Michelle Whitedove

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World Predictions - New Psychic Insights by Michelle Whitedove

Prediction Excerpt from Whitedove’s Patreon Report given 9 Nov 2020

Oh my, these are crazy times! Have faith, we can get though the tough times.  Over the past two years we have been given many messages and forecasts. So now we are prepared for the people that we love, we have our good cryptos, some cash, credit and many have a service or a product to barter and our pantries are stocked.  

The Presidency has not been decided contrary to what the Media proclaims. It’s far from over! And you know what they say “It’s not over till the fat lady sings!”
Please stay Prayerful about the election.  

Great Spirit has a lot to share. Buckle up!
Michelle Whitedove 09 Nov 2020

Q&A with Whitedove:
Global Predictions and Spiritual Insights

Election 2020 Update:
Most recently, October 2020 you shared the following exact statement: "I don't see Joe Biden in the picture. If you force me to pick, I'd say I see Trump getting it. But it's not something I'd bet on, Elections are a flip of a coin.  You went on to say, “With that said, our US election day is being held when Mercury retrograde goes direct. The last election that happened was with the Gore-Bush election, and we know how those results flipped. It could do it again. Nothing is written in stone. Predictions are the most probable future, but not the only possible future. The future is in flux! And when Mercury is in retrograde, inexplicable things will happen." That was your quote.

Michelle: I don’t remember, but that sounds right.  I did think that Trump would get a majority of votes and that he was the people’s choice but the “they” would make it look as if it was a close margin.  But now, no one cares about the nitpicking and arguing now.  People want to know where we are today and what will happen.  So let’s see what we get.  Let’s try our best to answer our questions. 

Q: So, there's a theory out there that they secretly watermarked all of the ballots or made them so they were counterfeit proof.  The theory states they did something like that with the ballots, and they sent them out knowing people would cheat, and then they're going to be able to catch the cheaters (because all these ballots have this secret marking on them or tamper proof measure).  People are asking if it's true or not?

Michelle: I am sorry to share this with you, that would be nice, but no.  No that is not the case at all, sorry, I believe it's untrue.  People just make things up on the internet and because people are so emotional and need a coping mechanism they hope it is true and spread it.  I understand, they should have done something like that, but, no. 

They're going to catch some cheaters a different way, because Spirit told me that what Trump was doing:
1) He has all their dirty secrets, so he's already threatening certain people that he will reveal.
2) The people he knows, plus leverage he has with some heavy-hitters that he's involved with to sway them to re-look at the inconsistencies and the outright manipulation of numbers.
3) Trump is going to take this all the way to the top. He's going to fight it, and he's going to say it's a crock of lies, forgery, manipulation and that the outcome was rigged.

Which is true, it's rigged but Trump’s Team needs hard proof. As I have said before; US Elections are rigged, many Presidents are Selected, not Elected. Spirit has warned of this for years. You can read it in my old Blogs. For Election 2020, the numbers are not accurate. Trump actually got it.  But with hacking, rigging is more advanced now. We knew it was a coin toss and I would have never bet on the outcome.  Hey, I would bet on Theta and did.  But an election?  No way.  They are all a coin toss.  But we all knew it’s like the WWE in that we knew they're going to make it look like they're head-and-head. Like what they did to me on America's Psychic Challenge and the Global Psychic Challenge, remember?  I'm kicking butt in all of my challenges, and all of a sudden, the points of some others are going up, so it looks like it's more of a competition or close, when in fact, it wasn't.  There can be no partiality or favoritism in an election or competition; there must be clear rules. Then the rules must be followed … well Spirit says the rules were not followed in this election, period. 

This is going to go all the way. Trump is going to fight it all the way, and they're already recounting. They've already found fraud, and so they have different states ... So, this is what I have to say. I've never seen Joe Biden in-house. As I published “I do not see Joe Biden in the picture.”  But he is not in the picture.  He is not all there mentally.  They picked his running mate strategically.  Obama was speaking for him. His wife was speaking for him, because he's almost not of sound mind. I see him; actually he can barely string sentences together without slurring and mumbling.  Now I am sorry if you are a Biden fan, but there aren’t many.  Many were just not Trump fans.  And I get it, but I will share what I get and hope you forgive me if it doesn’t match with your reality. 

