Michelle Whitedove

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WORLD PREDICTIONS Oct 2021 by Michelle Whitedove

This is a small excerpt of my newest 25 page Patreon Report as recorded on Oct 19, 2021.


 This year, what's left of 2021, and the next year people cannot be stuck in their ways, or they will find out quickly things will not work out very well for them.  Even though they’ve been okay up to now.  Going forward, people have to be flexible and adaptable.  Embrace change.  Do not be afraid of it, embrace it, as long as it's positive. Duck, dodge, weave, lay-low, stay away from negative people, negative things. You know? I already said that, be flexible.  Be open-minded. Be grateful. Stay prayerful.

Gas prices. Do I feel like they're going to be going up, or stay the same? They're going to be going up. I think they did go up, didn't they?  Right now, average price is about 3.50 for mid-grade gas. In California, it's always a buck higher, so it's 4.50 there, but depending on the state, but the average price is about 3.50 for mid-grade gas per gallon. It's going up.  And even a little hurts many people.  Especially those who commute.  You see how many ways “they're” trying to tank us?  No pun intended.  Virus, Vaxx. Tax, Gas… Remember my theme from the 165 page Whitedove Report we just did?  Look up the Theme and it will all make sense. 

Insurance rates and coverages are going to change because of everything that's going on.  Yes.  Think about it, they make a large portion of the population sick and there are more suicides, more illnesses, because of the vaxx and viruses…then insurance will have to adjust or go bankrupt.  All that's changing now and going to change more.  A lot of people are starting to get letters saying that their coverages are changing and more of this is coming. They're all changing.  All the policies.

Christmas shipping delays.  Yeah.  Is this all just hype or are there going to be Christmas shipping delays? No. It's not all hype, some of it is, but there will be delays.  Supply chain challenges, deliveries, all of it.  If you want go get something in time for Christmas, you ought to get online and order those things now.   Pay attention to truckers, trucking.  Oh, boy, if anybody wants to get anything done by the holidays, they're going to have to be on that now, and get creative. Maybe just shop local, if you can, because if you get into the shipping, you might get into the delays.  If you see it on the shelf, grab it because there is a good chance when you go back it's not going to be there.


One of my PURPLE Color Coded Cryptos {Purples are the ones that have the most potential] One coin Spirit gave me and said it would be really good. Someone commented BUT IT KEEPS GOING DOWN?” Then out of nowhere it surprised everyone, well not my Patreon’s, and went up about 300% in a week or so.

[Anyone experiencing FOMO and thinking about jumping into Cryptocurrency - now is the time. Its still in the beginning stages but many governments are testing Digital Cryptocurrency to replace paper currency. If you have some expendable cash [not your savings] this is a great time to get in! You can always join me on Patreon - we have a great group there with daily posts, conversations and monthly reports.]


China test fired their hyper-sonic missile, circled the globe before you can say, quick. The world governments were kind of stunned over the weekend.  This is China saying “Look world, we are the Alphas.  We are the super power.  This was China putting the world on notice.  China is demonstrating their power.  They're showing not only the United States that they are superior, but they flew that missile all the way around to say, Chinese will rule the world, and all the rest of you that are not Chinese, you will just be slaves, or put to death, or work, or whatever."  That's what China plans to do. 

China and War.   Thank you, spirit. Spirit is telling me the USA pulled all of our troops out of the middle east, not because of the reasons they gave.  They pulled the troops back for us, because we don't have enough troops to protect the US.  It was to try to save our ass, because what Great Spirit showed me last night is either China pushes first or we push first (not the button, but pushes the other too far).  As I have been warning and predicting, we're on a path towards war and China's demonstrating their power to the world.   Now this kinetic war is not NOW, this is out there, but it's already an action, in motion right now.  This is going to take time, but when you've had a 100 years to plan the war like China has AND you've bought up your enemies strategic real estate and politicians, like China has…you know it is coming.  They already started the war with the Virus and more is coming.  That is biological warfare.  What happens when China cuts off exportation? Its first going to start between the United States and China, but then the other countries start getting involved.  Mark my words, they want this land, too.  People still have a right to know this, because do you think that anybody in this country of any significance, or in the government, or any who are in power are going to tell the people the truth? No.  This is what I'd like to tell the people, take off your rose colored glasses and see, make an effort to see, not only with your eyes, but with your instincts, your soul, your heart.

