Michelle Whitedove

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Global Predictions & Spiritual Insights by Psychic-Medium Michelle Whitedove

this is an Excerpt from the March 3, 2020 Whitedove’s Patreon Coin Report Spiritual Insights and Global
by Michelle Whitedove

Opening Thoughts: Spirit's turned my gifts up and I'm trying to acclimate to this higher frequency. So now I'm able to do other things that are blowing my mind. And Spirit said we're giving you everything that you need for this tough time that we're going through. You know, how it is here on earth now and moving forward. Like others, there are many of us, and I am not saying I am any type of savior or any more special than you, I am just one of God's front line soldiers, so they have amped me up more and it's pretty crazy, I got to tell you.

I’ve had some Patreon subscribers ask why I’ve kept this Patreon so low at only 14.99 per month because others who are less accurate and produce less material are 20.00 to 40.00 per month. Do I ever plan on upping your Patreon fees? Most likely sometime in the future, but definitely not for those who are already in. Once I cap it they will get to stay at their lower price and just new folks will have a higher price, but not any of our friends now. When I started this it was because people kept asking for updates between The Whitedove Reports. So I wanted this to be the least expensive, most affordable but most valuable insights. And as it turns out, I believe that I have had a better track record and produced more information than services who charge double and even upwards of $10,000.00 per year. And when we started our Patreon Channel, I shared with all of our new friends that I would close Patreon availability when I feel it is getting too big and I will do that once the market starts moving again. Well, I will close the 14.99 Tier. I also keep the Patreon price so low, compared to others, because I will likely do one or two special “Whitedove Reports” per year. I was doing this before Patreon and I will continue. I just do what I am directed by Spirit and I feel this Patreon Page is a good value and hope to keep everyone as happy as possible. I do not anticipate doing a new Whitedove Report for some time as I wrote the last one to really get people through a good chunk of the year and for them to get to see many of the predictions play out. That Mega Report we just did, which I’m so grateful has been praised by so many, is still available and VERY relevant and it lists my ratings on 300 or so coins too, you know, all of my Purple and Green to Purple and Green.
It is available at www.michellewhitedove.com and you’ll see the 88 page Whitedove Report: 2020 and Beyond, The Mega Download.

Spiritual Insights and Predictions

Art Verification Question: I recently purchased an “original” oil painting at auction and I’m skeptical that it’s real. It is by a well-known artist and was purchased well below “fair market value.” The artist name is XXXXXXXX, can you see if this is authentic or an embellished giclee?

Whitedove: Yes, I can see that it is actually a real oil painting by the artist, it is a one of a kind, it is not a reproduction and it is authentic. And that is normally not the case. People need to be very careful with art. I would only buy something if I really loved it, not for resale or investment for me. Or sometimes I would buy to support an artist. I love artists and creators. So this is good news, Spirit said it is legit!!

Do you think that it’s possible to really communicate with animals?

Yes, absolutely I can communicate with animals and so can others like me. I can you tell what animals are thinking and what they want. They communicate telepathically and they'll show me pictures with their mind or I'll get a feeling. It's just like when I read people's minds. Well I can read dogs and their energy, their health issues and other animals too.

Once, I was out in LA at a producer's house and he had these very fancy horses; Paso Fino horses, they have a very specific gait. And my producer friend said, "Michelle, I'm having trouble with this one horse. Could you look at it?" I knew this was another test. And so we went out to the horse ring and I approached the trainer and said, "Hey, let me on it. I want to ride her." So I went up to the horse and was stroking its nose and talking to her and asked the trainer, "Give me a hand up?"  Well he snubbed me at first, like who do you think you are?  So I said, "Be a gentleman and help me up." So he helped me up and I got on that horse and rode it around the track very comfortably, very smooth, very easy for a couple of laps, I loved that! When I got off the horse, I looked in the horse eyes, and said my goodbyes - - what a beautiful creature. Horses think very loud! I went back to my friend, the owner, and said, "Your horse says that that man is mistreating her. That he's hitting her to get her to obey, and she does not like her trainer at all, he’s cruel. And that you need to get rid of that trainer because he's beating her to get her to comply. The horse will do better with comraderre and love than being beaten.”  My producer friend was worried about me getting hurt when riding, but the horse and I were doing exactly what we were supposed to be doing. Anyway, if you have any doubt, Animals have souls and they communicate can telepathically with Spiritual Mediums that are gifted in this way as a professional Animal Communicator or Animal Whisperer.