I see that Biden is mentally unstable, and lost his marbles. And he just won't believe how close it is and that he was losing ... in his mind he believes he WON it, and he's saying he won it fair and square.   SO if you believe that then do a recount.  Right?  So recount this state, that state. But they really did find fraud in it. So, the fat lady isn't singing yet.

It ain't over yet! And not only that, Biden's health is so, so bad, his aura is gray and I have shared that for over a year, and he's very sick, and they're trying to keep that away from people, like he's fine, oh, everything's fine.  And it is worse, if you know about a Pedophile and do nothing then you are guilty too.  And I am sorry if you are a Biden fan, I just share what I get.  It is not like I am a Trump fan.  But this guy isn't going to do any better than Trump.  Wait, wait. And he's in the beginning stages of Alzheimer's or dementia. So, he's not present. He's got people telling him what to do. But he can't even make four years, even if he had it, he's not going to make the stretch.

So, that's fascinating, because Spirit shared in the Oct Patreon report "Listen, I don't see Biden in the picture." That's my exact quote from October Patreon report, my quote was exactly, "I don't see Biden in the picture. I feel like Trump would get the majority of votes," which looks like, after the vote-rigging and stuff, looks like that was accurate.  But I would never bet on an election outcome.  NO NO NO.  They are rigged.  Now I would bet on some cryptos and other things and I do.  I get very clear info.  But with elections I put so many disclaimers in there but people always just latch on to the “this guy or that guy.”  They never pay attention to all the info around that. 

So people will look for a back door to get a clear answer from me on the election and I am sorry, I do not get one.  I only get that “ It ain’t over and Trump will fight”.  So some will cleverly ask If I see Kamala Harris in the White House?  Well, I don’t get a clear answer.  I mean, if Joe gets it and if he dies or is declared mentally unsound, yes of course.  But honestly, I can't say to you, Friends, with 100% accuracy, "Oh, Joe Biden gets in, or Trump gets in” because they're redoing everything. I don't know if you watch the news.  I've had to because I have to read through the crap they are saying OR not saying, you know, read between the lines. It's a shit show, mainstream TV News wants us to believe that there was no fraud. Don’t believe it!

Spirit said that the way that things have gone since America started, the Presidential elections ... Spirit said that way will be no more.  That's big, because it's saying, "Guess what, guys? All the rules and everything's going to change, because this isn't working for the people, or for the politicians right now." The ReSet is Real!

If we can't count on or trust the outcome, that is horrific.  That means we are not a democracy.  This is very important.  If we don't have faith in our election, regardless of who you wanted to win, right now we have 70 million people who do not believe the outcome.  And those 70 million are the ones who have guns.  This is a big problem going forward.  Why do you think they want to take everyone’s guns away?  Do Not let them do it.  I have been warning about this for years. 

Hold on ... Give it back, Spirit. Give it back. Oh. Thank you.  Spirit said, "Michelle, it's not that you're necessarily wrong, because it's rigged, but because so many people came out, more than ever, broke any records ... " I got chill bumps. "That it changed the outcome." And I've always said to you, there's always more than one probable outcome.  Remember, I would never bet on the outcome of any election.  They are a coin toss as I have shared for years.  I am sorry, but that is how it is. 

We The People need to know though that the ending can change. Keep praying, keep visualizing your country as you want it to be! Everything is still in motion! Faith in action is powerful.

So, nobody's really trusting anything or anybody, and Trump literally will hold this up and take it all the way to the Supreme Court, unless they do a recount, and they are. They say they're doing a recount. And it's so neck-to-neck, I don't know….

INTERVIEWER: Well, let me read this to you. You had said Trump, when he was first elected in 2016, that it seemed like a timeline had shifted. And then, you later predicted ... Listen to this. You later predicted again, you did not see Trump completing two terms.  You published that again in 2019 in The Whitedove Report 3.  Now, you didn't say he would lose; you didn't say why he would not have two full terms. It could have been for illness, or who knows what, or maybe he didn't even want to run again, you said he was contemplating that at one point, because it is a pain in the ass and they haven’t given him one minute of peace since he has been in office. But you said, "I don't see two complete terms." Okay?

