Michelle Whitedove

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Global Predictions and Spiritual Insights by Psychic-Medium Michelle Whitedove

This is an EXCERPT from Michelle Whitedove’s May 8 2020 Patreon Report
a paid subscription with Cryptocurrency Predictions, Global Predictions and Spiritual Insights. This is for you:


written May 8, 2020
by Michelle Whitedove

Opening Thoughts: 

I had to pray, and bring up my vibration for this session, like I always do.  I was actually praying and tears were streaming down my face. Not out of sadness. Just kind of the love that you feel for Spirit and there are really no words.  We all can have Spirit with us that. It's just wonderful. It's perfect. I always know what to say. And for our crypto friends, the market was running up and I knew it would roller coaster again.  But remember, the market will surprise to the upside again. 

Before going any further, I want to thank you for all of the kind words.  So many have, in their own words, shared they love the reports and information because it allows them to shift from being reactive to proactive.  Knowing ahead of time allows for planning.  The best results never come when we are just reacting to our environment.  The best results come when we shift into being proactive.  The best results come when we get ahead of things and work through them beforehand.  When we are calm. 

I am optimistic about the future because Spirit is optimistic about the future. I mean, everybody knows there's a lot going on, and economy-wise, and health wise, and family wise and we're going into a recession, but Spirit's always optimistic. They know exactly what's going on and also about the future. They are optimistic because light always wins. And free will is important…we can change things.  Sure, it is obvious to any who pay attention that darkness is really really rampant, and really really bad, but the light always wins.  We have to take the high road and get through the hard times. But we will. You know, most heavy hitters, there are not many in my field, but there really are some great ones, and those great ones who are in my field that are really good, if you heard their whole story, you'd be like, "Holy cow, I can't even believe what they have been through in life and they have hope in humanity still." That is because they know light always wins and nothing is written in stone and we can always help and contribute.  The same goes for me, yes I have seen the worse, but I have also seen the best.  Hope for me comes from the knowing light IS THERE and always wins AND that I can, we can, always contribute and help. 

Maybe I, we, can't help everybody, but we can help as many as we can get to. And it's a domino effect, and Spirit will always checks me and says, "Look, they can still change. The future is not created in the future, it's created in the moment."  If we all get together, people that really do believe in a higher power, in prayer, and we pray for peace and change, we can make that happen, because of free will. That's how powerful we are, because we're co-creators of our reality. We created good outcomes already [crosstalk 00:43:55].  You know we all recently did the global prayer and meditation and many joined in to pray to help mitigate coronavirus, and it was... not odd, I shouldn't say, but the day after, numbers started going down--it, we, made a difference. Now of course, they're coming back up and they will hit the numbers I predicted months ago, but it could have been worse.  And I know that prayer actually had impact.  Absolutely. Absolutely.  Undeniable. I’m so optimistic for the future, and Spirit's always optimistic for the future, because of free will and the light always wins over darkness. Know light will win.

I want to talk briefly about the good things I see coming in the future.   It is not all doom and gloom.  There is so much beauty to be seen and appreciated.  Often, we're sharing predictions and some of them are tough.  But they allow people to shift gears into where the amazing things can happen which is in the proactive zone.  AND on the really positive side, old bad systems are crumbling to make room for good and better ones to follow, but we must stay vigilant and involved and make certain good ones come in.  And of course the good cryptos are going to be positive and help people.  Cryptos, the good ones, are positive, because they are for the people and Spirit backs that up. So I would never question it.  More great news is that many people are spiritually waking up, individually and collectively and all.  And I see that happening more.  Also really positive is that I see more jobs in the humanitarian field, and in the healing field to come. And these are all very positive things. These spiritual and higher vibrational (if that is a word lol) things are coming, and the awakening has started, and that is really something to look forward to. Cleaner, better systems because the old ones are crumbling.  Yeah, we're going through hard times now, but it's only temporary, and we get through it, and we can impact it. So that's amazing.  And for years I have shared the corrupt manmade systems need to crumble, because we're never going to get to the light while the darkness is still ruling all of those manmade systems.

In line with that, by the way, I hope people saw my Jan 2020 predictions including General “Flynn getting cleared,” which (my prediction) was made when he had already plead guilty twice, because they coerced him to, and he was up for sentencing, and Spirit had me say, "Nope, he's going to be cleared." Which seemed impossible at the time… but he did just got cleared. Good.  Corruption is slowly getting cleared out.  But it takes time.  Also, Obama, Comey, Biden, Clapper and the Kabal knew and where in on it.   He, Flynn, was set up with the greater goal of taking out the President.  So corrupt, but getting slowly righted. People ask me, “Was Obama in on that set-up? President Obama? I mean it was his FBI, he was briefed about it. Biden was briefed about it.” Make no mistake, they tried to stop Trump from actually coming in or almost basically tried to overthrow him to some degree.  They did, yes, Obama and the others did. More on that later in the report. But for now, you will see signs in nearly every country around the globe that things are churning and falling apart, the bad is being eroded AND that is so important.   


In the Patreon Report there are 8 pages of Crypto Predictions - here are just two samples

Tether, Tether, Tether:  Years ago I shared Tether was a scam.  And it is.  Shared they didn’t have the money they said and they didn’t.  But yet it is still around and everyone knows it is a scam.  It will be diminished in time and it will NOT take down the crypto market.  The crypto market won’t be stopped.  So people don’t need to worry about everything.  All of this fear. It is counterproductive.  Just get the good cryptos, stop messing with the junk and sit tight.  The long game is the only big-winner game in this for me. The other trading games can work for a very, very few people…most lose their shirts but don’t admit it.  No get rich quick schemes.  If you hear, “get rich quick” from someone, then run.  But one more time, this is so important, fearful people keep asking if Crypto's are going bye-bye. But they're not. And I wish people would stop fearing it, because they're only helping to create it.  Now, I don't need to know what's going to happen with Tether, even though I do, because I just don’t touch it and I know it's not going to ruin the whole crypto market.  Yes it is a scam.  No it doesn’t take everything down with it.  People should stay away from it.  In short, Tether, sure it's bad, its junk. It'll eventually go away, but it's not going to end the whole crypto market, so don't worry about it.  Being informed is good but coming from fear is not.