Team Whitedove: So if someone is having trouble with one of their animals or something, they could call you and you could help them with their animals? Is that right?

Michelle: Yeah. People do it all the time. Like the reading I had before I got on the phone with you. She sent a photo of her dog, she wanted to know about its health. Yes, I do work with animals. I love them!

Team Whitedove: Yes, well, I want people to know. Most don't really understand all of your gifts. I don't understand all of your gifts. I'm still learning about the things you can do because you're so modest and you never toot your own horn. And then these things, the more time we spend with you, they just leak out conversationally, organically. And I'm like, what the frig? I didn't know you could do that. Holy cow you can do that. What the frig was that? I'm positively frequently being dumbfounded and I honestly think a lot of your fans on Patreon, literally hundreds and hundreds of them, Michelle, found out about you because of cryptos. They don't realize all these other gifts and talents you have. So I'm trying to slowly get this stuff out to this new Patreon group.
Michelle: You're right. And I don't ever talk about what I can do. Nor the people I have worked with.

Team Whitedove: You never toot your horn and I'm always literally so in awe, not in a fan boy kind of way, but in a like I can’t believe someone can do this kind of way. Like geez, good God. Now find out that you’re an animal whisperer too!


There was an act signed by president Obama in 2014. It's called the HEARTH act. It was made to help expedite the advanced tribal home ownership act. It's got to do with land leasing, basically. It allows the process of Indians to long-term lease their land 25 years at a time, up to 75 years without having to go through all the normal steps. Someone's asking about, did they do this for the reason that Indians could lease their land to Middle Eastern countries, China or was there some other kind of deception behind this? Or was it just to streamline the process of allowing Indian nations to lease their land to normal regular businesses more quickly?

Whitedove: Well it was created to once again take advantage of Native America’s and their land. Yes, they will put money into their pockets with the leases. But most leases will not be for the betterment of humanity. Yes, it could open their lands up to any foreign country to lease but mostly the big oil companies want use of the Native American Indian land for fracking – which is really bad for the Earth! It’s very sad.


Here's a really fascinating question. Is there a message from God encoded in our DNA? Backstory: Some researchers have taken the time to look at ancient core languages and they've linked those languages to the numbers in the top layer of our DNA and decoded it to read, in quotes, "God eternal within the body." So essentially, you know how DNA looks. The top layer has all these numbers and stuff in it. You could take old languages and link up letters to numbers and it would spell that out; "God eternal within the body." Is that something intentional or is that something that people are just reading into it?

Whitedove: It's intentional. Yeah this is true, this is actually a real code within our DNA. Great Spirit says yes – the code has been broken and it reads "God eternal within the body."

Interviewer: So here's the question, can spirit share their thoughts on this and if it is true? And you say it is, wow. So why keep it secret? Does God really want to hide himself from us?

Whitedove: Well, it's our job to find God within ourselves and to live a God-like life. Live your life like a prayer and be godlike… but of your own free will. Our conscience, is our angels whispering to us. Our Journey on Earth is a test! You know, God's not going to give you all the answers, you're down here to figure it out! They (God, your Guardian Angels & give you little signs and messages if you pay attention to them. They help you on this journey, we each were sent to Earth with two guardian angels. But the trick is You Must Invite Them to Intercede; your angels are not able to interfere with your Free-Will. So through Prayer and Meditation you can give them permission. You can say “Thank you God, my Angels and Spirit Guides for helping me, guiding me and protecting me – I give you permission to intercede and intervene with my highest good in mind” So Yes, it’s true the code "God eternal within the body", because we are all sparks of God! Our core essence, your soul was created from a Spark of God.

Interviewer: Wow. So that's amazing because you know, apparently that's been peer reviewed. Other scientists have said, yeah they're not just making that up. It is true just like you said!!


Here's a question about oregano oil. Supposedly high quality food grade oregano oil that's potent is a potent antibacterial and antiviral. Do you believe that's true?

Whitedove: Yes it’s true. All the medicine that we need, mother earth has already given it to us, it's just we have forgotten, lost touch with nature. Go back in time, they didn't have medicine. What did they use? They use nature and the healers that they were called witches or shamans because they worked with Mother Nature. They would go and take this or that flower, this root, this tincture or whatever and make a concoction that would save people from whatever the ailment was. Today there are Naturopathic Doctors that you can go see and Doctors of Chinese Medicine both use herbs to cure!