Then, in January of this year, you said the race was going to be really close, too close to predict, and you wouldn't commit to predicting any outcome because you also saw rigging and shenanigans. Then, most recently in October, we kept pushing you, and asked, "Come on, give us your best guess." And you're like, "Listen, it's a coin toss, but I don't see Biden in the picture, and if I had to pick, I see Trump getting it."

And then you wrote and published in the same sentence/paragraph "…I see Trump getting it, but with that said, elections are being held during Mercury retrograde, and the last time this happened was Gore-Bush election, and remember, the results flipped then, and there's a chance it could do it again."

So, when we string all of your predictions together, most of us go, okay, this all makes sense, but you know some of us on Team Whitedove are emotional about this and sorry, some of us wanted Trump to win.  You know the people that are very emotional about this election, and we understand why. 

Michelle:  Sometimes Spirit ... Spirit said this to me as well. They said, "Michelle, you can't always get what you want," meaning, I can't get every answer I want. You know?  "But we give you what you need, and we give it to you in Divine Timing."

INTERVIEWER: All right. Now, let me read this. Most of your predictions are very clear-cut. You said, You said, "Watch for civil unrest and rioting to come in the US," before any of this happened, and it happened. There are hundreds of other predictions that were so clear. But yet with the election, you kept going, "Man, I'm not getting it clear, and I'm just going to share what I get."

We are not covering tracks, just simply saying what you said a minute ago. Spirit, it's in Divine timing, and they give you what you need.  Wish this was one we could get a clear outcome on because we feel it is so important.

Michelle: Sorry.  I can only share what I get.  And this is very important.  I can't give an answer today, whether Biden and Kamala are going to be in, or whether Trump's going to get in. What spirit's sharing with us today is, count on Trump fighting it. There was shenanigans, some of it's going to be proved. Whether it's enough to be proved to flip the results is still up in the air. Okay?

Now  I'm asking Spirit about the Senate in January. Listen, it's 50-50, and it's a coin toss, although I feel that the Republicans will have control over the Senate. 

So, keep working your prayers and your positive intention, because that would probably be a best-case scenario to keep cheating officials in check. Your prayers make a difference!  All right, let's move on.

The ReSet and the Mayan Calendar:
Things are coming together for me, connecting some dots here.  When Trump took the election from Clinton in 2016 it felt like a timeline shifted. This year with the COVID19 global lockdown, it seems like there's this other divergent future going on here.  As I look back this alternate future was foretold in 2010 when Great Spirit gave insights into the Mayan calendar and the year 2012. Do you remember when so many people said the world would end in 2012? But Spirit clarified the meaning of the Great Mayan Sun Disc calendar. Spirit said 2012 was a crossroads in the timeline for humanity and Mother Earth.  It marked a time when SOULS on an individual basis would choose to raise their vibration, and others would digress into the new Dark Age.  That's exactly what's going on. 

Hey, I realize that these are advanced spiritual concepts, so just skip these next paragraphs if it doesn’t resonate with you.

Mother Earth is birthing a new planet. Certain parts of Earth will be in the fourth or fifth dimensions, while other parts of the Earth remain in the third dimension.  Well, we're already actually there. Some people are actually already there. And then, you have those that are like ... Don't want to learn any more. I have my beliefs and that’s it. They're programmed. Let's say they're atheists, whatever reason. But those people unfortunately will go through hell here on Earth, and just blame it on everything else but themselves, or the system.

And this is what I kept trying to explain, that this whole nonsense of complete manipulation that we're going through now is showing the division of the people versus church and state. Going back to the basics, people don't trust anymore the political systems, the broken institutions,  the corrupt man-made things. They don't trust it. So, those “woke” people that are like, "Nope, I'm not taking that vaccination, I'm not taking that test, it's inaccurate," and by the way, it is. And so, it's like people will go off the grid and people will have compounds or communities. But they're not complying with what the government's saying that you have to do in order to play ball and live your life so-called "normal." There's no more of that. And what's normal, anyways?