Theta:  Yeah, it's up to like 16 cents, almost 17 cents today on the 8th, which is great, Theta, it is still going to be crazy good.  What they are marching towards, what they are building is significant and meaningful.  And while it will dip back down in a day or so, you know, the roller coaster, the trend is slowly up.  Yeah, it's going to slowly go up, but it's going to go up. Yeah. You know it's interesting, because you've always been... you've always got consistent messages on this. Very clear, consistent messages. Many times, you've looked at it. So when it drops down to 7 cents, we always go and buy some more. Because we got our first batch at 13 cents, but then when you buy some at 7 cents, and you average the cost, it's like you only got it for 10 cents. Yeah. But now I see Theta moving though, so that's good. It's going to start moving, slowly, but every cent adds up. And you know what, I remember saying it was going to be a dollar and then 10 and then so on. But this is in the future.  Yeah, I'm telling you, it's going to really blow people away. So they're missing out if they don't buy it while it is low, because I've said it a million times, and Spirit never wavers. They share with me to hold my ground. There it is.   if someone wants some, probably ought to think about getting some…not advice, just what I would do.  I really feel strongly about this. #GoTheta READ THETA NEWS It’s not too late to get in!

Global Predictions, Markets, Locations and Spiritual Insights
 by Michelle Whitedove 8 May 2020

Q: Obama to jail? Will they ever be able to catch him? Well they did catch him, but jail, no, sadly no justice there, but the justice is history will not be kind in remembering him as it all comes out.  No jail though because there are enough layers and so many people between him and the people that did the interviews and those few at the very top will not turn on each other…you know, Biden, Obama, The Heads of Intel Agencies, Susan Rice.  It will be so hard, legally, to actually pin legal charges that are prosecutable on them in court.  So with low probability of conviction, charges do not get levied.  Even though he, Obama, and they, his gang, were at the top of the pyramid. No, the rest of it will be covered up, hush-hush, or they'll create some fake news or some BS. Obama played his cards, lost, he's out, he's glad that he's out.  He and they are squirming right now though… that is why you hear “leaked” tapes and stuff.  So fake.  I am sorry, I am not political, I am not republican or a dem, I am for the people; but BS and wrong doing is BS and wrong doing, period.

Now, Comey, who was the head of FBI, he's looking really bad right now too and people know what he did.  He ruined the FBI’s rep, which wasn’t too good to begin with…they have a long history of doing bad stuff even though there are some good people in the org.  The top is so often corrupt.  But like Obama and really with Obama, he played his cards, thought he won, but didn’t and now it’s coming out.  But the key is, he's out of the game now.  And yes, he is guilty, but convicting him is a whole other thing.  And they could get him but their eyes aren't on him because they know it is hard to prove. They're not as interested in starting with him, believe it or not.   They will start lower. His underlings. They see him as the past, out of the game. They're all dirty, my gosh, you know that.   People want justice.  People want them to go after Obama, and they want them to go after Clinton and this Comey guy, and they want justice.  They want them to go after these different heads of the CIA and stuff and they want them to be accountable for all of their eff-ups and be held accountable.  You know they wrecked so many lives. They really did. But I don't see them at the very top being held accountable in a court of law.  Yes in the court of public opinion and even in the history books. But legally, charges that STICK are more like their underlings is as far as it will go.  Emotionally, and out of my wanting justice, I want them to get those people and charge them.  BUT, legally, I can't see them getting any charges [crosstalk 00:49:48] on those people that can stick and really be prosecuted.  You know, stick and lead to a guilty verdict.  That's what I'm saying. They don't have what they need.  They might try to indict them just for public court--but they don't have what they need. They don't have what they need to actually convict them.  So frustrating.

What do our Star Being friends think about what's going on.   It's funny that you ask me. I just said to Shante when I sat down at the desk, I said, "Shante, get ready, because the starbeings are coming out, and they are going to be seen by everybody.”  And you guys know the prediction I published in The Whitedove Report at the beginning of the year about that. More UFO sightings, indisputable. And just recently the Pentagon released files, videos and admitted.  Imagine that.  First time ever, publicly, from the Pentagon. I just say what Spirit says, but I don't retain all that information. Many Star Beings are watching what we're doing but don’t be fearful. They are aware of this virus (COVID-19) and all of the other crazy things going on. Obviously they're not thrilled with it. The thing about the Starbeings, (they are here, and they will be visible) they will actually work with some individuals. And Spirit is telling me, which is shocking, some Star Being are even working with the government, the heads that we don't see, to basically try to bring them to their senses by communicating, "You're destroying the planet, you're destroying the people. This is affecting our planets too." Back and forth. There are actually star beings that are communicating with the shadow government too, and everybody thinks it's all human beings, but it's not.   And, you will see more Star Beings (aliens) because they're here, and they want to be seen, because they do want to intimidate our corrupt government from doing the stupid things that they do which is killing the planet and us and affecting other planets.  See the UFO NSA FILES

So, I don’t want to go to deep into this right now, about the shadow gov’t or the heads that be that you cannot see, but I will in the next Whitedove Report.  Kind of as a whole separate report within that report, but that will not be until I do the “2021 & Beyond Report” because I have a lot more work to do on this important subject. but I need to be careful.  That won’t be until the very end of this year, you know, 7 months or so from now.  I only really want to do one or maybe two Whitedove Reports per year.  And that is because I want to really make them valuable.  Almost multi books within one big report.  Really honed in on the year to come and beyond.  We had so much great feedback on this year’s Whitedove Report and it was/is so accurate, that I feel the way to do it is to just do it once a year for the hole next year and beyond.  People can just set aside $5 or so per month if they are interested.  You know the last one was almost 100 pages packed with hundreds of predictions which so many are playing out.  So we'll plan on working on the 2021 predictions in November. We'll build the whole Whitedove report, like we did last time, do it over multiple sessions and multiple weeks, and then get it ready to go whenever it is ready. 

US dollar eventually collapses.   Yes, in time, but not for the near term and you need it for now. And a new digital dollar is coming as we already talked about many times.  Many know I have been predicting this would come for years now.  But, I hold US dollars for now, they are the best currency for now.  Remember what I have been writing about for years, for my liquid assets I keep a third of each of the following:  US Dollars, Gold and Silver one ounce American Eagles, and a mix of diminished in time and it will NOT take down the crypto market.  The crypto market won’t be stopped.  So people don’t need to worry about everything.  All of this fear. It is counterproductive.  Just get the good cryptos, stop messing with the junk and sit tight.  The long game is the only big winner game in this.  No get rich quick schemes.  If you hear “get rich quick” then run.  But one more time, this is so important, fearful people keep asking if Crypto's are going bye-bye. But they're not. Well the junk ones are, so many will go away, but we know all about those and which ones they are.  We know about plenty of good ones.  And I wish people would stop fearing it, because they're only helping to create it.  For example, I don't need to know what's going to happen with Tether, even though I do, because I just don’t touch it and I know it's not going to ruin the whole crypto market.  Yes it is a scam.  No it doesn’t take everything down with it.  People should stay away from it.  In short, Tether, sure it's bad, its junk. It'll eventually go away, but it's not going to end the whole crypto market, so don't worry about it.  Being informed is good and smart, but coming from fear is not.

