Michelle Whitedove

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The Great I AM - Homework for You

Actual alignment today

Just a fun exercise !
Did you know that when you begin a sentence with I AM, your subconscious understands the statement as truth and begins to re-conceive "Who You Are" based on the information that you are feeding it.  This is why it’s so important to use your self-talk in a positive manner and understand how daily repetitious positive affirmations help to form your future reality 

I AM healthy, I AM abundant, I AM Wise, I AM Blessed

Sharing the above Astrological chart I found - Your "I AM" mantra or affirmation for this period each year.

Background: When the Sun is in the astrological sign of Leo the Lion, its called the Lions Gate, when every year from July 28th until August 12th, the Lion's Gate is open with its peak on AUGUST 8th or 8/8.  This powerful energy peaks when the Leo Sun aligns with Sirius to create high frequency energy. While the Lion's Gate portal opens it can help to activate your third eye (intuition and psychic sight) when you are actively meditating and are preparing for this.

My Lions Gate " I AM" mantra: I AM confident, abundant and majestic.

List yours in the comment area below … and focus on Any Positive "I AM" Affirmations this weekend and I hope that you will continue this as a daily practice. 

Feed Your Soul Positivity,
Michelle Whitedove
Author Teacher Seer