we have the ability to feel others, babies and toddlers are very in-tune.  Adults may move away from being full-blown empathetic and may only receive hunches or a gut feeling.  This works with what is going on in the world too. Be open to receive guidance by getting your emotions, intellect and political beliefs out of the way. When you look at a political leader, a potential candidate or a news maker - - focus on the human being, what sense do you get? Are they a truth speaker or an actor reading a script? Then use discernment and wisdom to interpret your intuitive impressions.

Fake News is rampant, but God’s truth never changes.

Sending you Much Love and Light,

Michelle Whitedove
Author Teacher Truth Speaker