Michelle Whitedove

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How to Stay Sane in Crazy Times?

by Michelle Whitedove

-Shield up in a prayer of protection. Each morning give thanks and encircle yourself in God’s Protective light. I use the Metatron Prayer. Be sure and say your prayers for family, friends, countries, our leaders, the Earth, the animals, the ocean …

-Come from love, release judgement and become non-reactive. Practice being kind, gentle and helpful to everyone that you come into contact with (even on the telephone) and be aware of how your loving interaction transforms the energy of others

-Let go of things that are not in your control. Worry is like praying for the negative to happen; turn off the negative TV news. Stay positive and keep your environment peaceful because these are the things that you control.

-Be loving towards yourself. Delete negative self talk, replace with positive affirmations: I am loving, I am wise, I am productive, I am creative, I am healthy, I am supported by my Guardian Angels. Practice self-care by eating well, pamper yourself, get some time out in the sunshine, exorcise your body, mind AND spirit!

-Immerse yourself in high vibrational (loving) activities. Read motivational books, watch a really funny movie, Hug your loved ones, play games with your children, practice yoga, turn up the music and dance, pray daily, learn to meditate, cultivate a new hobby…  Have you started your back yard garden?

   Remember, we are all God’s children, we are in this together. Do your best, THIS TOO SHALL PASS!
                             Sending you love and light, Michelle Whitedove

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