Michelle Whitedove

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2022 World Predictions and Spiritual Insights by Michelle Whitedove

EXCERPT from my 35 page PATREON REPORT published Jan 20 2022
by Michelle Whitedove

Happy New Year!!  No surprises thus far.  As I predicted: Supply Chain, Labor Market, and Food/Product/Services problems/shortages continue--remember, stock up and stay stocked up on essentials.  Power outages continue.  Internet has been and can be turned off in different areas around the globe, but only temporarily (don’t worry, you won’t lose your cryptos because of this.  In fact, in general, stop worrying about all of these crazy theories that cryptos are going to be stopped.  The good ones are not going away, period).   Dams continue to be in the headlines--caution.   Volcanoes & Tornadoes, Flooding, Crazy weather, and more whistle blowers and scandals will surface. 

Also, as predicted, Cryptos are off to a slow start in 2022 (but that will change soon), and the division among people continues to intensify.  On a positive note, the Supreme Court shut down some vaxx legislation as predicted in Nov of 2021.  However, governments won’t stop trying to control people so we need to stay engaged and peacefully protest--when we are united, the gov’t is fearful and will back down. On the LIGHT side, there’s still an awakening going on and more and more people are figuring out whether they will decide to be sheep or stand up for their rights.  Very few put any stock in the fake news anymore and have figured out they cannot trust gov’t and must question things.  Those who do not question are sheep and when you are vilified for questioning things, then you know something is very wrong.  

Just as I predicted over the past few months, we are still in the “crypto market correction” as Spirit shared we would be in.Thank you, Spirit, for giving us so much information, [Specific Details in my Patreon Report]

World Predictions, Spiritual Insights and more


Real estate. Pretty much on average, real estate went up 30% in the last year. See, it is exactly what Spirit shared with us, short term okay, but mid to longer term caution.  It has maybe another year of going up like it has been.  And then, well, it goes stagnant.  And then it eventually trends down.  Does that play into when someone should by a house?  It is a case by case basis type of question because you need a place to live. There are so many personal factors to consider in this question.  The key is to figure out what you can afford and where you are looking to buy.  But as far as trends go, short term prices will rise, but a little later on down the road, things will change and begin dropping.  Did you know that huge firm, Black Rock, put billions into real estate and also added to the frenzy?  Real estate has become such a perverse market.  Sometimes it seems like the primary thing people do in the US is just buy and sell houses to each other.  Think about it.  It is so out of whack.  Let me sum it up, I have a good friend of mine and she wanted to get out of her old career, she was making big money, but she burnt out and I said, "Go back to what you love." And she said, “I love real estate.” So I told her, "Well, you have a short window with it, but get on it now if that is what you love. You can make a lot of money for maybe the next two years. And then, not so much-"  I gave her this message about a year or so ago. 


The Federal Reserve has said that they're going to “raise interest rates several time this year, starting in March."  I do not see them getting in multiple rate hikes this year.  NO.  I feel there'll be a block or a delay or something that it won't happen the way they are saying now.  So maybe they get one in but not multiple and I mostly just get “delays or block.”  Here’s the challenge, they are caught between the horns of dilemma.  If they don’t raise rates, then inflation heats up.  If they do raise rates then they stall out and hurt one of the biggest US industries, which is Real Estate.  Real Estate touches so many industries and people.  And, as I shared already, real estate is doing good right now in the US, but then it's going to go back to not so good. 


Federal Reserve will go away in the future, not anytime soon, but it will go away.  The IRS will not go away, but politicians will get rid of the Fed Reserve eventually. 

 Precious Metals: Details in my Report


God is the Creator of all that is. God is called by many names, Great Spirit, Allah, the Supreme Being and The Universal Consciousness. She is everything and nothing; he is the all of the universe and contains all aspects of feminine and masculine energy. God created the universe, the heavens and mankind; he is a part of each one of us. God is love and the internal light within us all. Our soul contains that Spark of God. We are all God’s children and we are an extension of God, created from unconditional love.

Spiritually speaking, when we die or pass over and watch our life review, do we also recall all of our dreams? 
Everything is recorded in The Book of Life, also called the Akashic Records. Everything, so yes, your dreams too. Sometime when you awake you may only remember a fragment of your dream. It may not make sense to your conscious mind. But everything is recorded. Including your Soul Travel journeys.  Now remember some dreams are future visions or premonition. Some may be relevant to your conscious mind, some may not.

