Michelle Whitedove

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Raven Adams from Lead with Energy Interviews Michelle Whitedove

An Interview by Raven Adams on March 25, 2020

Michelle Tell us a little about you and what you do!
Well, I do a lot. Since I was a small girl I’ve communicated with Spirit. Though the years I’ve devoted myself to creating a personal relationship with my “Unseen Support Team”, God, my Guardian Angels, my Spirit Guides, the Masters and several Archangels.

For me diversity is the key, that’s the reason that I was selected to take part on the TV show “America’s Psychic Challenge”. I feel that I won that competitive Reality TV show because I’ve trained myself to be close to God and be diverse in my supernatural gifts. I do more than just talk to departed loved ones.

Daily in my readings I counsel my clients about problems in their day-to-day lives and their business solutions, I’m a medical-medium and I use X-ray-like vision to see inside the body to give insights into health issues, I work as a Psychic Detective to help unravel murder mysteries and I love doing Past Life Readings by accessing the Akashic Records to assist my clients in overcoming issues that have bled-through from another lifetime. The most joy and satisfaction I get is from helping children with their issues and I’m able to communicate telepathically with animals too.

Since 1999 I have written six spiritual books and blogged channeled predictions on my website. In 2007 Spirit began to mention a plague, which was repeated in their messages and for humanity to get ready to be self-sufficient have your pantry stocked, have food, water and a generator when it’s possible. Channeled warnings are usually not the best news although it’s better to listen and to be prepared. Most recently I’ve started a Patreon page giving forecasts on Cryptocurrency and Spiritual Insights into world events.  You’ll find that I still lecture and do Radio and TV appearances too.

 What's a misconception about psychic mediums & how do you deal with that?
Today so many people want to be a professional psychic medium. The frauds and the cold-readers make authentic Mediums work that much harder. It’s disheartening that people believe that they can just turn over a few tarot cards and give a reading – that’s ego. Being of service and channeling information form the highest source is much more difficult than that. It may look easy on TV, but gifted medium’s like myself refines his or her abilities with years of daily devotion – though prayer (talking to God) and meditation (listening to Spirit). You have to fine-tune your intuition in order to glean detailed information and facts to relay to a client. This spiritual devotion is how you train yourself to expand and diversify your gifts.

I love your Metatron prayer! What's one of your favorite things about working with him?

The Metatron prayer is very special. The archangel Metatron gave this prayer to me as a powerful prayer of abundance and protection.  The prayer provides protection physically, spiritually, mentally and emotionally. With this prayer it also creates the abundance in your life physically, spiritually, mentally, emotionally. It is a three-dimensional prayer of spheres that encircle the body which represent shields of protection to safeguard you from negative energy. It’s truly transformation.  

I’m blessed to work with Archangel Metatron. He mastered his Earthly incarnation in one lifetime which is unheard of. And so God made him the highest archangel, he sits next to God and scribes for him. Metatron is the highest rank of all the archangels and I was humbled when he gave me the prayer from the top, meaning the God-head and you can't get any better information than that. This is a prayer to help you through these difficult times that's why I asked if I could share it so that others would be able to do this prayer. I want everyone to be protected and abundant and also to be spiritually woke. When this prayer is used on a daily basis it will help you to come into a “state of grace”, a place of unconditional love. The world needs more of that!

What's a tip for people to help them illuminate their light and spread happiness?
First by taking accountability for all their actions or lack of actions. Keeping their body, their temple, God-like and clean and their house in order; to spread the light of unconditional love you have to hold that energy. By utilizing the tools of prayer and meditation you can do that. In prayer, you're talking to God like you would your best friend. In Meditation, you're listening. They both raise your vibration, so it's a win-win. This as a daily devotion is the strongest connection or tool that we have with Spirit. It keeps you in touch and keeps you in a loving vibration of grace versus ego and the duality of negativity.

This is how to develop your gifts, by being attuned to the highest frequency – the Godhead. The higher your natural vibration, the more love and light you emit. Right now we need all Lightworkers up and activated!