Recession, Depression?  “Yes.”  Mad Max?  “No.”  So people know that I predicted a Stock Market Crash and it happened - - the 2020 global Stock Market Crash began on 20 February 2020.  Now we are in a recession, obviously. And I’ve predicted for many years that we will fall into a Global Depression. And to get there, we will have more Stock Crashes. Spirit has shown me that the Global Shadow government,  have artificially propped up the Global Markets just to purposefully wipe away trillions of dollars, Euros, pounds, Yen, Lira, Yuan etc. I see more Black Mondays or “Black Tuesday, Wednesday, Thursday or Fridays”, meaning big drops on whatever day of the week.  And really just more Stock Market Crashes, as we move towards the Next Great Depression. Yes, there will up run ups too, remember it is rigged.  Thank goodness Spirit  has given us a strategy as I’ve repeated before: Have cash at home, precious metals gold and silver, ladies hang onto your fine jewelry, you’ll need credit, your pantry stocked, freezer stocked, candles, a grill, propane, a generator if you can. Plant a vegetable garden, if you. Have a skill or a few side-hustles to barter and trade. We have our cryptos too! So slowly get prepared. 

But I don’t see things getting all Mad Max like, where all social order just falls apart everywhere.   No, it's not going to get to that point in all places.  Mad Max-y, and I've seen that movie, and like, ugh, but we are not going back to the dark ages like that in all places. But yes some places.  Sadly things get worse because God is clearing away the darkness and the people that enjoy coming from that place of greed, gluttony, selfishness and evil intent. The dark souls that gained some power for a time, well that corruption needs to change and be cleared away. 

And...I mean, this recession/depression is not going to affect all people equally... you know who it's going to affect, the lost sheep that are sent off to the slaughter.  Those who have not done any preparation.  Those who do not have a plan b, c, d and e.  Those who cannot adapt.  Those who do not keep their credit in tack and have us dollars, some cryptos, some gold and or silver, some barter, some credit, some basic stores of essentials.  Again all of the things that Spirit has shared with us over and over and over again.  Many people in the Patreon Group “get it” and will be good to go and will be able to help others and that is what it is about.  People who have only focused on cryptos and not understood the importance of a complete plan will have challenges.  It really is just what spirit has had me write about repeatedly over the years, beginning with my fist book SHE TALKS WITH ANGELS (Pub 2000) And most important is those who will not wake up spiritually run the risk of finding themselves in a manmade hell. Because if they won't spiritually wake up then they won't do the right thing.  So for some people, it's really bad, and for other people who decide to come together and “wake up” they'll be fine. Okay, that's a great way to leave this on a positive.  Because it is really dependent on factors how people get through these challenging times which need to happen to clear the way for GOOD.  Light always wins in the end but there are times where things can get dark for a bit. 

Real Estate Market?  Continue to Make Payments On Your Home?  So a lot of people, as you know, because of coronavirus and so many people aren't employed now, a lot of people can't make payments on their homes. It's really sad. And so they're missing payments. Do I see that banks will just kick people out of their homes or do I see them kind of working with people a little bit where they can?  Bottom line, they, the banks, do not want to own all homes.  They want to make interest and get payments.  They are in the banking business not the real estate business of maintaining homes and all that it entails.  They just want the money, so it is a bit of a complex situation because they will foreclose when they feel the need.  Kind of, kind of, but nothing like what people are expecting. It's so awful because it's a tragedy. 

While this may sound crazy to some, I see the only way to fix a lot of this is if the government would give a blanket short term forgiveness , let's say a couple of months, or three months.  But they won’t.  And, I mean, you hear, okay, here's $1200, if you ever get it, you know many who filed jointly didn’t yet, but either way, I predicted before they even decided to do it that the Government would give money to the people for the first time ever, but it would not be enough.  Spirit shared that with all of us in a report some time ago, when nobody knew what they were going to do it, Spirit showed me, “Yes, they'll do something but it won't be enough and don't count on it to save you.” And that's exactly what happened.  Thank you Spirit for that perfect information. 

Bottom line, if you miss several payments, the bank can and may foreclose on some people.  But if you ask me, will they try to work with some people?  Yes.  Some banks will with some people.  They'll try to work a little bit with some people depending on their credit, depending on each case.  Each case will be looked at based on circumstances.  For some, maybe multigenerational housing is the solution or two or three families moving in together to keep the overhead low. Right now, as we most businesses are still closed, there’s time to think about your options and make plans for you and your loved ones.

So this is going to impact the real estate market?  Oh, yeah. Big time.  For years I have predicted the overall trend in real estate is downward over the years ahead.  Any many have debated me saying “real estate is the best investment.”  No.  It is area dependent and owning a multi-family or apartment complex right now, going into recession and depression where people cannot make rent, is not fun.  It is sad. 

YES, Continue to get prepped as you are able and follow safe budgeting!  Continue to make payments on homes and continue to make car payments and just prep as much as you can.  Yes!  Great Spirit wants us to go on with our lives and carry on, but in a Godly way.  Live your life, what you preach or teach in your belief system. Sadly some people are already in the streets and it's just crazy. The numbers are the highest in so many areas.  And so sad.  So much suicide. Bankruptcy...and remember, banks will not let you withdraw all your money at once … So make a plan that is best for you and your family.  Caution on many banks, a big Red Flag.  Spirit showed me a couple years back the vision of locks on some banks’ doors.  Not all, but…Yeah. But it's coming sooner rather than later at this point. What about the Last Great Depression? Those that had their money at home were far ahead of the game.

Well, yeah. Crazy, So what I am sharing is if at all possible, make your payments on things, do your safe budgeting, but always set aside some extra (if one cannot, THEN down size or right size if at all possible) and SAVE. Get into some of your cryptos and some in gold and silver and some in US dollars, and have some credit available. Credit is going to be important; you don't want to shoot all your credit to shit.  That's going to be very important.  So we should emphasize if you have good credit after all this craziness is done, you can get whatever you want.

Job Change?  Is that something you should do now? If you've got a job, hang on to that thing as long as you can. Yes, if you’ve got a job, and it's good, you should all hold onto that job. If someone doesn’t have a job, then they better get out there and find some work.  You want to have work, get work. Be creative. Dont quit a job unless you have another lined up.