Did Jesus have a life review? No, Jesus didn't need a life review he had already ascended to Heaven.

Do we see our previous lives during our life review? I've talked about many times, we review our Earthly life and how we impacted others, both good and bad. And we get to review all that, everything. We get to see everything in great detail. You get to hear it, feel it, smell it, tastes it, know it. You actually become that other person to see what the impact, whether it was joy, whether it was pain, whether it was just a karmic thing that you needed to wrap up. So your soul knows the full depth of that impact.

When you cross over, you’ll have a life review which is an evaluation from the life [ it’s NOT a judgement day where you will be committed to Heaven or Hell – that is not true] that you just came out of. This is just trip, okay? Think of it as a journey. Just a short trip – your current life is a blink of an eye in your eternal journey.  For some people they had a beautiful life; if you create that. But right now, it's like A Nightmare on Elm Street for many souls. 

But back to the question - - Will see Past Life interactions during your Life Review? Only if they correlate to some Past Life Karma that you were destined to work out in this life.   Mostly during the time between lives we go back and review our past lives: we do this with permission to view our Book of Life which has every life that we have lived since our soul was created. Fascinating right!!?


Is the Omicron variant much more transmissible? Yes, we know that. It spreads quicker, this Omicron version, but it's less severe for most people. It's like the cold, or it can be like a bad flu. So many are sick, but at this rate, it's going to spread through the society so quick that... and the Omicron not really much more than the flu. So hopefully by the time March 2022 rolls around, it's not really that big of a factor with this Omicron. I pray it is so.  But know that China will not stop!

Look this came from China but the US is involved. It is all Gain-of-Function with the US Patents to prove it. China is  just going to keep throwing viruses out there until it comes down to a straight out war, which really, it already has come to that. It's just people are sleepwalking and our government truly does not want to enlighten us because their excuse is, "Oh, well, we might have mass hysteria." Well, you’ve already got that. People around the Globe are up in arms, marching, protesting, rioting but you won’t see those videos on CNN. No!  But humanity is up in arms and pissed off and we are saying we've had enough and we want our freaking freedom!!!  And US citizens know their freedom is based on the constitution of the United States of America.

Michelle is there Nano technology in the COVID vaccines? Spirit says Yes. Scientists can put... they put these very tiny particles of graphene or machines or technology in the vaccines.

Remember, we did this whole huge write up of what's going on in the world and how everything fits together. And one of the things was they [the shadow government] are not putting Nano tech in the virus. The Nano technology will come later in the vaccines. And Spirit said that even before the vaccines were out.

And so here we are, I'm asking Spirit: Are they are putting Nano tech in the vaccines now?  The answer is YES.  Please I implore everyone to wait this out - do not take that experimental shot or the boosters. They are not safe and they are not effective.  You want to boost something – boost your immune system with a good vitamin protocol!!  My Emergency Room Doctor Client/Friend says; Scurvy is a disease caused by the lack of Vitamin C, whereas COVID will take ahold because of a lack of Vitamin of D3. You should have 5000iu of vitamin D3 in your bloodstream.  Even if you are vaccinated take the D3, because as we know the Vaccinated get COVID too.

Background Information: Cornell Scientists Nano scale graphene machines https://www.bitchute.com/video/jU1QZCRDAol7/

China In The News Now ;There are three major cities in China right now that are on complete lockdown from COVID - 20 Million people are on lockdown because China has a Zero Case policy; but more concerning within these cities a few people are showing symptoms of hemorrhagic fever. 

Yes, Spirit forewarned us about this remember?  "Listen, I see people, sadly, in another variant bleeding..."  you can read the prediction in the 9 Nov 2020 Patreon Report

Yes, Spirit warned us even before we knew that this was a possibility and I feel that a hemorrhagic fever will make it to U.S. shores at some point. They've been testing it on the Chinese. Like they think we're lab rats – literally ! it’s all bioengineered so it's more aggressive and more contagious. Now, they're taking a variant that causing a bleeding fever and making it more potent and more... It's crazy what they do, man. It's crazy. They want to wipe out everything.

The world scientific community came together once before and said, "Stop Gain of Function." This means supersizing the viruses to be more lethal”. And they stopped for a little while, allegedly, and now look where we're at;  Bioweapons unleashed on humanity!

