Michelle Whitedove

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2018 North Korea Nuclear Update with Psychic Insights

Great news? Well, slightly.

                  by Michelle Whitedove


 Trump is happy to report that North Korean dictator Kim Jong Un has stepped back and announced that North Korea has no need for further nuclear testing. Did this have anything to do with US diplomacy?

With psychic insight, I can clearly state the answer is NO!

What really happened? With psychic insight I know that RocketMan Kim Jong Un made the statement as a direct order from China! During a face to face meeting China’s president & dictator Xi showcased China's military might to remind and frighten Little Kim.   Xi applied pressure to conform, Kim was told that he has disrespected China and disregarded many direct orders and if he continues China will be forced to roll across the borders and take over the country and the Jong regime. Kim was told in no uncertain terms to stop the nuclear testing and provoking Donald Trump. I see that Trump has been wanting an excuse to attack.

Jong Un was told that he was upsetting China’s plan for global dominance. Xi told Kim that China and North Korea can be allies or enemies, “The decision is yours.”   Xi restated all that China does for the country of North Korea and told Kim to “Bow Down”.

This meeting was to reconfirm Kim’s loyalty to China and his duty to conform to China’s directives.  This does not mean denuclearization! I assure you it’s only a suspension - - - a pause in action. Kim is doing what he must do, for now.  My previous predictions still stand.

Prediction: The upcoming Trump - North Korea Summit it’s just a façade.  Both Trump and Little Kim will soon be back to name calling.

The White House propaganda machine is spinning the story that the Trump administration applied pressure to Kim Jong Un and he caved. This is pure propaganda that the US media is happy to promote - - yet is far from the truth.

CONFIRMATION - July 1, 2018 CNBC Says North Korea still working on its nuclear program U.S. intelligence officials say Pyongyang may have recently increased production of fuel for nuclear weapons

CONFIRMATION-  June 19, 2018 Wall Street Journal reports - One week after the Singapore summit, North Korean leader Kim Jong Un embarked on a trip to key ally China for a visit post Summit With Trump. Xi greeted Mr. Kim with a welcoming ceremony including a military honor guard. Xi said “China will, as always, play a constructive role," in the NK Peninsula.
NOTE June 26, 2018 News - Kim fails to destroy nuclear sites despite promise to Trump. North Korea has not dismantled it's rocket test site Sohae. Sohae is not the only testing facility in N.K. but it is considered the most well developed in the nation 


What You Can Do


This time is a gift, I’d ask you to join me to pray for peace on a daily basis. Now is the time to come to a place of understanding and KNOW that Humans are multidimensional beings. Together as a collective consciousness we can affect the course of history.  
Pray and give thanks for global peace. For our children, for our grandchildren, future generations and the Planet Earth. Ask in prayer that the hearts be softened of these war mongers: Trump, Jong Un, Xi, and Putin.

Think globally, take action locally – take a stand for peace.

     Sending Light, Love & Prayers, 
     Michelle Whitedove, Seer and futurist
                                       written 4-21-2018

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