What about the people that are thinking, hey, man, I've got four months of unemployment, I make more on unemployment, so I'm not going to go back to my job, I'll just find a new job after? - I do not advise, but some are thinking it and they're doing it. They're doing it.  But that is just being shortsighted.  No Bueno!  That would not be prudent, to give up your job for the short-term perceived short term money.  It's not a smart move.  So take the long vision, go back to work, who cares if one gets more in unemployment for some weeks. Take the job, the job's more valuable for your long-term needs, and it is the right thing.  Nobody knows that things are not going to bounce back, that's why I'm telling people to hold onto their jobs and be glad they have it, and work, be glad and grateful you have a job because they will become increasingly harder to find. 

Restaurants?   Sadly, and tied to this scarcity of jobs, many restaurants will not even reopen.   It's hard to put a percent on things, but out of every 10 restaurants, do I think, two out of every 10 won't reopen?  It will be an even higher percentage than that.  Higher.  A lot won't reopen. People are just going to go, matter of fact, a lot of them already are letting people go permanently and saying, “sorry, we're done.  We are out.”  So sad but a lot of restaurants aren't going to reopen. I'm not going to put a percent on it, but it's a large number won't reopen. And then those that do, that give it a go, unfortunately a lot of those are still going to fail over time.

What will some of the new jobs in this new economy look like? Because you just brought up, listen, there'll be a lot of unemployed restaurant workers and such unfortunately. What type of jobs will they be able to go to? Or will they?  A lot of them won't.  And a lot of people are already trying to get Social Security or get disability or any way that they could get income, they're trying to do it.

People have to be entrepreneurial, now more than ever.  I have a good friend who is a jeweler.  And his business has been closed and at the rate he's going, he doesn't even know if he should go back to work. He's afraid he's going to lose his business. Yeah, he's got to adapt and get online and get creative and entrepreneurial.  I know that his passion is grilling and smoking meats. And people always need to eat. I suggested a modest food truck, or pop-up operation as an alternative.  And then it is all about delivery, online advertising, having a digital foot print that reaches a target market. 

All of us have to be creative. We have to be open-minded. We have to have something... like I always say, don't put all your eggs in one basket. Have a backup. I’ve always said, I don't care if you're doing great in real estate now, what if?   And right now is the “what if” I have been warning about.  Always have something to fall back on.

Right and so, while there are so many jobs being lost, there's going to be a reboot, kind of an economy 2.0 that's very different.  Very different.  And there are opportunities abounding right now. There are so many niches and so many opportunities, that people need to be creative. Put on their thinking hats.  People have got to get out there and really hustle.  They just have to... this is a hustle, hustle or many are going to be in the streets. And unfortunately if you follow this, you already see this playing out and sadly more is to come--it's just tents pop up in areas, lots of tents and all these people are struggling since we've been shut down and while the virus is real and spreads quicker than anything we have ever seen, I warned the reaction was even more dangerous.  Bottom line, so many have or will lose their homes/places they rent…and really already so many have lost everything, and they're on the street. And we're talking about kids, families, elders -  So sad. Pray for them, help where you can. 

As I have predicted for years, I see more homeless the numbers are going to skyrocket, in the future too.  Yes.

This Recession/Depression Will Be The Worst In Recent History.  Why do people think Spirit has been warning about this for years now.  Sadly. So we know that this recession, this is bad and we all know it's bad. Does Spirit share if this recession will be worse than recessions and depressions that have come before it in history?  Yes. You've heard of the Great Depression?  Of course you have.  This will be the worst one ever.  Unheard of. Crazy.  People will literally go, is this happening? There’re people walking around that still can't believe what's going on. Right now, it feels like an alternate reality, businesses closed, Masks on, refraining from being together with our friends and family.

They're so out of touch, like they can’t fathom what’s next and never saw this next phase coming.  This Recession/Depression it will impact more people than ever because there are more people at any other time in history.  Like Spirit has continually shared with me, it's going to be a global depression all at once. 

Normally the way it went in the world is maybe the U.S. would have a recession while China wasn't, or China would have a recession while Europe wasn't, but this is going to be the first time it's the whole world, and it's the first time that nobody's dollar is backed by gold it is almost purely confidence and perceived national strength or influence. Everybody's PAPER MONEY is just fake, it’s JUST PAPER. So yeah, getting it from Spirit is more important than what any conclusion might be that I would draw.

And remember, Spirit said they're going to change the money, the system of accounting-- they're still sorting out ways to do that.  Some think the plan is all set, but it isn’t.  Digital Currency, they haven't figured it out just yet. They can't all agree, the heads that we can't see, the Global Shadow Government... They can't agree yet, but they'll figure it out, but it's not going to be pleasant.  So anyone who says they know exactly how it will happen is full of it and just guessing.  I can clearly see it is not a done deal. 

Vaccinations for the Coronavirus:  Yes, they're going to really push them and make it pretty much mandatory. But you should never do it. Don't do it.  Well, I can’t tell you what to do.  You do the research and decide on your own.  But I can tell you what I will do or won’t do - I WILL NOT be having a coronavirus vaccine. 

How to not do it?  Well I have to be careful, but let’s think about how I might get around this.  I mean, I know how I would “maybe” not take it. I would just, maybe I would pay someone a fee and I'd say, here's 500 bucks. Just write down that you gave it to me.  Or something like that, apathetically or hypothetically speaking.  That might be one way. But I mean, so people will ask, well, I mean, if they make it mandatory, how do I avoid it? And I guess the answer is - be creative. I'm not going to tell you how to break a law, if it's a law, but the bottom line is you own your body and anything that goes into it and that is God’s law.  So each person decides for themselves or their children.  So you be creative and do what you need to do, but that's about all I'm going to say on that. Medical Freedom is a right.

Bail Out For State Pensions?   No bailout.  So you've heard all these state pensions, obviously states aren't bringing in tax revenues, and states can't just print money like the federal government. And many states were already insolvent but now…  Spirit already shared this many times.  Many of these pensions will not be able to pay their people.  So a lot of their pensions are going to go bust. Do you I see the federal government will bail out a lot of these states?  No.  I shared this a long time ago.  And that feeds into another reason why this is going to be one of the greatest recessions ever, ugh. Before when there was a recession or depression, many states didn't go bankrupt. And there weren't these huge pensions. This is the first time in the history. It’s disgusting when people work hard their entire life and their retirement money is taken from them. All because of the corrupt systems.