 Ancient America
In ancient America did a giant race of people or beings live on this island off the coast of Georgia called Jekyll Island?  I’ve stayed on Jekyll Island so I’m familiar with it. Yes absolutely, there's been proof of eight foot tall and taller beings living all over North America in ancient times.  There is a biblical backstory and Spirit says it sounds crazy but it’s true so just bear with me. Angels that were sent here, right, some of them fell love with the daughters of men meaning human beings. These Angels fell in love with their beauty and their gift of Free-Will and so they made love to the women.   And that, is something they were not supposed to do... it was kind of against the rules. So when they mated, what came out of that? Giants. Well, God let the giants walk  the world, but they were so big and destructive, finally then he wiped them out.

Across ancient America and other continents too giants once lived. There were hundreds of reputable accounts of giant skeletons found in the 1800’s Newspapers as workmen engaged in expanding towns and cities.  https://lccn.loc.gov/sn84024350 
It seems, in just a couple of years Fake Fact Checkers are removing all types evidence on every controversial topic – rewriting history to fit the new Earth History Narrative.

Giants That We Know - NY Newspaper from Aug 1896

Also there are other beings that are here that are eight foot, if not taller. The Yeti also called Bigfoot and the abominable snowman in the artic.  In China, Tibet, Nepal and those regions way up in the mountains there are Monks that protect the secrets of the Yeti; the white ones, all white to blend in with the snow. So these Giants still exist in modern day and there's even more and more footage and proof of that out there. And they vary in only one thing, their coats, and the colors, depending on what area they are across the globe. But I don't want to let you confuse the ancient giants with the Bigfoot. They are two separate races of Gods other children.  Sorry I got off track a bit!

Jekyll Island
So we know that the ultra-wealthy elite bankers met in Jekyll Island back in 1910 to create the federal reserve. The question was, WHY did they?  What was there major motivation for creating the federal reserve?  Was there major motivation because they had found large amounts of gold in the Grand Canyon or because they just wanted to gain control of the monetary system? They wanted to gain control of the monetary system.  Finding gold in the Grand Canyon is separate. Gaining control of the US currency and charging for those services was created out of greed – to financially control America in the future. That was their motive.

So Rockefeller, John D. Rockefeller actually had a house on Jekyll Island along with J.P. Morgan, the Vanderbilt’s, the Astors and more, because that was a center of power back in the day. Because that's where they created the federal reserve and they did more than that. A lot of really wealthy families built their houses on the coast there  because that was a center of power in a vacation spot.

Someone asks:  Did John D. Rockefeller purposely build his dwelling on Jekyll Island over a sacrificial altar from a previous civilization?   Yes. I can answer it. Unfortunately, the answer to that is yes, that's what many of the ultra-wealthy do to gain great power, they will spill blood for money, power and fame by making a deal with the devil.  So the answer was yes, he actually did purposely do it. He sold his soul. It's sick, blood sacrifices and black magic. Hard to believe? It’s true.

Side note: Have you ever seen the photo of Gloria Vanderbilt sitting on the brass bed with her two young sons [Anderson Cooper and Carter]? Well just look at the artwork over the bed against the red checked wall paper. Evil always likes to show off.

There's a school and it's not a certified law school or anything like that. It's just called Freedom Law School that I’d like to ask you about? No, I don't like it. Let me see a photo of the man that runs it. I want to make sure we're on the same page. Hold on. Yeah. I don't like it - seems like a sham. This it all crooked, he's bad. He tries to teach people how to not pay their taxes, which ... Listen, I get it, but with this guy - - you're always going to end up in trouble.  Hmm, he’s in deep trouble, he’s got a hit on him, more than one. Let's just say, from enemies? Oh wow, please don't go into this program.

I had written before, Listen, Spirit's given it a thumbs up. They're going to have the problems that everyone else is going to have, but overall, Norway, pretty good thumbs up. Here's a question about Norway and their prime minister. The prime minister is Jonas Gahr Store and they are asking Is he going to help the people of Norway, help them remain free, or will the people need to stand up and change the way things are going in Norway? Do you get any feelings on the prime minister of Norway?

I have a photo, so I’ve  got a bead on him. He's no better than the rest of these globalist with their skewed political leadership.  He's a politician. Yeah. He’s not going to do what is right for the people of Norway and their greater good. The people are going to have to stand up. It's kind of coming down to that, really, all over the world.  You never really could count on politicians most will sell you out for a big check!!!