Do you have a favorite alien race you connect with and why?
The Blondes are my favorite race of Celestial Beings. Calling them Aliens is kind of a derogatory slang term, they prefer that we call them StarBeings. The Blondes are my favorite because they are the most evolved and most powerful beings that I've ever come across. They are really tall, with blonde hair, translucent bodies, a peaceful race with a very intense energy. It would be difficult for most humans to be in their presence because their energy is overwhelming intense, it makes you tremble. They communicate telepathically and they have a knowing. They can read your mind and your heart. You cannot deceive them. So they only work with humans that can converse telepathically, who are loving, pure of heart and spiritually evolved.

Their purpose is to protect different planets from destruction and to protect certain souls and soul clans that are evolved from be targeted. It's their job to make sure that it's not mayhem and chaos on Earth unless God ordains it. They are watching Earth now.  Humans can’t just reach out to connect with them, it doesn't work that way, these StarBeings choose you.

Where is one place in the world you would consider magical and sacred?
Ireland is my favorite place in the world. It's spiritual, it's sacred and magic still exists there. Farming and real care for the land still exists there. The people are very kind. It's a special place when you touch the ground you feel like you're in a different place and time. It feels like you're in a God-like place almost, like the first level of heaven that's called paradise. People are kind, the land is good. They don't have much violence. They don't have too much darkness there. There are castles that are still lived in and many sacred ancient sites too. It's very light. The fairy kingdom is very active and they make themselves known. They're very visible and they interact. The older Irish, they still put out little things for them, it's a way of honoring all of the little people.  

 Who's been a great mentor that has inspired you over the years?
God is my best friend. That is who I can always depend on. Just know that God has never stopped talking to mankind – but many have not taken the time to listen.

 Who is carrying a bright light right now, anyone in the public eye?
Most of the popular light workers are teachers, passing a long what they have learned. The only ones carrying that bright light and still up and making progress is someone like me.  We need more advanced souls doing the work. I’m not coming from ego, it’s just that souls like me, we work a double shift. I work conducting readings to help one soul at a time. I write spiritual information, I keep doing world prediction updates since 1999 – to help everyone prepare spiritually, mentally and physically so that they can be ready for the shift - - which is here upon us.

Then at night I’m out-of-body working between dimensions too. We need more highly evolved souls to anchor the light to the Earth. There is a battle of Light vs Dark right now, hence the dilemma that we're in.

 What do you use for protection when doing this work? 
I use the Metatron Prayer of Protection and Abundance to shield up daily in prayer. The best thing that you can do for yourself each day is to shield up in prayer. I pray and then I mediate to listen for guidance. Also I keep something on my person, whether that's a cross, an evil eye, a dove or certain stones that are used for protection. With me it's mainly crosses, you'll never find me without a cross, very rarely. I prefer the four directional crosses. You’ll never see me with a crucifix, it’s too depressing; Jesus wants us to spread unconditional love as he did. When I look at the crucifix it reminds of the darkness and the horrible acts that were committed upon Jesus, the brightest light that came to Earth. I have a personal relationship with Jesus and he never shows himself on the cross suffering like that.

For protection, I also have some major crystals in my home and on my desk to help generate natural positive energy.  A good friend just gifted me with a huge labradorite which is an illumination stone. I love black obsidian, rainbow obsidian and black Tourmaline which are my favorite crystals for protection. Black tourmaline is for grounding and keeping negative energy at bay.

Then I also like Sea Salt for protection.  I can't go without salt. You can get big chunks of Pink Himalayan rock salt and put in the four corners of your bedroom or around your bed.  It keeps negativity away as you rest and sleep. 

Everyone might want to consider clearing and blessing your home more frequently. Especially if you have a lot of people visiting because guests that come in, they can leave residue of their energy when leave. No one needs negative energy hanging around.

Michelle How can we find out more about you?
My website: MichelleWhitedove.com/blogs https://bit.ly/authorWhitedove for books www.instagram.com/michellewhitedove www.patreon.com/MichelleWhitedove
www.facebook.com www.Twitter.com/AskWhitedove
www.YouTube.com/MichelleWhitedove http://vimeo.com/michellewhitedove