So where do the evil manipulators go, the ones that have been trying to control us? They'll stay here, to go through the hell on Earth.  On a SOUL Level we all have a knowing. Some people are like, this sucks but I’m going to keep moving forward.  Other people feel an extreme foreboding. That’s why many people and animals are dying right now, not just because of COVID. Some souls are opting out. Look at last year and this year, how many people have passed, shockingly, young and old, no rhyme or reason.

Spirit's like, "Hey, I'm cleaning house." That was given to me this week very directly. God's already willed it to be, the house is to be cleansed. Look at all these fires, floods, tornadoes, earthquakes, volcano ... name it. Its wiped away so that rejuvenation will follow.

Do you see any government or many charity groups going in to help these areas that have been squashed, whether it's been a hurricane, raging fires  or whether it's been a huge increase in homeless building tent cities or parking areas filled with people living out of their cars. Society as we have known it is crashing, for example, Social Security and IRA’s. People, don't hold your breath and wait on that because all the things that the government has promised aren't going to happen. So everyone should be working on their plan A, B, and C.  More people veer off to create their own reality. They say NO to the governments and their ways, and we'll just begin our own ways. Almost starting over again.

Now, what complicates this a little bit more, Mother Earth is already shifting into a lighter version of herself that is peaceful and loving and light, and who's to say that some of us can't just simply walk over the line and think that we're in the same Earth, but we're not, because everything is almost perfect.  Isn't that amazing? I know that's hard for you to wrap your head around. Yeah. But it's happening.  So work on creating your own reality… be positive and prayerful. Its time to step outside of the Matrix.

COVID and whats next
Well, this election showed the people finally said, "We've had enough," and they were out there day and night, picketing, and the police and all of that. Unfortunately, I wish I could tell you, "Oh this COVID is going to go away." It's not. Why? Because it's mutated to even worse than the original COVID19 virus, which was a man-made biological weapon and it was done by China and the Shadow Government. And that's where it originated from, in their labs, and then they sent it out. How smart are they? They don't need to send all of their men into America. They just spray it in the air that everybody's breathing.  People are walking around with masks, and it's not really going to help you.


CHINA: In 2016 You had Predicted that CHINA’s  take over of the US would be a slow infiltration from within . This has proven to be true with the Billions donated to colleges including Harvard, China buying up of America’s major Companies, buying up real estate, China buying access to scientists and American Government officials.  Then you said, "Listen, we're already at war." And then, you know this was created in China, the virus. 

Michelle: Yeah, and it's not over. It's going to get worse. This rigging in the elections, even some of the vote tabulation programs were infiltrated and count more votes for Biden than for Trump. Yes that was actually true, that that actually happened! China and the Shadow government, they are behind this fixing the voting machines, because they want Biden, not Trump. China's behind all of it, to be honest. Biden has been in bed with China for years. I feel that China may even be exposed for some of this rigging. Well, maybe not on the Propaganda News Channels, but alternative News. As of right now Nov 9, 2020, the Election is still in flux. There are too many variables.

Interviewer: Is it true that those bent on getting Trump out of office used computer programs that were developed in the US Intelligence agencies, called the Hammer and Score Card, to change election results for Biden? You just said they did use computer programs to change election results.

Michelle: Yes. It’s true, but they are not talking about that on CNN or MSNBC are they? NO! and Youtube purged so many independent journalists channels that would be happy to share that info.

Interviewer: Did Trump know they were going to do it, and let them do it so he could catch them red-handed?

Michelle: Yes he knew they would try to flip the election. He didn't think it would matter that much. He misjudged the enormity and the varied methods that were used. Just like the VOTE EARLY, was pushed. Why? So the computer programs would know how many votes Trump was ahead and manipulate accordingly!

There is a rumor that Trump’s plan was to allow the vote stealing, then create a sting operation to catch them – No not true! Trump and his team are scrambling – they are in for the big fight!  Right now he’s calling in favors. He knows everyone from years of being a high profile businessman, political donor  and TV icon. I see him  utilizing anybody that  he can tag-team with to help him get the recount and political clout so the final word will be  “Trump won by  1%, or 2% “, that’s what is in the works.!