Interviewer: Oh wow. All right. They say... One of your Patreon’s says they've been taking it a couple drops in water twice a day and their sinus infections have disappeared with oregano oil, that this high quality food grade, if you take a couple of drops of in water twice a day, it gets rid of sinus infections.

Whitedove: Yes, actually that is true and it does other things what I refer to as holistic Eastern, the spiritual approach of medicine. The best thing – Mother Nature’s cures don’t have a lot of the side effects of medication that the pharmacy gives you.

Another health type of question; People are always looking for substances of herbs or whatever to help them. This isn't a herb. It’s a substance called ORMUS. I'll give you a little background on it chemically; it's supposed to be precious metals, mostly gold and platinum and Iridium. And it is said to be in some altered exotic state of matter, where the metals don't form any bonds or crystals, but exist in separate little single atoms. So people, they're supposed to be able to make this thing that science doesn't say you can make and then ingest it and supposedly the material that “the soul or life force of all organisms” is made of. The essence of life is what they're trying to say it is when mixed with water.

Whitedove: I don’t agree with that, it’s quackery, fake stuff - if it does have any positive effect on you, it's placebo effect only. I don’t get anything positive


Colonizing Mars? What level of success do you see Elon Musk's endeavor to colonize Mars, say in the next 15 to 20 years?

Whitedove: They've already done it. They just haven't let the people know that they have people on Mars. So Mars is colonized to some degree at this point. Now, Elon Musk, you know he runs Tesla other things. He's actually trying to work towards doing it on his own as well. So in addition to what's up there already by the different governments, he's looking to try and do it as well. At some point the government probably will stop Elon Musk, but use him in compartmentalized contracts so he doesn’t know the extent. They don't want him solely to have it. He'll be a part of it. So basically he'll have as much success as they allow him. He could do it, and he's already playing a role, maybe more than he even realizes at this point--more than he realizes, definitely. Depending on how much of this information is made public in the next five to 20 years will depend on how much success he has in the next five to 20 years.

Civil Unrest & 2020 Elections

Will we have elections this year or do you think it will be shut down because of the virus or some other reason?

Michelle: I see us still having elections, but I'm seeing where there is a divide between the people, and the system and this is going to create a little bit of civil unrest… and then also with the virus. So I do feel they're going to have to do something different that they never have done before. But Spirit hasn't told me exactly what that is. So they change something in the system of how this is going to sort out for the people and the election. Anyway, the Democrats have already chosen their person. It's already done. And yes, Trump will run and don’t be surprised when he gets it. No, Spirit says, they're not going to let Bernie get the seat, and his health, he can't keep up with it anyways.

Interviewer: Well, I don't know how Biden would either. Biden's brain is sauerkraut.

Michelle: Yeah, I agree with you. But Trump will run and Spirit told me he'll run again and he'll get it. But I have shared this already a long time ago.

  • CORRECT Arpil 2020 Bernie Sanders pulled out of the Presidential Race


Is there a chance that we might have, in the United States, a Medical Martial Law? A few weeks ago it's reported that an executive order was issued by the joint staff, and that's just the military top leadership in the Pentagon, the heads of the military, to initiate some pandemic plans. Now, this is very normal that they do proactive plans and plan for things that could happen, but do you ever feel like Trump might enact a medical martial law because of this virus that's going on?

Michelle: He's not really taking the virus seriously. And the “Planners and Proactive” people who work for him don't know what to do because Trump won't work with them. He's like, let them all die off, this is nothing, people are just making it up. He really doesn't get it, but the people around him do. But nonetheless, this is who we're dealing with as the president. Some things he does well, other things not so much. We are all mortal. No mortal is right all of the time. We are all wrong a lot more than we like to admit. Anyone blindly thinking Trump or anyone will be right all the time is not rooted in reality and not using their head. Trump will be right sometimes and wrong others.

Spirit said that martial law is going to happen regardless. Because of unrest, rioting, so come city and or larger martial law. That's already happening.

Interviewer: Do you see martial law happening because of the coronavirus?