Russia and Ukraine
Russia and Ukraine, the Ukrainian people, Ukraine used to be part of Russia. They speak a different language than the Russians, but Russia, really, is in the news over and over again, you hear, "Oh, Russia is going to invade Ukraine. Russia is going to invade Ukraine." But really that's the news we're getting from Intel sources that want us to think Russia is going to invade Ukraine, but the question is simple. Will Russia invade Ukraine is the question? 
No, I think it's a political chess game, Putin moves, moves forces there in order to gain a response and have leverage for getting other things he wants. But basically, Putin's just pissed off even though, listen, Putin's bad. I know Putin's bad, but what we do is we move our missiles and everything right up in Ukraine, up to his border. And so of course he's going to go, "What the frigg are you guys doing?" Yeah, firing back. Trying to start a war. He's like, "What are you trying to do? Start a war? Knock it off."  Check Mate! Posturing, bluffing.  Makes me wonder what BIDEN is doing - - does he and Hunter still have money flowing in from the Ukraine? Hmmm

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 History's Mysteries
What happened to the dinosaurs?
Oh, that's an easy one. . Well they were created, but they became very destructive to not only obviously the surface, but other, let's just say, God's children and others, let's say there's a world within this world, other beings. Just because you don't see, it doesn't mean it's not there. Like the government's got a whole underground system. There's a big underground network of passages and such, from prehistoric times too but people can't even fathom that, so. Going back on topic: the dinosaur period, went on for a very long time. And that was at the time that science says, "Oh, well, we originated or evolved from  the monkey, to the human like species before the Neanderthals. You know primitive man.  But they didn't look like people, like how we look today. And so these dinosaurs were just killing everything. And so God just sent one swipe, froze with ice, I think. So it wasn't a meteor that wiped out the dinosaurs. Spirit says No, ice. God wiped it out with freezing everything.  So basically, an ice age is what took them out.

I think the other interesting part of this is primitive man. Spirit has always said that we had more than one species of primitive man.  As kids we were taught that Dinosaurs and man did not live at the same time. That is a lie.  Primitive man and Dinosaurs did coexist for a time. Guess who was also there at that period of time? The red man. The red man, meaning the indigenous Indians were there too. 

Archeologists have found many primitive species of man. Spirit says some of them are unrelated and we did not slowly evolve from a monkey. Different  species of man were created by God. It’s not a linear timeline of humans evolving into the next version. Some species, God stopped, updated the DNA and then created a new human type of being. Then began again several times. That's the reason when we find those skeletons, that, "Gosh, that homosapien or Cro-Magnon isn’t like that Neanderthal."  Don’t believe Darwin’s Theory of Man’s Evolution – it’s about man’s ego trying to connect dots that have no connection.  Its theory - - not truth.

Michelle, you wouldn't believe what the article reads, almost about everything you've been talking about.  Well, they don't have your name on it or anything, but it's just similar topics to things you've discussed for years. And I found this article and I just thought, "Well, let's just show Michelle."  It's fascinating. Some confirmation in this article is probably worth a read bit, right? And Look the Photo of the Statue of Liberty – headless as you’ve been talking about!

Here’s the article and you wouldn't believe what the article reads, almost about everything you've been talking about: www.commondreams.org/views/2021/12/15/class-war-waged-and-being-won-rich-destroying-us-democracy

In closing, personally I want to end by thanking you all for your kind generosity over the past months. The heartfelt letters, cards and gifts of all sorts that came via post from near and across the globe – I was touched by your thoughtfulness and appreciation for the work that I do here on Patreon.  This year, many of us had personal hurtles to overcome. As you may know I have been on hiatus from conducting personal readings. My focus has been on my other missions. There is a long waitlist although I have not decided as to when I will go back to doing readings. But I will be here with you on Patreon and I’m already looking forward to February.   

Stay Prayerful and Stay Positive because our thoughts, our words, our deeds and visualization help to create our personal future and as a group we can positively influence the mass consciousness.  Here again is the Metatron Prayer Written and  Spoken Word a powerful prayer of protection and abundance.


I hope that you enjoy this report!
Sending you much love and light,

 Michelle Whitedove

Author |Teacher | Seer


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