We know, it’s been pretty calm in the streets since the Mainstream News Proclaimed Biden the winner.  But you want to talk about rioting in the US if they overturn and show voter fraud? Talk about next-level insanity in the US, if they now go back and say, "Oh No, there was some rigging and Trump wins," you know the people that wanted Biden are going to lose it! Antifa style groups will be back and set the whole country on fire, if that happens.  Riots are bound to happen anyways. It's written-

Nobody on the Trump side has gone and lit the cities on fire, since Biden has been claiming victory. It's the other side that goes crazy. So, if this is overturned, look out.  Plus as I’ve said before the Shadow government wants to use Trump as the fall guy. I wish I had more clarity … for some reason they want him to be the most hated President in history.

But it's not only that, but it's also the virus is going to keep on going on, and they're going to demand that we wear a mask and social distancing, and cleanliness - Who's higher than the President? The Shadow Government.  Let me just clarify something here. We're getting ready to go into the next phase, meaning the Coronavirus has mutated to a stronger virus, that they don't have an antidote- even when they say they do! Many people will get it a second time! Many more people to pass and die. And by the way, the numbers that are up there on death are inaccurate. They're higher that’s what Spirit says.

As  I’ve said before… the Coronavirus, It's a prelude to what's coming next, which means- a New Plague is coming. So stay Prepped! What will the new virus look like? What will be the symptoms of that virus?  You can't breathe. Spirit said that there would be different ways for people to pass, but it's based on what's airborne. The next virus will affect the internal organs, where it's like people will say, "I can't breathe," but it's like a fire in your body where your insides burn, basically. It's like burning from the inside out. It will feel like you are on fire. It will manifest like boils on the body, mostly the torso.  

Spirit has shown me; we are in biblical times.  Remember I said to you that Spirit said, "Listen, this is a plague."  The next one's worse, and the next one has a higher mortality rate. Oh, it's coming. It's already here. And so, that's why the numbers- Yeah. Yeah. They're going to lock us down again; it's going to be at least three months, if not six months. The symptoms are more severe, and a higher mortality. The other day Spirit showed me the symptoms its going to feel like burning on the inside, internal organs affected, reddening of the skin rashes and then boils.  There's nothing they can do, once you start bleeding, there is no cure. The first ones to get it are the weakest people, ones that already layers of health issues, underlying conditions, mostly, and sadly the elderly. Those that have a weak immune system; it’s awful, believe me, people will want to be prepped and stay inside for this one!  Build your immune system now.

As I said this on Jan 24, 2020 on the Sarah Westall Show:  “You're prepping for whether that's national catastrophic events, whether it's events that are based on our government, the shadow government I refer to: You are prepared. Let's say here in Florida where I am right now, we have hurricanes, So what do you do? You make sure you're stocked up on water. You make sure your pantry is stocked with canned goods, you make sure you have propane, you have a grill, you make sure you have a generator, start growing some food, fruits and vegetables or herbs in your house or outside of your house.

Basically where let's say if the power goes off which we will see a lot of blackouts and power shortages. What are you going to do if you're not prepped, if you're not ready, then you and your family is at the mercy of whatever it is that they're encountering which there's so many natural catastrophic events in the future. This is something that every household, you have your cars full of gas, anything you can think of. I always tell people here in Florida, "Pull up the hurricane list of things that you need, candles, start canning food, have your pantry stocked, have your freezer stocked, have extra medicine be prepared for whatever may come your way so you're not out there with a bunch of crazy people running around trying to get things when people are just stumbling over other people in creating mayhem and havoc."

Please know, this is not about creating fear, it’s about God’s Grace and God giving you time to prepare while things are relatively calm. 

TRAVEL:  And I can also tell you this. Nobody's going out to countries. Nobody's going to be let into other countries, and they're not going to let people going out of other countries. Do you see what I'm saying?  A total lockdown. And there'll be another lockdown for people in their homes. And if they don't have what they need, and everybody's working out of home right now, then this creates what I said. They're calling it a recession, but we're really going right now into a depression.