I am not political.  I got this last night, you'll be interested in this, Joe Biden is worthless, I'm sorry, but-he's got to go. He is doing more damage than many realize.  I keep asking Spirit about that, and it's weird the only thing they ever share is he could pass at any time, he has Alzheimer's, he can’t speak, he's pissing off everybody with his stupid ideas. That's why it took him four times to become the president. He should have stopped at three. Three strikes you're out, bubba. Nobody likes this guy. It's not just the United States people who don’t like him. I just see other people taking over in his place, like he fades out.  He definitely won't make it through a second term and should not even attempt it.

Another Military Draft in the U.S.?  Yes.  Remember I told you the draft will be reinforced and women, girls, and boys will have to go.  This is coming.  Later on down the road there will be mandate for a draft.  When was the last time we had that?  It's important for people to know.  And during a depression, it is a way to put people to work and to maintain control and power. 


Apple Cider Vinegar - toxic or good?  Michelle, a well-known person that's a medical medium, is saying that apple cider vinegar is toxic internally, and not healthy?  No. No, that is wrong. Oh, my God. Organic Apple Cider vinegar with the “Mother” in it, it’s so good for the body. You know in moderation. Just a little is good.  I mean, duh, if you went overboard and drank a bottle of it, but it is so good for you in small amounts for many issues: it corrects Ph Levels, stops heartburn and much more. Do your research.  

Pharmaceutical maker, Merck and Ridgeback have now come up with a pill to replace the COVID shot. No. No. It's the same crap, if not, it is even worse.  Don't take that pill, TeamWhitedove.  Not you.  I cannot advise others medically, I can only share what I am doing.  But I am telling you, TW, don’t take that pill.  I'm very protective of you.

Colloidal Silver.  Silver can even be used to clean water. Silver is actually used for a multitude of things, and it's positive for many applications.  And it can boost your immune system, to bump up your immune system. This is good in the sense of bumping up your immune system. What everybody needs to do if they don't want to get COVID, or a flu, or whatever, is to bump up your immune system--we’ve been sharing this for years.  If your immune system is fully up and working, you are going to be healthy as a horse.

Another virus lockdown coming to the United States?  Yes, but not super long and not all states.  It feels more like next year, but you know timing.  I can share it will happen again and that is important for you to know.  It's going to be certain states, obviously, not all states. It's not going to be for a long extended period.  It just depends on the state and you have already seen the pattern of the states you don’t want to be in. 

As far as the other parts of the world, there will be lockdowns for a lot of them.  And lots of people want to leave certain counties, like Australia for example, but they're on lockdown, so it's not that easy unless you have a lot of money and connections.       

A lot of people actually quitting their jobs, not getting fired, but quitting.   Quitting, because they'd rather stay home and collect stimulus, aid, and social security versus going out, because they're afraid of COVID, and they got comfortable while they were in their house in their jammies, and their robe, or whatever, at they're desk, doing their work.  And also, once they heard, "If you come back to work you have to get a shot," many people said “NO.” And some people are just saying, "I'm retired." A lot of people are pulling out and doing early retirement.  And so many people now are bartering. You wouldn't believe it. It's getting bigger and bigger, and I'm happy about that, so people won't be so darn greedy. Again, I have to say this, if we stand together united, we're united and strong. If we separate and segregate, we all fall.  One stick is weak, but if you put a lot of sticks together, it's strong. It's hard to break.

Michelle, my daughter is pregnant and is due in November, she has not had the shot, her nurse is saying she should get the shot, I am worried about the baby too. What are your thoughts on this?  
Everyone has the right to do what they think is best for themselves, that is your God-given right. As I’ve said since the beginning of this plague, if it were me, I wouldn't take the shot and especially if I were pregnant  - NO WAY!! Life is too precious and that mRNA Vaccine affects the genes of both Mother and Child. And now THE NEW ENGLAND JOURNAL OF MEDICINE has updated their stance on pregnancies and the risks of pregnancy complications with the VAXX including 13.9% of the Pregnant experienced Spontaneous Abortions for 108 women out of 800 in a study !! Would you consider that Safe and Effective?