Shortages of goods in many countries, the US included?  Right sizing or downsizing? Do I see shortages of any goods? More shortages--think about, where do we get all our stuff from?  Yep, a lot from China.  Of course I see shortages.  Produce, fruit and some essentials.  Also rare things, things that you would normally get overseas or imported in, you know what I mean.  And then anything where crops and or livestock are affected, because crops [crosstalk 00:17:10]. So many things coming from overseas, anything that's going to have tariffs put on it is going to be harder or more expensive to get. Trade wars are probably going to increase.  So there'll be more scarcity of goods. How about things like TVs and stuff like that?  Well, people will hold on to the TVs. They're not expensive. And they don’t really need the next new TV.  That's not going to be a problem.  People are not just going to upgrade or throw their stuff away like they used to as quickly.  And as I predicted people will be down-sizing or right-sizing too, SMART.

Be the “Grey Man” …as my friend previously involved in “trade craft” calls it.  Blend in, that what being the “grey man” means.  Lay low, have a low profile. In trade craft, in the military and intelligence, it's called trade craft, but it's called being the gray man when you make yourself blend it. When you're in public, being the gray man is all about blending in. You don't want to stand out, you don't want to be the boisterous one, the showy one with the Lambo.  You don't want to draw attention.  So people should play the gray man right now.  Remember, crime will be on the rise and you do not want to be a target. 

Don't have an overstated car. Don't have an overstated house.  You want to be under the radar, and you don't want to draw attention to yourself.  Right now is not the time to be flamboyant.  Here's a new problem we're going to have, because we're in the recession already, as far as I'm concerned. A [crosstalk 00:18:54] depression is on its way. Here's the problem. People are fearful, people are out of jobs, out of money. So what happens? They start rioting, they start looting, they start breaking in people's houses.  Who do they go after?  Whoever they think looks like they have money.  So for every household, it's like you need muscle, you need a gun, you need to secure your homes, have safe place to stash your stuff. I hate to say that, but it is true.

Keep Your Guns!  And that's another prediction. They are, in a very tricky way, the government is passing certain laws to take our rights of having guns. They want to do that so badly and they've been trying to do it in very devious ways, but it's tricky how they're going to do it, but that's when you're going to see the people get up and blow. And say basically, they're going to say NO WAY. We have the right to bear arms and we're going to keep our guns. And then there's those people, little duckies, that just have to do whatever someone tells them to, I call them followers, but they don't know where they're going.  They are just blind followers.  Again, like I have been writing about for years when it just didn’t resonate with most people, we are split about 50/50.  Half will just blindly follow and be led to their captivity or slaughter.  But about half will go, “nice try…no way.”

Tara Reade and Joe Biden?  -Tara Reade is claiming sexual harassment. And, yes it is true.  He's such a perv, oh my god, “the eyes” never lie.  Like I shared about Pelosi, she is just evil. Joe is a pervert and even knew about a lot of the pedo stuff that people in upper echelons were/are involved in.    But back to this specific claim that she was raped, I mean, basically. I don't feel that it went to the actual, that level, but definitely molestation, whatever they want to call it Sexual Assault.  But here's my issue. If something like that happens, why are you going to sit on it, you know what I mean? You should bring it--but times were different then and I am not faulting her.  She actually quit, she basically put in a complaint but in so many words kind of just left. There's some corroboration there, but I don't think they'll ever find a paper trail on it.  No. And I do not think it will impact Biden's campaign for presidency more than all of the other issues he already has.  No.  It'll just be kind of be brushed away and lose its legs over time.  Yep. 

Do I think Joe Biden will win? He's ahead in the polls right now.  I know he's ahead. There's still a lot of Trump lovers. More people would choose Trump over Joe, but as time goes on, people are kind of waiting to see what else Trump is going to do with all that is going on and many will watch right up to a little bit before the election and then make their call. But I feel he's going to be doing better: Trump as far as public “perception” and he's going for another campaign run. At one point, he hadn’t decided.

Kim Jung Un. Little rocket man. You know the little Hitler of North Korea?  He disappeared from the public. He disappeared for a while for like several of weeks.  No public appearances, no one could see him. Nobody knew where he was. Everyone was predicting he was dead.  No.  He was not sick with the virus.  He was not having surgery or anything like that.  No.  He basically hid out of fear and also out of... I don't know. Spirit says out of fear and also to... Hold on, I'm looking for the right words. To like revamp, like re-strategize, rethink-  Some wondered and some were saying, "Oh, it looks he might've had an operation or something," but no.  He didn't have an operation. Uh-uh (negative). No.  I know some were theorizing and saying, "There's a puncture wound on his right arm.”  No.  BUT He IS very unhealthy.

He's very unhealthy because he’s evil through and through ... Talk about greed and gluttony . He has to have everything and demands it in large amounts, he loves food. He loves obviously all the earthly pleasures… while his people starve and go without their basics.  He is especially close to his sister. She does whatever he wants because Kim is very paranoid. Kim has no empathy or compassion. He likes to toy and terrorize people; like he’s inside a video game, killing without remorse. I see that he likes to take out his aggression on his own people. His sister has been his confidant, and how she is twisted too. She is rotting from the inside, hate and evil intent will do that that. They plan on hitting South Korea,  Kim is obsessed with reuniting and ruling all of Korea.

He's the definition of greed.  He's in his thirties I believe, still. Do I see him passing anytime soon of heart attack or anything like that?  God, forgive me. I wish. The world would be a better place, but I don't see him out of here lickedly split. He has to be taken out.  China will handle him. I still predict that he will shoot off missiles definitely, he will deify China. They'll tell the USA to back down and shut up too, watch.  I have warned about China for so long. Kim will meet his end at the hand of China.

Asian Giant Hornets. Have you heard about those?  They're called murder hornets. They found them up in North America now in Washington. They've been showing up. They're two inch long hornets that are ridiculously venomous.  That's scary, but  while they are real and they have found them up in the Northwest this year they were in Canada last year. They just migrated a little bit into North America, but is this something that people need to worry about? It's going to be widespread or it's just kind of localized. [cr  I get more “Localized.” Yeah.

Increase in negative entity activity?  I have to tell the truth and share what I get, sadly, right now, Yes. And their negative effect on some people, yes.  So now the question is, “ How can people protect themselves and their loved ones, especially kids, from being affected by this negative energy and activity?”  A few things everyone needs to do.  
, to be aware of it. 
Two, use the Metatron prayer of protection and abundance; it’s on my Home Page, In the Right Column, that is very important. And really, if there was ever a time to pray, and make God a daily part of your life; and to find God in your life, it is NOW.