Michelle: I'm not getting a “yes” but it is a potential possibility. Not a YES and not a NO. It's very possible, not right now because Trump isn't taking it seriously, he doesn't understand. But as things develop, it is possible. I'm not going to say it's going to happen, but it is in one of the probabilities that I see, a possible future.

Newest CoronaVirus INSIGHTS

A client shared with me this week after reading my CoronaVirus updates. Her husband has High Security Clearance in the government. He called home and said, you need to buy a freezer and stockpile, it's begun.

Again, what I’ve been saying since the beginning, this is real. Take this serious, it's going to also come to the U.S. and now you're not going to see one out of every two people have this, but there're other disruptions that come along with it. Supply chain disruption, all that stuff. So get your stuff and just be prepared right.

I feel like a broken record – Stock UP: Food, water, medicine, candles, pet food, and a generator if you can. Candles because strangely I see power outages. It's not going to hurt you to be prepared for whatever may come. With that said WE CAN COMBAT the CoronaVirus Novel! Keep reading my Spiritual Friends…

Remember the devastating Australia Fires? When millions of their beautifully unique wildlife that were being destroyed in the fires, the world came together with assistance and equally important the world came together to PRAY FOR RAIN - - God heard the mass prayer and then a downpour came and snuffed out the fires!!! Now more than ever I am asking for Prayer Warriors to Unite!!!

GROUP PRAYER IS POWERFUL ! Join me to Visualize the CoronaVirus Novel CELLS decreasing in power until it is totally ineffective. Because the CoronaVirus Novel was created by man, not God, we can truly make a difference!!! Visualize the CORONAVIRUS Novel (see Photo), see it degrade and implode - give thanks to God for making the CV inactive and unable to harm human and animal life. As Co-creators with God, we have the ability to greatly influence the world around us. Prayer Warriors Unite - lets combat this with Prayer!

LOCATION READINGS Cities States and Countries

British Columbia, Vancouver Islands:
Yeah, I see it. All right. So British Columbia, kind of the West coast of it, especially the Vancouver Islands. It's okay, I don't get any major hits in this particular area, but their economy is not booming. That's the big thing that they're dealing with right now, but that can change AND Spirit's saying it's safe. If you are retired or telecommute and you're looking for a safe place--perfect. Gotta be okay with cold weather of course and I see that's one of the places where they do major whale watching and orcas and everything, off that island.

South Florida:
Well I live here in South Florida sadly and please take no offense, it's pretty much not the best place to live for many reasons. Be it industry or threat of natural/catastrophic events. We're going to get hit with hurricanes, tornadoes. Our coastlines are in, I mean, it is so sad we have so many homeless people more now than ever, much suicide, violent crimes and we're over populated. We're like number one for crime, number one for all the bad stuff here in South Florida: From the Palm Beaches, Fort Lauderdale and Miami all the way down to Homestead. Orlando Area: it's also overpopulated and still risky and there's so many people that went up there from southern Florida... what people do in Florida is they--they just keep moving a little bit more north to get rid of the ruckus, or just the poverty, or over population. Sorry, I wouldn't recommend FL. I really wouldn't. Listen, it's mostly low lands coastline, always at risk of hurricanes, flooding and tornadoes too. I think there are some people that are so in love with Florida maybe, or just out of convenience, that's where they grew up and their family is there. So they're like, well give me at least a safe place in Florida and I sharing with love, Florida is what Florida is. If you're going to live there, you're not going to have the peace of mind of having some security and safety, which you know you're not going to have. But listen, there is no perfect place.

Branson, Missouri has a lot of entertainment and they have a lake there, but someone's asking about the area kind of between Springfield and Branson, that area. Hey, good news, it feels okay. There's not a ton of industry there, but hey, if you're looking for just--but it could be a safe place.

Yeah the Swiss are okay. It's good there, it's fine, but the only thing... I see a lot of mountains. High, high, high peaks and castles and it's really good for people that could retire, just the beauty of it. The one thing I got was avalanches. Also I think there's probably risk of greater recession. Switzerland's got some payback of karma. A lot of karma, Oh, bad karma and some may say bad luck. But, listen, the natural beauty of Switzerland, and if you can be out away from the cities and all the craziness, there is breathtaking natural beauty there, don't discount it!

I hope that you enjoyed this report!
Wishing you Love, Light, Good Health and Abundance,

Michelle Whitedove
Author, New Thought Teacher, Futurist