For us in the USA, After the election I DO see a second stimulus package passing, where Americans will get checks. SO that’s good so many are in need and hurting. People really need to band together and try to help everyone, because again, if we can all join together for love and peace and the right things, and say we're not going to stand for all of this corruption, then that right there is a division. And it's already happening.

  • CORRECT Jan 2021 People began receiving $600 stimulus checks

And I want to say this. It doesn't mean though, with what I'm talking about right now, spirit said to me ... I said, "Oh my God, this is so scary." I'm talking to spirit. And they said, "That doesn't mean that it applies to everyone." People that are spiritually awakened, they're living their life as a good-natured human being. You know what I'm saying? Good versus bad.  We're going to create our own realities.  And we're doing it right now, and spirit says, if there's ever a time for instant manifestation, it's now. So, spirit even got on me, and I got a little pow-pow, and they said, "From now on, your intent should always be pure, and then, it's what you think about, you bring about. What you visualize, and then you speak it out, invoke it into matter, and you get off your bum and do it!" And that's when we're utilizing the fourth and fifth dimension is, where you have the power to create what you want. Faith in action creates miracles

I literally will say something, and it manifests instantly. Each of us has that spiritual power, God bestowed humans with two great gifts:  Free Will and Manifestation/Co-creation!  Look, you don't know how powerful you are, and your words have power. Your prayers have power! Basically,  keep your thought, and actions pure, keep it positive. Stay away from the negative… what do you get if you dwell in the negative? More of that!  Yeah, got it?

Hey I’m not saying it easy by the way. Sometimes, if you've just been to the dentist, or you had a fender-bender with your car or just lost something that is precious to you.  It's twice has hard to stay real positive and loving, because when you feel like crap of your down in the dumps, so I get it.

But Spirit's saying, "Hey, be careful. We know you feel really bad, but listen your thoughts will create your reality. So, get it fixed, get past it, and get it back to being positive, being your light, loving self." I get it.  

AUSTRALIA -DANIEL ANDREWS is an Australian politician and the current premier of Victoria

Yes, I see him. He does not mess around - Melbourne's five million residents were forced to stay home. This first run was a test, to see how the masses would behave and act.  He is motivated by power and he’s happy to play the dictator. Like, "I'm going to show you Australia ... we are doing this my way! “ His attitude is harsh, I hear "Fuck you and the United States, fuck everybody else. We're holding our own. We're going to lock down. We don't care if you people like it or not."

But they have the less cases of the Coronavirus than anywhere else. Daniel knows that if he has to do it again, he will. Absolutely this was a test to see how he could use his power and his persuasion – for a lock down without much resistance. He shut that down too! He has a camp full of people behind him and the Shadow Government too! He's a little Hitler. Greed, greed, greed, power, power, power, ego. He's not thinking about the common man and their needs.  I do feel like they're going to be stuck with him for longer.

I've been to Australia, and let me tell you, it sure is beautiful there, so pristine. And the wildlife, amazing.  I love the people there too! But this guy – No! 

Are the GMO mosquitoes released in the FL Keys, to stop breeding and stop the spread of disease?   
Gosh I hate mosquitoes, they carry viruses; they're like little vampires. It would be great to get rid of them but they are food for lots of creatures.  This story, I don’t buy it! Spirit says these GMO’s  are a danger to humans, the ecosystems, and won’t do what they were alleged to do.  


What are the real purposes of the Tesla Tower which was built in Milford, Texas?
Hmm, the waves of energy are powerful, but they are being used for ill purposes … what exactly that is, Spirit isn’t saying.  I don't feel that it's good for the environment, or the people.


Do Animals have Souls?
Some Eastern cultures perpetuate the myth of humans reincarnating as animal or insects. This however is untrue. Humans do not return to Earth as part of the animal kingdom. Animals are another group of God’s children and have their own spiritual evolution, so yes they have souls.