It doesn't mean you have to be religious, but be spiritual. Live a life in integrity,  be that example and be the best that you can in helping whoever might be in front of you that needs something that you're able to assist with.  It's like we all need to kind of band together and it will be very clear who's on what team Light vs Darkness. That's what it's going to come down to. We're going to have to start to learn to work together on most things/projects.  And the other thing that I've said over and over where people are like, just going to go, "Well, I got this mobile home/RV and I'm just going to move it around and site-see," but live in their RV, or tiny households. Really people are migrating, they're downsizing, but they're getting creative. 

The movement started years ago and to some degree people intuitively felt the need to get out from under a big financial overhead. Now people are saying to themselves, “I didn't realize it was this bad. I thought people were living maybe month-to-month, but it's literally week-to-week.”  And that is true.  Many are living week to week and this is so hard for them and their families.  It is heartbreaking.  Start where you are and just do what you can.  And that's why I think spirit has been sharing with us for years now, "Listen, you need to prep, you need get prepped, you need to do all this stuff, you need to be under the radar and rightsize etc."  And, you're faith and awakening is soooo important... And for me, it goes beyond faith. If there's ever a time to get close to Spirit and feel it, believe it, act on it... Wake up spiritually. Find God in your life. Have a daily conversation, then tune in and listen for guidance, your gut intuition, watch for signs. I'm not saying you’ve got to go to church and pray because no man is superior to God. But you know what is being shared here. 

Beware of Resurgence with the Disgusting KKK.  There are these terrible orgs/groups of idiotic people who ban together out of pure stupidity.  Some are back with a vengeance. I mean, they are awful and prey on the dumb.  Like they say, “no one else makes you feel important but you will be important with us.  Same things gangs do.  They look to the outcasts who are lost and make them think they are important.  They look and recruit the week and disgruntled.  Bad. Bad. Bad!  This must be shut down NOW.  Remember how it happens, they are ingrained that way or if someone doesn't feel like they belong anywhere, those people trick them into making them feel important. Saying, "Oh, you belong with us," and then they have them do horrible things. So that's a crazy thing.

The Stock Market, Will It Drop Again?  YES!  Spirit warned about stock market for years and the Dow was at 30,000. It dropped all the way down to about 18,000. Now it shot back all the way up to like 24,000. Do I see that when it hit 18,000 that was kind of the bottom or do you feel like it's going to go back down from where it is now, maybe below that again?  I feel that it will go back down in time. It may be up, but it will definitely go back down. What they did was they stopped it. They have like a safety net.  I was not surprised to see the DOW go from 30 all the way down to 18. It dropped like 40%. That's huge, and it bounced back up again, but there is more downside to come.  You will see more people “going out of the windows or off the roofs”. But bottom line, it is rigged. They have stoppers. What they do is they have electronic stop systems. If it drops more than a certain percent in so, they shut it down.  Then if it drops again, it's called circuit breakers.  So they have all these things to stop it. But it still went way down to 18 which was shocking to some. But we're going into a depression. Think about that. People were putting their money there. And big big money still will for some time, but the bottom is not in.  Spirit will not share what the bottom is.  Not getting, 15 or 10 or any number so no one knows, just that the bottom is not in.  It's a circuit breaker, it will get closed again, so that’s going to happen again. Yeah. Yeah. More circuit breakers, but the bottoms, you'll have more drops. It's not just going to sit here and go up. You're going to see more drops.

COVID hasn't been affecting children much. It's really just been, the weak or those with preexisting conditions as they say.  And if you're 65 or older or you have a comorbidity, that's who it hits. And it's funny because when spirit originally shared in the info way back in January, I shared “it goes after the weak.” It attacks the weak and the weak are the elderly with health issues, whether it be diabetes, but mostly elderly.  But not so much the children.  There is another reason for that, spirit is protecting the children.  Little kids are innocent let's say up to 12-13 yrs old. It's like you can do whatever you want, but these kids are being saved by the hand of God.

Now this is interesting because you know, again, children haven't been affected much, but yesterday in the news, the news had a story that 85 children have recently got this rare, mysterious illness related to CoronaVirus Novel. This is the thing, because somebody asked me that question and this is how spirit answered it to me. What spirit told me is that the virus is mutating and will change; so it gets worse versus better. And I love when everybody...  like when Donald Trump said once "It's just going to go away just like it came. It's just going to disappear." Look it will eventually go way, BUT it's mutating, making it worse in some ways. Then they're going to call it something else. The coronavirus has and will change or mutate and then it hits people in different areas.  But again, this is not something to fear, it doesn’t kill a high percent of people.  It is serious, it can be deadly, but just like the original prediction, it has huge impact on the world but the gov’t reaction and peoples’ reactions are worse than the virus in many instances.  And listen, for anyone who still doesn’t think anything ever happened, god forbid they were in a nursing home…there is real risk there.  But for the most part, the kids for the most part are, are safe.

Safest country to live in, in the future?  Well, by default, the U.S.  I see in general terms, Europe's going downhill.  And ask yourself, would you want to live in China? No.  Africa, many of the countries there have so many challenges too.  Poor Australia has their problems. The safest country, regardless of all our problems, is probably the United States.  I mean, what other country? I mean, sure the US is jacked up, but pretty much everywhere else is more jacked up. Kind of like the US dollar. Our dollar sucks, but everyone else's dollar is worse, right?  Even though we are having our own issues, our issues affect other economies. It's downhill. But overall, I would not be moving out of the US for many, if any, places.  Well, you know my weakness for Ireland, but having established friends and contacts and knowing the lay of the land is important right now.  I mean, think about it.  Italy's going to be worse. Great Britain's going to be worse. France is going to be worse. Germany's going to be worse. We love Ireland, but they're going to have challenges, too. So it's my advice, find your sweet spot that feels right and hunker down.  But I would not be in or next to a huge city, right?! No.  So the United States is kind of the best looking horse in the glue factory, so to speak.

Some of the states that are the best within the United States, look at Texas for a good economy, North Carolina, South Carolina are great. But if you go to North Carolina, stay away from the little islands off the coast. And even some areas in New Mexico are pretty good and some of the flyover states. So let's leave that question at that.  And, yes, some areas in Arizona, too.  There are lots of good areas but it really is a case by case question.  One state or area may be good for one person but not another, right?!

Microsoft and the infamous 060606 Patent.  You know the company Microsoft?  Reportedly they filed for a patent and supposedly the number of the patent, I can't confirm this, but let us see what spirit gives us. The patent number is supposedly 060606. So there's three sixes in it. Hmm.  The patent is for a device that would be connected to a person and their physical activity. This agreed activity or task would then generate cryptocurrency mining credits by the amount of activity picked up on the device sensor. Does that seem like a real thing to me.  I get they are trying but not like this, no.  No.  I'm blown away with all of that. I don't buy it. I don't see that happening, no not like this is being asked at all. People are talking about it, but it's like people are freaking right now because they fear the unknown. People still can't believe the countries are in shutdown.  But this, no. 