I know the actual percentage of miscarriages, stillborn babies and spontaneous abortions is much higher.  But these souls did not choose to have gene edited health issues so they are not to be born.  And some of the women that do have these injections – many will not be able to conceive again because Spirit has said [in previous reports] these vaccinations are designed to make women sterile and Spirit says men too. 

  • CORRECT NOV 2021 News - Federal health regulators say an experimental COVID-19 pill developed by Merck identified several potential pregnancy risks, including possible toxicity to developing fetuses and birth defects that were identified in studies of the pill conducted in animals.

Conspiracy or a Theory? Havana Syndrome. 

Yes, it’s real, mostly it is China who is behind it. They even did it to some of their diplomats to deflect blame. It is an energy weapon and they target the diplomats and agents. I don’t know how; microwave and sound. I see their experiments.  And there are other experiments too. And that's why they're killing lots of nature and us too. I can hear those frequencies, like animals, I can hear the high frequencies, the lower frequencies. I'll look at my husband and friends and go, "Man, do you guys don't hear that? My heads going to blow off."  They are doing experiments in the ocean too.  You will see whales and other sea life dying because they are sending these energy weapons into the seas. Very sad!


Orbs.    Let's say if I was in my room and to my eye, visible eye, I saw an orb, well that is a spirit, or a soul. Now, the question is if it is a good spirit? If it's a light orb, light white or even a bluish indigo light, golden light. It is good.  If it's bad, you'll know immediately because you will feel bad.  You will feel darkness, heaviness, so you'll know instantly that's not who you want to communicate with and get it out of your house, and your life. 

There's a lot of them being captured by humans on camera and video.  Some are Angels, some are Spirit Guides.  Other orbs are negative energy, if they're dark; they even have a dark silhouette.  It could be a negative wayward soul or even a negative entity.  But also, some people are simply capturing on camera or video, water droplets and they're mistaking them. Dust and water droplets also in photographs will show up as orbs, and a lot of people will go to the graveyard and there will be a bazillion orbs all around and they're like, "Look at all the ghosts." No, it's tiny water droplets in the air. There's a lot of mistaken orb photographs. 

With Authentic orbs  you can see their intelligent movement and some can all-of-the-sudden morph into your spirit guide, or your angel. When I was on location staying at Myrtles Plantation in Louisiana, my entire group witnessed an orb that morphed into a silhouette of a man walking – he took about three steps and then disappeared. He was once the caretaker of the Plantation and a lady captured it on video as I directed her to zoom in on the Orb that I was seeing. It was mind-blowing! I write about phenomena like this in my book GHOST STALKER II     A lot of people do see orbs, but generally don't know what it is; It's a soul!  I think the safe thing to say is that orbs are spirit, and if they're of light they're good spirits; they could be angels, your spirit guides. They could also be loved ones dropping in. You know?

Before every event I call-in my “Unseen Support Team”, here in this photo several orbs were captured as I was on stage speaking, there is even one orb sitting on the chair next to me! Pretty cool, right?  


Our Pets.  They are our family and when it's the end of their time, let them go in dignity, don't make them hang on too long.  You don't want them to suffer. You have to basically, dogs and cats, different animals, but especially dogs and cats, because they're here for us primarily, you have to let them go.  We can’t make it about us, because they will suffer just to stay with us.  Our fur babies really are here for us, more than we are for them. We need to feed them, water them, love them, and protect them. You know that dogs represent unconditional love, and loyalty, and the service to humanity.

I’m going to give you a prime example that just happened. My friend’s cat was so sick and wouldn't go until my friend would fully say, “I know you're staying here for mommy, but mommy knows you've had enough, now it's time for you to go." Our pets, much like people want to be with the ones they love when they cross to the other side. My Friends cat was 18 years old, he was on medicine that was no longer working. He was still eating, drinking and purring. My friend carried her cat around swaddled like a baby during those last days and at night she laid him in bed with her and talked to him, she thanked him for being such a great companion, and recounted stories of their adventures. Finally they both were ready; they each had a real sense of closure as he slipped from this life. You see sometimes our fur babies stay a little longer and those last days are a gift to us.  We had that with our dogs, as well. And then sometimes you need to take them to a veterinarian to help them go if they are in pain. It’s a loving decision that only you can make.

Wishing you Love, Light and Abundance,

 Michelle Whitedove

Author, New Thought Teacher, Futurist

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