Can Michelle share more daily spiritual tools? 
Yes, Great Spirit gave me so much information that’s why I published six books. Each book has stand-alone chapters on different spiritual topics to help guide you through life. In my first book SHE TALKS WITH ANGELS it covers the times that we are living in now as I glimpsed into the future. Other helpful chapters: Prayer- Communicating with the Other Side, Dreams- a window to the Spirit World, Meditation- Connecting to The Source, Auras – the Color of your Energy,  Death- A Coming Home Party, Karma- Reaping what we Sow, The Universal Laws- God’s Strategy for Success and many other chapters. Even my GHOST STALKER Series gives fascinating insights about the afterlife and why some souls turn away from the light of Heaven and choose to stay Earthbound for a while.  Check Out all 6 of my Books and of course I’ll be giving Spiritual Insights and Predictions here and even more on Patreon too!

How do you feel about Tarot Cards, Should we learn to use them to guide our future?
What is in your best interest is developing a personal relationship with God. That’s how you will receive true guidance, through prayer (talking to Spirit) and meditation (listening to Spirit). Talk to God as you would a best friend or a loving father. This is how I receive prophecy for the world and my personal life. You can do it, just set aside time each day to develop that bond.  As you lay in bed every morning start your day with the Metatron Prayer, a prayer of abundance and protection.  Tarot Cards, Oracle Cards & Angel Cards all come with a set of instructions and people tend to use them as a crutch. Sure you can read the meaning of the card but true spiritual insights come from Great Spirit.

My family, are all empaths, I’m wondering what is the best way to get through all of the current and upcoming turmoil associated with all these changes we are going through?  What can we do to lessen feelings of depression and feeling the weight of the world?

For me as a very sensitive empath and spiritual medium, I chose to stay in prayer and meditation, and Spirit's like, "You have to let the people know that if they want to be on the right team, they got to do the work, and the only way that's going to happen, because they're co-creators too, and we're all connected." But if more people would wake up spiritually and apply it and live it, and be it, and be that example, live your life like a prayer, that has a wonderful ripple effect, and it can change people's minds, or at least open them up, touch their heart.

Well, when I get the downloads from Spirit, and I see the images, and I feel it too,  and sometimes its very hard not to fall into depression. It takes an effort to fight  and stay positive.  It takes a very focused effort on a daily basis to lift that weight.  The world is very heavy now. That's why recently I stayed in prayer and meditation for a week. So prayer and meditation are self-healing tools that will work for all of you too.

Also my goal is to master being in a state of Grace here on Earth for extended periods of time, Even though I have one foot in the spirit world, and one foot in this realm obviously  talking to you.

 I have to live my life like a prayer, but the goal for me is, if you achieve Grace and you master it, you can overcome your initial incarnation, your spiritual contract that you have in this life, and surpass it.

The worst thing for anybody to do right now, is to be in the state of fear, and you are constantly mind-effing yourself, and Spirit uses that word, mind-fucking yourself, because you are your worst enemy. Did you know the opposite of LOVE is FEAR?

We all have everything that we need within ourselves. Instead of going outside of yourself, "Let me buy this so it will make me feel better for just a little while," or, "Let me do this, let me do that," everybody's going outside of themselves, but they're not doing their inner work, connecting to their God-part self.  Its time for each of us to develop a personal connection with Spirit.

"Oh, well that means work." About 15 minutes in the morning for meditation, and 15 minutes at night? You can't put a half an hour aside for your own state of mind and sanity, and also to be peaceful, so we can go back to having a peaceful, loving paradise that God created originally? And this is not the first time that the planet's been cleansed.

Q: Michelle I’m thinking about becoming Vegan, I’m taking baby steps; would you agree that this plant based diet would be healthy?

Yes very healthy. Look at a horse of a gorilla such muscular beings that are vegan! We humans don't have to eat meat either. That was an agreement made eons ago, after the Ice Age, and what was left to start over again, meaning with Man, the animal kingdom  made a deal by the Grace of God to say, "Okay, since there's nothing to eat, we'll give up some of our bodies, lives, to sustain human life." But it wasn't supposed to stay like that for eternity, until we wiped everything out. 

