Michelle Whitedove

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WHITEDOVE SAID A Bombshell was Coming!

PRESS RELEASE 2 Oct 2020 8:34amET

Whitedove SAID A "BOMBSHELL" WAS COMING--Whitedove Will Do A Full Report On What's Next With Trump & First Lady Tesing Positive For Covid-19
on Patreon

Early September in The Whitedove Report and again here on Patreon a couple of weeks ago we published Whitedove's prediction that a bombshell was coming, something we would all be talking about.  She predicted "I get something big will happen.  I get September...I do not want to speculate and you shouldn't either.  I don't have my finger on it, but something big is in the works!"  Something everyone will talk about.  

So yes, Trump had the virus likely at the end of September and tested positive on 1 Oct.  Now if you want to know how this will play out and how it all happened, tune into the next Patreon Report coming out soon.  

Here's the post published here on Patreon recently:

In Aug, when working on The Whitedove Report Issue 5, the 111 page predictions report (available at michellewhitedove.com), Whitedove talked about September in two separate sections of the report.

-First for cryptos, referencing a pull back…and this has been happening.  “I treat all pullbacks as oppportunities to pick up projects I like with any discretionary funds.  I treat gold and silver the same.”

-Second writing and concern for September was under the global predictions section of the 111 page report, we believe it was on page 51 or so, when we wrote "I keep hearing September, September,  September… it’s a warning! I get mid-Sept to the End of Sept something big will happen. I do not want to speculate and you shouldn't either.  I don’t have my finger on it, but something big is in the works!"

Whitedove said “So of course we had the RBG, Justice of the Supreme Court, her passing and that has bigger implications than most recognize, but I do not feel that was the reason I got mid to end of September.  I feel something more and I want to just let people know to remain calm should something substantial happen.  Something we will all be talking about.”

Now Whitedove wrote this over a month ago and published it a couple of weeks ago so now is about the time you might hear others talking about this.  No, most are not copying her, they just get things sometimes a little later. She wrote about why this might happen in the Whitedove Report; she has been blessed with the gift of long sight and does not think she’s any more special than any other person.  Whitedove always says “I am just the humble messenger.”

So the point of this post is to just stay in LOVE and LIGHT and do not worry or be fearful or have anxiety as you begin to hear others saying what Whitedove shared with you weeks ago. 
Use the Metatron Prayer of Protection and abundance!

Much Love, Team Whitedove
Whitedove PRESS

PS In August we asked,Michelle, is Shadow Government still spreading the virus or is just people spreading the CoronaVirus at this point?  Whitedove said “ Wow Spirit say it’s both!! No wonder it’s not subsiding, the Shadow Government is still putting it out there!! They're still actively spreading this! It's still going with person to person transmission too. It has not stopped. They don’t want it to stop – they want a severe Lock Down to push their Globalist agenda.” Now we are wondering How did Pres.Trump & the First Lady contract it?