Everything going on right now is really rocking everybody's boat. I goes back to... I also said, that this virus is not just the virus. It's also, is it also the 5G and energies.  It has a terrible effect on all of us because it's not conducive with our God-given energy. Just like your phone. Put it on speakerphone if you can. Don't hold it to your ear. Try to...I know many of you are on computer a lot, but try to stay safe. Because you know your research and computer time. I just don't want you to get the radiation from the computer.

Silver and gold. For so many reasons, even though some will do okay, I would not mess with the silver or gold stocks or ETFs or any paper gold or crypto gold products.  No.  Have it in your possession, physical silver or gold or both.  Not bars, 1 ounce American eagles is what I do.  How do you feel about mining stocks? Like you can get stocks that represent the different mining companies. I wouldn't touch it. Because you have to watch it too much and then the companies can go out of business and they're run by people and who knows what happens with the economy and shutdowns. .

Breaking off Toxic Relationships.   Somebody asks a question. This is a good question. You know, a lot of people have like a brother or sister or family member that's just crazy or toxic or neurotic. It's almost basically toxic to be around them. You know what I'm talking about.  Every family has one and if you don’t know who it is in your family, it is probably you ( smile.)  But seriously, you know what I am talking about.  So people ask me this question, "Listen, I have a family member who I just cannot get on the same page with, but they are a family member. Is it okay just to remove yourself and walk away from that relationship completely?"  Yes.  Absolutely. It's not healthy. It's going to create, you know how they can wear you down.  Best way to do it is often, not always, but often, just put your cards on the table. Say, "Hey we tried. I tried but at this point in the game, I can't continue to move forward because we're really not moving forward. So, I'd like to stay amicable and be friends, no bad blood but I'm going to go my way and I wish you well and have a blessed life. God bless you, and maybe we completed our karma or our lessons and lets move forward, but in different directions.”  Doctors prove that it is actually physically unhealthy to be around them negative people.  And yeah, some people, you don't even owe an explanation. You want to forgive them, not even for that person, but for yourself. That doesn't mean you have to go hang out with them or have coffee or tea and be friends. It just means that you're neutral on it, and you let them have their karma and you're good with yourself because you let it go and you said, "Well, maybe this person isn't just right in their head, and I need to get away from that because it's not healthy." So there are lots of reasons why we have to get away from certain individuals, maybe they are just very toxic people. Debbie downers or however you to put it. Or just not in their right mind, you know? Let them go!!

Air Travel?  People traveling airplane wise, less? Do you see fewer flights now?  : Oh my God, the planes are empty, literally.  COVID is a big hit to the airline industry. This comes down to what I predicted already and where we're only going to have a couple of airlines to choose from.  It's interesting, I remember predicting that some time ago and thinking, "What spurred that?" But now it's so obvious that this is going to play out. So yeah, less air travel obviously because they're going to have to have more space. They're going to have to... But even that doesn't matter. Because even when coronavirus goes away and eventually at some point it does, the economy is getting weaker and weaker. So there are fewer and fewer travelers because there are fewer and fewer people working or vacationing etc.  Yeah. People aren't spending money, they're trying to make it.  

Grocery stores. Do I see them continuing to evolve the way they are or do I think people go more to having personal shoppers or delivery.  Short term, people are having deliveries right now. [crosstalk 00:00:49:37].  And to some degree that will continue into the future.  Yep. I actually see that as an opportunity that some entrepreneurs.  Some have and will crack the code on that.  Some have already and said, "You know what, I'm going to set up a business and go and do people's deliveries because." And some people keep using that service.   There's a lot of people are like, "I don't have a job. I got my kids to feed. What do I do?" Food delivery, restaurant food delivery too.  But yes, grocery stores are and will continue to evolve.  The game's changing. Yeah.  The game's changing, so you've got to adapt. 

Marketing career field.  Some are curious about workplace changes and trade shows. Do I see fewer trade shows in the future?  Yes.  But they'll still have some and they'll just be more sensitive to travel and with more hand sanitizer and masks and such.  The coming trend is fewer.  Marketing will evolve to.

Masks.  Before this even hit the US, I predicted “masks on US citizens who have traditionally never worn them.  And you know people called me out on that and said “not a chance”.  I shared it again, “when you see masks on US citizens who never wear them, then you know it was not contained.”  and now, my gosh, do we see masks.  Spirit never ceases to amaze me.  But masks are NOT the answer really.  Yeah. There's a big debate on that.  And it is really ridiculous that they're making it mandatory for us to wear the mask to go into places.  So I think that's kind of like, you know is almost kind of useless…now please don’t react to this.  It generally useless unless you have the right mask sealed appropriately, which nobody knows how to do or has, the masks aren't doing a whole lot of good, but it is what it is.  Kind of like baby car seats which aren’t generally installed properly.  Masks are pretty much for those who are more in their heads to go, "I got my mask on, I'm good."  To each their own, I haven’t yet and I'm not going to be wearing a mask.  If air is getting in through the mask, then you don't think that some microbe is getting in. Of course it is. I mean, good God, if you can breathe, something's getting in there. I don't know. I mean, unless you have like a legit gas mask, you know one of those crazy things.

JUST A RUMOR - Will there be a big financial event on August 29th with money flying everywhere and some being very happy while others will be very sad?  No, Not an accurate prediction, someone trying to make one, but, no, I’m not seeing that at all.  I generally do not and will not look at any one’s prediction that are put in front of me because I want to be impartial. Mark my words, this is a Non-Event and I share that with love.  

Spokane, Washington, for the next several years? Several years is what they are asking. Yeah, I don't get like no, run away, you know, that's fine.  Ranked high for places to retire even through some property crime.  Every place has risks but this is place has some great natural beauty and rivers and high elevation. 
5/21/20 update: But watch, Volcano activity is inevitable in Washington State

Santa Fe, New Mexico.   Someone wants to move away from Santa Fe, New Mexico, and considering Mexico or Panama. I would not do Mexico and I wouldn't do Panama they are both dangerous places for an outsider.  Nothing wrong with Santa Fe, but if they are just “over it” then so many great places in the US is what I feel is best for them.  But maybe give Santa Fe another chance.  Like mentioned earlier, the U.S. is going to be one of the better places to be. So maybe think about that a little more.  Lots going on in the world right now.  Again, even with all this that we're going through, and that we will go through, the United States has one thing that I notice no other place in the world has. That anybody that has a couple of marbles in their head can come here and come from nothing and take any dream, just about, and make it happen. You can't do that really in any other country like you can here. That still remains.   It's a place for dreamers and workers and hustlers and anything can still happen here, more so than other places.  Remember, in many other countries you will stick out like a sore thumb and people think they can live like, yeah, they can live like kings.  But you're the gringo or outsider.  The locals know you're the outsider and there's a target on you sometimes and health care and medical?  And sometimes you are at risk of getting robbed, jacked and all of that.  So often it is the case that it is just not worth it.