It needs to stop ... I feel so bad for the animals and I eat very little meat. But you need to listen to your body.  Once in a while I say "Oh man, I really want a steak.."  Then you need a really good steak and you can have one, ethically grazed and raised. I'll do it every once in a while, because I need the iron, and my body will tell me that, so I'll eat a steak. Not often, but when told to, I do.  Baby Steps!


Q: I’m ready to try and be sober, but I have to go to rehab. I tried to sober up for almost a year, but I have had the hardest time. What is your suggestion, to help me get sober?"

So many people have this issue and my heart aches for you.  First you need to understand that you’re drinking to alter you state of consciousness because you’re having a hard time handling life. I see that you’re overwhelmed. So, instead of dealing with the root of your problems, you’re suppressing them by having drinks, drinks, drinks, because then they feel like, "Oh, I feel good," and you know alcohol's a truth serum.  So, it comes out. It's like drugs or any other addictions. If you can’t handle what’s going on people turn to these poisons. It's self-medication that doesn’t help it because it creates more problems.

Instead of self-medication, why don't you apply the Universal Laws and tools that Spirit's given?  This would be a better way.  Give your problems over to God. Practice the Universal Laws –which are Gods Rules for success. I wrote them in my First book SHE TALKS WITH ANGELS.  Also daily prayer, talking to Great Spirit as you would a best Friend or a loving Father. Turn your problems over to God. Also begin a daily practice of meditation, quieting the mind and listening for solutions. There are many healthy and spiritual tools: Research. Go within. Self-reflect, volunteer to a cause, all of these things. There are so many other healthy outlets. It’s also good for people to have hobbies or things that they're passionate about so they can dive into that. It's imperative.

Social interaction is important too for your mental health. Because if you're alone a lot ... Yeah. You start feeling like, "Why am I here? What's my purpose?” I'm bored. I'm down. I'm depressed,  you’re rehashing negative situations. So, it's like you got a little angel on one shoulder, a little devil on the other. Listen to the angel, and tell the devil to shut the hell up  : D

What's also going on is that darkness is rampant, and this is their time, so they're kicking everybody's ass. They're flipping them, or they're taking them out. We have the highest rate of suicides, and drugs and alcohol lower your resistance to that negative energy. So please, work on yourself Spiritually Speaking. I know that you can do it!


Q: How are you feeling about Social Media these days? Everyone is a bit crazy arguing about the Elections. I’m thinking of taking time away from all of my Social Media accounts – good Idea?

Yes, it's wise to avoid the Mainstream News and social media - a big portion of it, yes, because one, it’s fake and divisive. The Social Media Fact Checkers are a joke, not allowing to read articles and decide for ourself about topics of interest.   If you have Netflix watch the docu-drama The Social Dilemma, It's fascinating, about how there's fake news, and basically they use algorithms, and they just feed you information they think you want to hear to keep you online, and then they sell your attention. They sell your data, and they are building a marketing profile on you – to sell to someone else. Social Media is a data mining business that manipulates us, even our emotions. It’s good to be on Social media less.

The TV News they're distracting you. "Hey, look over here. This is what's going on." So, they're not addressing the real issues because it would scare the hell out of everybody.  But you need to do a little bit of alternative media research to find out a little bit of what's going on, but just don't go down the rabbit hole. Right?  Because you'll go so far down you may not see the end of the light, and that's no good either

With all of this said, we have to say to people, listen. This is one probable future out of many. News is not written in stone, we can change outcomes. We still have the power to change it.  Seriously! The Biden camp and all the fake media got out and started airing his victory acceptance speeches to try and condition us that, "Oh, it's all over with. Stop thinking about it," and no need to pray for a different result. That's part of their whole strategy. Act as if it were true!!! The TV viewers will buy it – keep airing it on all the channels to brainwash us…. All the while they are still counting votes!!  Pure propaganda!

I hope that you enjoyed this report!

Wishing you Love, Light and Abundance,

Michelle Whitedove

Author, New Thought Teacher, Futurist

PS From Team Whitedove. Here are some Alternative Sources and Independent journalist to check out:

One America News Network | SarahWestall.TV | Alan Jones SkyTV | Please feel free to List your favorite News Source below in the comments ( And dont worry your email wont be posted)