What’s the future of education, kindergarten through 12th grade and college?  That's going to change, the system, the trend was already in place.  It continues.  More online, more home schooling.  Less traditional format.  People are doing home school formats and they're finding that its cost effective and it's better. They know their kids are safe and it's a really a win/win. And States going bankrupt and they're going to have to cut back and education budgets are going be on the chopping block.  And also with all the shootings and all the violence. Sadly that is not over with.  We will see that again.  And it is a way around all of those vaccinations too.

A war in Saudi Arabia within the next months?  They're always fighting there. High risk, shaky stability is what I get.  But a full blown war in the next 9 months… I get more unrest is what I get.  But let me ask you this, why is somebody asking that? We're talking about Saudi, right? Saudi Arabia?  Yeah, Here's why. Because they have... They want to know if they should get political violence insurance while they're in the United Kingdom to protect their business there.  First, I do not know if that is a legit thing and the company behind that type of insurance would have to be seriously vetted.  So they're crazy if they... I wouldn't tell anybody to go to Saudi Arabia, if I had a business there, which I wouldn’t, I would know it is a very high risk venture and stability there is always in flux.  Get out is my gut.  I am sorry to say this, but they're violent people in general terms. They really are. They don't have any love there. And they're tricked and it is pounded into many of their heads, programmed to hate and kill and blow yourself up because of the urban legend that they will get umpteen virgins, you know what I mean.  And of course that is not true but used as propaganda to get people to do awful things.  Saudi is one of the most dangerous places as far as the Middle East goes.  They just got rid of somebody.  Even if there were such a thing as the insurance this person is asking about, I am getting it wouldn’t work out for them.  But, I mean, if that makes you sleep better, and if it's really real, go for it.  But make sure it's a legit. Yeah. Make sure it's a legit company that could actually pay out. And read the fine print and then what is the cost? 

Want to get out of Dodge - Move to a new city?? That's la personal choice. You know what I mean?  I would say Take a couple of weeks and go to those places to see if they acclimate to the energy of that place and the people, you know what I mean? But you need to look at things economically. Texas is probably better than South Florida. South Florida, it's all tourist industry, and that's going to crap, right? Feel the energy, [is what I’m saying.  But if they can’t go check out the places, I’m saying Texas, even though I ... You know how I feel about Texas as it is just not my cup of tea, but I have also shared there are some really good patriot people there and lots of industry.  And Austin and many other areas are great.  I’m leaning more towards Texas.  I mean hey, consider this too, if we are going into a recession and depression, which I predict we are part of what you want is to be around family and friends  that you trust and you don't need to be starting over right now with no allies or trusted people around you.

Our Dog, is waking up in the middle of the night and acting all frightened.  She’s waking up at like 2:00 AM and just kind of sitting there acting crazy.  Well, that's prime time for the spirit world, it's from 2 to 4. She's just overlooking you and she feels heaviness and stress.  But there's nothing wrong with her.  And for some reason other animals are moving around now where you are that is not usual.  Do you have gators near you?  If so, now is mating season and they are moving around now and that is one small factor is what I am seeing.  It will stop soon.  But primarily picking up on the bad/lower vibration that everybody's, fearful and darkness is rampant, and the animals, their instincts know that immediately, and she's a sweetie.  She just needs like a little extra comfort and love and tell her that she's okay and little prayers. She's fine. She'll be fine.  We'll make it fine. This is just temporary.  She won’t do it again tonight, but if she ever does again, just pray and call on Jesus. You know who looks after animals also, Saint Francis. You can call on Saint Francis for help with animals. 

Want to buy a house...do it now or wait for lower prices?  The property market, just like many areas, is really kind of unstable at the moment.  Wait or find something and settle in despite values going down?  Well, I think the prices will go down more, find a property that you can afford now…do not stretch yourself think though. Get yourself situated. Because again, as you're going through a recession and depression, don't worry about saving 15 or 20%. Sure, the house might go down in price, but loans may become harder to get.  Some will want to be settled during a recession and depression and be hunkered in.  Not all, but some.   Find something you can afford. You'll be able to get deals now.  Sure, the real estate market is going to trend down, but right now if you are smart and you do your research, you might find something priced so well now it kind of ends up being the same price two years from now because you can get such a good deal now on it. It depends on the property, right?  You really can get good deals now. There are always good deals for those who research and dig and do their homework.  And I tell people, buy when it's low. You're getting a hell of a deal; the interest rates are really good. So do it now. I don't know why people wait on things when it comes to a place to live.  The most part and I know this is contrary to the way many think, but cars and personal housing is really just an expense.  Investment properties are something different.    What happens is people start to think the property market is going down and it is, but they start to think it might drop another 30%.  So they look at it and they go, 'Oh, the house is 300 now, but maybe in a year, maybe I'll get it for 200.' Well, maybe you will, maybe you won't, right?  And how much did you throw away on rent in the meantime?  Right. We could do that all day long.  The maybe game or the “what if” game. 

North of Seattle, Camano Island, Washington.  So the islands are North of Seattle how do you feel about that is a location to live?  Yes, safe but I would still take some precautions, you know standard safety vigilance.  Yeah. Anytime you're on an island, take precautions, obviously.  But other than that, yes, lots of beauty and peace and nature there for sure.   But don't they get hit with the weather?  But the answer is, if that's where she wants to stay, I don't see a reason to stop her or warn her off and that is important because I have had to do that many times before.

Australia’s East Coast and or Tasmania which would be a safer place to live? Tasmania is an island off the south of Australia.  And it would take days to drive around it, it is pretty big.  they're not really safe when it comes to the coastal areas but you know what, I would go with Melbourne and the East Coast of Australia.  But this is important, you can do Tasmania as well with common sense and it can be good for them. So you could do it, but the thing is they have to have common sense.  Any coastal area around the globe.  If you're prepared, you know for whether it's weather or all the natural kind of stuff and events, because you're out there on the ocean. The coastline.  While it is a big island, it is still an island. 


I hope that you enjoyed this report and I’d love to hear your feedback please comment below

Wishing you Love, Abundance and Perfect Health

Michelle Whitedove

Author, New Thought Teacher, Futurist